Voting will open in 1 day, 13 hours
"New potential manufacturing techniques" has me practically salivating at the thought of improved effiency for our manufactories. Though admitedly, could turn out it "just" opens up the ability to make some things previously impossible or non-practical with our current capabilities. @Neablis how sure is Vita about where this might lead? I'm guessing that it might require additional follow-up research, but can you specify a bit about what kind of improvements it would include? If Vita can make an educated guess herself about this, that is.
It's closer to the Exotic matter manufacturing system than productivity upgrades, and you're still a little ways off from it. Think "New ways to build stuff" not "Better ways to build stuff." Antigrav etc.

Straight productivity upgrades are going to be fairly few and far between - the next one is under "Really good Robotics." The way to get more production is to build more production.
Hmmm, actually a bit worse than I expected, with the continued existence of Mechanicus Enclaves and the official ban on AI. Yeah, feeling at least a bit vindicated about taking the semi-paranoia -route at the start. Carefully putting out feelers on organizations and/or individuals who might be open to working with us is practically required, I think. Might require us obfuscating Vita's true nature even from if/when we start working with them, even if only for a limited time.

Also, the repeated "wtf am I hearing?" was still probably the gentles slope we could hope for our dorky AI for slowly settling in to the reality that is the current state of the galaxy. And somewhat funny in a dark way, like all those bits about the Tau experiencing what the universe has in store for them as newcomers.

All imperial successor states have to possess some kind of ad mech or ad-mech-like presence, there simply is no mechanism by which technological expertise can be transferred in good time to the wider society. Put bluntly if you kill all the tech priests and take their stuff you will suffer technological regression before you can figure it out because most of the important information about why stuff works is on databanks you need tech priest implants and codes to access.

That being said I think our best bet is to peel off some portion of the local ad mech, pretend to be an ancient machine spirit from the Dark Age of Technology (which is probably truer than not since many of the more advanced machine spirits the ad mech knows of are secretly AI). Once we have some allies on the inside and a good grasp on the theology we can re-orientate to figure out if we want to subvert the whole ad mech in system or pivot to other elites
In case of research,I think we should knock out the pointwise cheap options first before moving on to four digits endeavors
There is always a temptation to go ham on big projects first but our priority should be,once again,establishing foundations both in technology and infrastructure
And currently I'd say its way too early for Void operations so let's keep our focus on the groundside
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Thoughts on the Politics of the Region:

The Telepathica:
The fact that they are here either indicates that this world was more central to local imperial rule than seems apparent which would indicate that imperial control shattered across a large area, multiple sectors at least or there is a nonadministrative reason for putting a Telepathica campus here, maybe the pet project of some radical Inquisitor, ambitious Rogue Trader out for profit, Arch-Magos looking for an out of the way to study psy-tech etc... Really given how many groups there are with something to hide in the Imperium, especially when it comes to the study of the Warp there is no lack of potential culprits.

Cutting themselves off is... sensible given the prevailing imperial sentiment to psykers and the fact that the rebels would have less reason than normal to follow the law, though the fact that they have not starved in those monasteries and especially that they are still taking in acolytes indicates there is some kind of agreement with the governments of the five nations. That is a pretty good sign in one sense because it means that the people in charge are inclined to be practical and rational when it comes to psykers, but it's a bad sign in another because it indicates they are hedging against a return of the Empire. Personally I think they are being too optimistic. The amount of war crimes likely to be inflicted on Denva as it is brought back into compliance would be far more dependent on who happens to be doing the purging than what they did in the interim. Hell if they get someone too puritanical I could see 'psykers allowed to run loose for more than a century, kill them all just to be sure'.

Also the fact that the locals are doing something with their psykers that isn't a generalized purge is a hopeful sign that they do not have cults running around at high levels. The reason a lot of rebelious realms end up falling to chaos is a combination of desperation in the face of Imperial revanchism and the fact that most of the people who even know what Chaos is much less how to fight it tend to be at the high levels, i.e. at the ground zero of the nuke that killed off House Denva in this case.

When it comes to stuff we can give them, warp shielding. Seriously this thing is the holy grail as far as the Telepathica is concerned, if only they would trust us this is the kind of thing Imperial psykers would if not sell their souls for then sell someone else's soul for. In essence that is the deal they have going with the Emperor who they 'know' as a matter of doctrine hates them. Vitan can provide better protection from having their souls eaten than the Emperor on distant Tera can give them and she is also not an asshole about it.

The Ad Mech Enclaves
When the rebelion started these guys actively decided to stay out of it, other elements might not have, but something tells me they were also at ground zero of a nuke so not really our concern anymore. I think they too are limiting contact as a kind of hedge against imperial return, but their situation is also more precarious than the psykers. The enclaves provide all kinds of valuable goods that the rich want and they are also the keepers of tech that the general populace know could improve their lives which they are being denied. It really would not take much for one or more of the nations to start a war against them unless they too have leftover Imperial WMDs. That question is vital to their overall motvation:

If they do not have WMDs than they are pretty desperate, looking to either make some, which is hard since innovation is not welcome in their theology, or call out to the Empire at large. They could for instance try to send a sub-FTL ship to the nearest system if they still have space lift capability. This is in some ways the ideal situation for us since Vita comes bearing gifts

If they do have WMDs than it's a waiting game that they have every chance of winning, since tech priests will have a lot more technical know-how to keep the weapons operational than the five nations. In that case the civilian leaders on the other side may be looking for a leg up in the long run.

The Five Nations
The fact that they maintain a pact to work together against external invasion indicates that the rebelion wasn't too traumatic, we are not dealing with people calling the other side heretic and accusing them of eating babies which is generally good, the fact that they are democracies means we can expect base levels of competence 'enough to get elected', not say Grigorious Aleksander the XXVth whose never been outside the family estates and pleasure gardens or the like, but it also means they will be beholden to public opinion. We need some way to reach out not just to the elites, but to the general public to make sure some rabble rouser does not rally support to kill the Abominable Intelligence. The elites are going to want Juve Nat, no question, the population are going to want their standard of living back, they know that they are living with sub-par tech right now.
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Neablis, on research suggestions: unless you were already planning on it, how about hacking and/or electronic warfare package, based on a specific faction's technology? So different ones for the Imperium/AdMech, the Tau, etc. Well, as long as the faction has a technology base that can be hacked conventionally in the first place.

Would probably be locked behind "What's up with this tech? (100 RP, requires basic samples from locals)" and actually hacking them in them first to get practical experience, which we might be doing on this turn if we end up going with Alectai's plan-draft.
[ ] Plan: Oh no it's worse than I thought
-[ ] Construction
--[ ] Complete Underground Manufactory (100 CP)
-[ ] Research x3
--[] Hack into secure governmental databases (100 RP)
--[] Hack into Mechanicus databases (250 RP)
--[] Avatar (200 RP)
--[] Psychic shielding: (50 RP)

Plan here is essentially "Trawl the Datanet for everything we can find, and set up an Avatar for Direct Action if we can't find a hole we can move through to act more openly and ease people in while we build up. We also will finish our first underground manufactory, which puts building another one as merely needing two actions in the future. Progress!

I like this plan, though I think we should build a biology lab underground to study the local flora and fauna to see if there's anything useful there. From what I gather, we have a good understanding of the civilization on the planet but not the environment. I'm sure we know some of the wildlife and most used plants from what we dug up but I doubt it's very in-depth. Who knows, we might get inspiration for some designs and maybe even be able to build farms and such.

[X] Plan Prepping for first contact
-[X] Construction x2
--[X] Complete Underground Manufactory (100 BP)
--[X] Build underground biology lab (150 BP, 50 CP)
-[X] Research x2
--[X] Hack into secure governmental databases (100 RP)
--[X] Hack into Mechanicus databases (250 RP)
--[X] Psychic shielding: (50 RP)

Hey @Neablis, will we get the extra BP if we complete the underground factory this turn to complete the Biology lab?
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I like this plan, though I think we should build a biology lab underground to study the local flora and fauna to see if there's anything useful there. From what I gather, we have a good understanding of the civilization on the planet but not the environment. I'm sure we know some of the wildlife and most used plants from what we dug up but I doubt it's very in-depth. Who knows, we might get inspiration for some designs and maybe even be able to build farms and such.

I do not think the biosphere is likely to hold something too interesting, This seems to be a regular planet, not to warp touched, no sign of Eldar meddling etc... About the only weird thing about it is the presence of the Telepathica campuses and that could just be politics, indeed judging by the fact they do not go out to interact with the wildlife it's probably not that.
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[X] Plan: Oh no it's worse than I thought
[X] Aesthetic:a big,fat,thick disc that is colourfully painted with turret towers dotting on and under it like a birthday cake
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[X] Plan: Oh no it's worse than I thought
-[X] Construction
--[X] Complete Underground Manufactory (100 CP)
-[X] Research x3
--[X] Hack into secure governmental databases (100 RP)
--[X] Hack into Mechanicus databases (250 RP)
--[X] Avatar (200 RP)
--[X] Psychic shielding: (50 RP)

[X] Aesthetic: Sharp, angular designs in black and grey, with orange highlights to add a shock of color as appropriate. If you've seen Civilization: Beyond Earth's Supremacy Ideology, you've got a decent idea of what I'm getting at. That being said, there's a certain allowance for aesthetic in Vita's designs that wouldn't be present in a design of pure mathematical perfection--tanks look like tanks rather than blocks of armor. Infantry look like infantry instead of the most mathematically perfect war machines for light battle duties--she is ultimately an adventurer at heart, and there's no fun in watching metal boxes shoot at things. Notably, the design principles do share commonalities with those employed in available STC-derived mechanisms, showing their common point of origin--there is no mind breaking defiance in any of her designs, and they work on sensible design principles aside from how their chassis might look. It may also help to look to the Metal Gear franchise for other samples here and there--the point is "Advanced without seeming outrageously so" Other Examples (Starship, Cybernetics )

[X] Aesthetic: Basically lower end Xenosaga, absent the more reality breaking shit that is present on the top end that are practically Craftworlds in themselves, look, that might be a bit too far along the lines of "Super Advanced", but damn is it stylish.
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[X] Plan: Oh no it's worse than I thought

[X] Aesthetic: Sharp, angular designs in black and grey, with orange highlights to add a shock of color as appropriate. If you've seen Civilization: Beyond Earth's Supremacy Ideology, you've got a decent idea of what I'm getting at. That being said, there's a certain allowance for aesthetic in Vita's designs that wouldn't be present in a design of pure mathematical perfection--tanks look like tanks rather than blocks of armor. Infantry look like infantry instead of the most mathematically perfect war machines for light battle duties--she is ultimately an adventurer at heart, and there's no fun in watching metal boxes shoot at things. Notably, the design principles do share commonalities with those employed in available STC-derived mechanisms, showing their common point of origin--there is no mind breaking defiance in any of her designs, and they work on sensible design principles aside from how their chassis might look. It may also help to look to the Metal Gear franchise for other samples here and there--the point is "Advanced without seeming outrageously so" Other Examples (Starship, Cybernetics )

[X] Aesthetic: Basically lower end Xenosaga, absent the more reality breaking shit that is present on the top end that are practically Craftworlds in themselves, look, that might be a bit too far along the lines of "Super Advanced", but damn is it stylish.

[X] Plan: The Factory Must Grow
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[X] Plan: The Factory Must Grow
-[X] Construction x2
--[X] Complete Underground Manufactory (100 CP)
--[X] Construct Underground Manufactory (150/300 CP)
-[X] Research x2
--[X] Hack into secure governmental databases (100 RP)
--[X] Hack into Mechanicus databases (250 RP)
--[X] Avatar (50/200 RP)

Thr Manufactory finishing immediately gives our subsequent Construction actions 150 CP, enough to build another Underground Manufactory in only two actions instead of three. If you've looked at the frankly ridiculous coat of doing anything in space, you know we're going to need it, and more. But our research is also really important, so I'm only splitting off one action here.
The fact that they are here either indicates that this world was more central to local imperial rule than seems apparent which would indicate that imperial control shattered across a large area, multiple sectors at least or there is a nonadministrative reason for putting a Telepathica campus here, maybe the pet project of some radical Inquisitor, ambitious Rogue Trader out for profit, Arch-Magos looking for an out of the way to study psy-tech etc... Really given how many groups there are with something to hide in the Imperium, especially when it comes to the study of the Warp there is no lack of potential culprits.
There isn't an obvious telepathica campus here. There was an astropathic choir that doesn't seem to have been very important in the grand scheme of things. They dropped off the local map after the great storm, and only show up again in reference to the mountain monasteries.

Neablis, on research suggestions: unless you were already planning on it, how about hacking and/or electronic warfare package, based on a specific faction's technology? So different ones for the Imperium/AdMech, the Tau, etc. Well, as long as the faction has a technology base that can be hacked conventionally in the first place.

Would probably be locked behind "What's up with this tech? (100 RP, requires basic samples from locals)" and actually hacking them in them first to get practical experience, which we might be doing on this turn if we end up going with Alectai's plan-draft.
Hmm. Yeah, I'll add it in. It's in the informational post, not the available research spoiler in the turn 2 update. Requires both hacking & technological analysis prereqs.

Hey @Neablis, will we get the extra BP if we complete the underground factory this turn to complete the Biology lab?
Yeah. This plan template is valid.
There isn't an obvious telepathica campus here. There was an astropathic choir that doesn't seem to have been very important in the grand scheme of things. They dropped off the local map after the great storm, and only show up again in reference to the mountain monasteries.

Interesting... What kind of timeline are we talking about here? How long did they vanish for?

I ask because being an astropath and training other psykers are very different skillsets, not to mention astropahts are uniquely broken/empowered by the process of soul-binding.
Interesting... What kind of timeline are we talking about here? How long did they vanish for?

I ask because being an astropath and training other psykers are very different skillsets, not to mention astropahts are uniquely broken/empowered by the process of soul-binding.
You're not entirely sure. There was an astropathic choir, then contact was lost, then there was the rebellion and the choir never got mentioned except in vague reference to the monasteries. Which seem to have existed before the rebellion, but have become more prominent since then.
I like Alectai's plan, and Civ: BE Supremacy aesthetic. Though I have some supplementary suggestions to the aesthetics, I won't include it to the vote itself, or make my own for that matter. Because while I think that the Supremacy is a good aesthetic on the lower end of the pool, Endless Space 2's Vodyani faction might work as a good inspiration for it might look on higher end of the tech tree. The reason I'm not trying to make my own vote for it is because they are basically the same aesthetic.

I mean, look at these designs for comparison, which is funny. Specifically because the links to three out of the four pictures are from the same page where someone else is pointing out the similarities (outside-of-SV link to that page), with the exception of the last one:

[X] Plan: Oh no it's worse than I thought
[X] Aesthetic:
Sharp, angular designs in black and grey, with orange highlights to add a shock of color as appropriate. If you've seen Civilization: Beyond Earth's Supremacy Ideology, you've got a decent idea of what I'm getting at. That being said, there's a certain allowance for aesthetic in Vita's designs that wouldn't be present in a design of pure mathematical perfection--tanks look like tanks rather than blocks of armor. Infantry look like infantry instead of the most mathematically perfect war machines for light battle duties--she is ultimately an adventurer at heart, and there's no fun in watching metal boxes shoot at things. Notably, the design principles do share commonalities with those employed in available STC-derived mechanisms, showing their common point of origin--there is no mind breaking defiance in any of her designs, and they work on sensible design principles aside from how their chassis might look. It may also help to look to the Metal Gear franchise for other samples here and there--the point is "Advanced without seeming outrageously so" Other Examples (Starship, Cybernetics )
You're not entirely sure. There was an astropathic choir, then contact was lost, then there was the rebellion and the choir never got mentioned except in vague reference to the monasteries. Which seem to have existed before the rebellion, but have become more prominent since then.

OK so... this is about the point where an Inquisitor would be screaming 'Chaos' and killing everyone in the same postal code as those monasteries.

Fortunately we are not one of those, but we still have a bit of a mystery on our hands. Where did the skill in training psykers come from? It can't really be the astropaths since they only got astropath training which leans on the soul binding and is also about talking over interstellar distances through interpretive nightmares.

Basic lessons probably translate over 'when you get angry don't bite off the head of a chicken and draw the symbol of Khorne in its blood, it never helps' that kind of thing, but if they can take the full psyker output of an entire planet and train a meaningful number of them they have more than that.
OK so... this is about the point where an Inquisitor would be screaming 'Chaos' and killing everyone in the same postal code as those monasteries.

Fortunately we are not one of those, but we still have a bit of a mystery on our hands. Where did the skill in training psykers come from? It can't really be the astropaths since they only got astropath training which leans on the soul binding and is also about talking over interstellar distances through interpretive nightmares.

Basic lessons probably translate over 'when you get angry don't bite off the head of a chicken and draw the symbol of Khorne in its blood, it never helps' that kind of thing, but if they can take the full psyker output of an entire planet and train a meaningful number of them they have more than that.
From what I understand what has been said before by our QM, both IC in the updates and OOC outside of them... These are not in any way, shape or form actually useful psykers. But they are psykers that know how to not explode into a warp-portal. Or get possessed. Or not just suddenly keel over as their brain fries itself. Probably.

So they likely spend all of their time meditating (or something like that) and full-time learning how to supress their powers, and never use them outside of learning better how to supress them and any whispers from the warp.

We rolled their understanding about psychic traditions (among all other major aspects), and we got 3/6 as a result, for all three sets of rolls we could later choose from in "Neighboring Civilization Options". So they likely know just enough to not to be a big problem, but nothing more.
Voting will open in 1 day, 13 hours