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Vote closed
Scheduled vote count started by HeroCooky on Dec 3, 2024 at 3:58 PM, finished with 14 posts and 8 votes.

  • [X] No. You will shatter them. (Write-In Battlemechs)
    -[X] 1x Commando COM-1B (Medium Damage)
    -[X] 1x Firestarter FS9-H (No Damage)
    -[X] 1x Vulcan VL-5T (Light Damage),
    -[X] 1x Enforcer ENF-4R (No Damage)
    -[X] 1x Griffin GRF-1N (No Damage)
    -[X] 2x Orion ON1-V (Light Damage, No Damage)
    -[X] 1x Zeus ZEU-6T (No Damage)
    -[X] 1x Longbow LGB-0C (Light Damage)
    -[X] 1x Crockett CRK-5003-1 (Light Damage)
    [X] No. You will shatter them. (Write-In Battlemechs)
    -[X] All of them. The researchers working on the Battletech technology can also disembark.
A Year To Pass
"...holy shit," Mayor Walter said, watching the utterly titanic ASSAULT MECHS be slowly moved from the cargo bays of the "Nabu" ships of the offworldlers, alongside a dozen other Mechs, most seemingly pristine.

"...dibs on the Longbow," Sheriff Nina muttered under her breath, more than a little disturbed at seeing the Heads and Captain of the Furina De Fontaine not merely tell them their demands were horrifyingly low and they would build what they thought was adequate levels of civilian industry and education facilities, but then also plonk down completely prizeless Battlemechs on their front door, with all of them even coming with a pretty ribbon, courtesy of some joker somewhere, no doubt.

"D-do we even have enough...are there even enough people who can pilot them?" Mayor Walter asked, blinking, stunned, and slowly coming out of his shock at seeing reality catch up to promises made.

" not sure?"

The process to uplift Gunhallow's people to an acceptable level of industrial capability capable of starting the path to self-sufficiency will take at least an entire year, at which point the Furina De Fontain can set out again to seek more places to set down colonies and bring in already colonized planets into the UNSC as new members.

And while the onboard telescopes and astrophysicists and astronomers are hard at work analyzing everything they can about neighboring systems to identify potential candidate planets for colonization, the people of Gunhallow themselves have offered a target for bringing into the budding nation that could be persuaded to at least entertain joining the UNSC; Gunhallow's closest trading partner.

The planet of:
(6-Hour Moratorium)
[] Arcanum
(Point of Interest: IndustrialMech Production?)
[] Sigar IV
(Point of Interest: Highly Developed Metalwork?)
[] Numaris
(Point of Interest: ComStar Ruins?)
Arcanum seems like the most interesting and appealing planet as a concept.

It's also the most inhabited and functional of the three planets, which is like being the least destroyed trailer in a park after a tornado swept through it.
I don't think we have access to FTL communications so the ComStar ruins might get us some nice finds. Unless they don't have FTL comms and I'm misremembering Battletech lore.
Wow, these planets aren't uh... very populated. We're not just in the boonies guys, we're in the boonies of the boonies.
That's the general consensus of what the Deep Periphery is, yes.
I don't think we have access to FTL communications so the ComStar ruins might get us some nice finds. Unless they don't have FTL comms and I'm misremembering Battletech lore.
ComStar is the interstellar phone company, so you remember right.

But keep in mind that those ruins would be on a planet that would have had an incentive to rip even the copper out of the walls.

Each planet has its ups and downs, and if you only go by POIs presented you will not have a pleasant time.

But seriously; Night!
[] Arcanum
(Point of Interest: IndustrialMech Production?)

Production boost for our budding Empire.

[] Sigar IV
(Point of Interest: Highly Developed Metalwork?)

Resources are the building blocks for any nation.

[] Numaris
(Point of Interest: ComStar Ruins?)

Research boost, it would be amazing to start our interstellar nation with FTL Coms.
I don't think we have access to FTL communications so the ComStar ruins might get us some nice finds. Unless they don't have FTL comms and I'm misremembering Battletech lore.
We might find remains of an HPG, but it's derivative off the KF technology so we could discover it on our own, and it's of limited use to communications with the wider galaxy due to ComStar being ComStar.

I'd rather grab the cool and interesting planet rather than the authoritarian shithole that had 2/3 its women die because giving them medical care is illegal and is currently in the process of imploding.

Currently neither planet actually exists, so I'd rather summon the first into existence. And I'd rather Numaris never became canon to the quest.
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[] Sigar IV
It was obvious which one I was going to choose, although I honestly didn't expect it to appear so quickly.
Arcanum interests me since then having IndustrialMech productions means we could tackle the BattleMecha faster since the former are the predecessor for the latter.

Otherwise Sigar IV if we want to make sure we're okay in resources since this isn't Commander Mod (/s) though it's the only known planet description at the moment versus the other two... I think unless it's in the comments section... :V
[X] Sigar IV
Two primary reasons: one for our benefit, one for theirs.
On our side, I'm hoping for a boost to the PRIMITIVE ARMOR technology, which has the second longest research time of all available projects. At 15 years, it is 3x as long as the Myomer project that I'm assuming would be the IndustrialMech-related technology that we would gain from Arcanum. Plus, advanced metal and armor would be useful even for non-Battlemech designs, whether in contruction or just smaller-scale military platforms that we can already build.
On their side, Sigar is in the worst state of all the options, with the population falling to 0.5 million and suffering technology collapse. That means both that we have a duty to uplift them ASAP, and that it will be easy to quickly build ties with.

Side note, I would still be fine with Arcanum, since IndustrialMech are useful and they sound fun; but I'd prefer to have Numaris wait until we're built up more. You know, to make sure we can bring enough 'gifts' for them, and have enough people on hand to 'help' them.
(I'm saying I want to forcefully invade and occupy them, because they sound like assholes )
[X] Sigar IV

Going to vote for this after reading the other two... Uh, yeah, Numaris feels like something we'll be at odds greatly due to how they discriminate against women??? whilst Arcanum feels like Intrigue-based: when honor and conduct is the face of something, there's likely going to be a dark side underneath it all. :X I mean, look at ComStar for example! :V

Sigar doesn't have any leaders, though there are many Warlords. That seems easier, in paper, but I can't help but feel like they'll see us as invaders if we attempt to do outside of the trading connection... @_@; But the resources they have seems like a big boon if any...
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