What should your focus for the rest of the Quest be?

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Sorry, but there's even more fighters. The Fleet Carrier's numbers are only their active birds. HeroCooky is in record saying that specifically for BBs they can just restock their active compliment at least 5 times without degrading combat effectiveness.
Yeah, this is just active fighters. The Virgo means that even as we lose fighters they'll get replaced.

Here's hoping our first Crusade Force doesn't just bounce.
I would be pretty shocked. There's going to be a tough couple of battles but 11 battleships and 60 grand cruisers is the kind of force that doesn't really 'bounce'. That's approximately as many battleships as Abbadon had for the 13th Black Crusade, though minus the Blackstone fortresses. But I doubt the Gore-sworn duelists have any of those.

Another point is that most naval engagements are fought to draws because navies are very risk-averse with their capitol ships. After all, if they lose them they can't build any more.

But we built this entire fleet in one turn! We can afford to take some losses to push the battle to a decisive victory, even if it's a bloody one.

I know ground combat isn't the focus, but how *do* we fight our wars on the ground? We have troops with power armor, knights running around, and now titans, but don't seem to have much in terms of in-atmosphere fighters or artillery. Is the average soldier just uparmed enough to act as their own artillery peice?
I think a key piece of this puzzle is that we've kind of built our armies to assume space superiority and logistical support. Our Taurus's have a bunch of dedicated ortillery, we've got a lot of mechanized/heavy companies that assume high levels of resupply, and of course we're leaning on our insane number of fighters for air cover. Recently we've leaned into that even harder with the automata, which are powerful and designed to take losses instead of our existing troops. So we're very good at spending equipment instead of lives, especially because we have 5 battleship-sized manufactories along for the ride to churn out replacement automata.

As a result we fight very differently than the imperium. Well-supplied, specialized troops with disposable automata and high levels of orbital and airborne support. Then we've got a bunch of actual elite superheavies to crack anything that can't be cracked from orbit - hundreds of knights and of course the titans.

To complement that, we've focused a lot more of our military strategy on ensuring we do have space superiority in all cases where there's ground combat going on.

I expect any ground campaigns to start with Thules landing bombs on anything red and spiky, and for that order of operations to continue for the entire combat. After all, we've got more than twenty-thousand of them, plus all of the guns in orbit. And then there's the Lamenters.
The fully upgraded [Psykana] boosting song is a nutty 150% extra progress. For every 2 AP spent, we get a total of 5 actions.

i......we could finish the psykana staff with 3.6 AP then the hoods with another 3.6 AP
combined with songs and symphonies........

jesus christ in heaven,only thing holding us from just rushing with actions is self restraint and fear of cooky fucking us over because of math fuckery
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We definitely want to tone down Cry for the Future next turn though, I don't want to be using it more than one turn in a row given how they're going to start macro scale rituals again real soon probably.
We definitely want to tone down Cry for the Future next turn though, I don't want to be using it more than one turn in a row given how they're going to start macro scale rituals again real soon probably.
Definitely. We turn off Cry for the Future, do the Lamenter Legion action plus more military building (another Flag Armada imo so that we can form another crusade fleet centered around it).

I think we'll want three main Crusade fleets centered around a Flag Armada. One for each of the Cults.
Exterminatus is, specifically, the "Destroy The Planet" word. Your Choirs went there to save as many people as possible. Therefore, they would not have destroyed the planet. Thus; No Exterminatus.

Words have meaning, and Exterminatus has a very specific one.

Your Choirs carpet nuked Sect Militants, not civilian centers.
Fair enough, I think I have 40k meme brain rot with jumping to the meme instead of the lore. and carpet nuke is fair as that would only be part of a planet.

You know that one episode in anime/cartoons where the cast gets unreasonably buff after a single montage? That
COOKY! DO YOU WHAT YOU'VE DONE?! You already described Fed Glim Nun as a Tanned Gun totting Slaanesh bait nun, now she is a Buff, Tanned Tomboy Gun Totting Slaanesh Bait Nun with her established personality! you've doomed us all! (to horni)

It prevented the Sub-Sector from being overrun.
Oh WHEW, I'm glad it did since rolling up sub-sectors seems like what normally happens when facing Nurgle due to the whole disease thing and how it would only need one carrier to spread. This really did help a lot.

Temp Me Not.
Lure Me Not.
Incite Me Not.
Demoralize Me Not.
My Mind Is A Shield.
Harm Flows Off It.
Only Good Shall Pass It.
Huh so that's the name for it, neat, simple, and sharp design that gets the point across

and the text is great on this given how it is set up. very much denying each of the four, making one's mind a shield or gate. nice lets see the effects now.

Soul's Shield - Soul's Shield allows Choirs to fully deflect up to Medium Chaos Sorceries within a Small Area centered around a point of their chosing within 20km of their position.
Hell yah, it might only be a small area that they can set that on but imagine this being used offensively but doing it and ruined low and medium sorceries but just no selling or shutting down the rituals. or set up a quick protection for someplace in range on short notice. Still this was worth it.

Soul's Shield - Protection III, Hope III, Grounding III, Health III, Protection III
and it is maxxed out so this is what we can and no upgrading it.

Fire and Flame
Burning and Tame
Clear Cut Swathes
Ground Set Free
In Burning Sea
Oh that is... huh. so the Fire Melody symbol along with trees and the name of a controlled burn to prune or burn off parts for the health of the forest, similar to controlled burning in the West coast of America. in this case more about the infections from spreading and I'm hoping with normally TOO much permanent damage that ruins the land in the process.

good text, very fire, much burn. but yah overall what we are looking for, just hoping the effect isn't too high a cost.

Fire and Flame
We Call to Thee
Pool your Heat in Blade at Hand
Warm cool metal to Cinder's Glee
So we may Strike
At Enemies Thee
Huh simple one but all you really need with a name like that and good effort on the detail, dotting on the sword itself and the flame effect with the brush QM.

yup calling in a firey sword in the text and seems to mention to enhancing or putting something into the weapons to add something to striking the enemies. Weapon blessing or something?

If you cannot kill the body?
Kill the soul.
Uhhhhh that is ominous as fuck. really does seem like holding a supernova bomb with the star as the trigger.

and kills the soul.... oh boy this is gonna be a two sided song or a very risky one isn't it?

Controlled Burn - Enables Choirs to purge Chaos-Infested land rapidly at the cost of destroying it.
Firesword - Singing this, Choirs can imbue a Psychic Fire in up to 200 melee armaments whose strength scales with the crimes the ones the weapons are wielded against have committed.
Soul Bomb - Choirs can designate a Daemon no more than 500 meters away. Should it fail to resist the intrusion into its Soul, the Choir can detonate it in a Warp Explosion with a 55-meter circumference. This does not True Kill the Daemon. Should it resist, the Choir suffers either the same fate or possession, depending on the Daemons choice.
Okay, Controlled Burn does as intended and the trade off is fair and within reason, we can clean up fast and sterilize a world but burn away the developments and other stuff there, likely reducing the terrain into wasteland. Honestly a REALLY good song to have now facing against nurgle and wait to clean up and sterilize the land so forces can continue on.

Firesword is.... oh wow, that's... that's honestly REALLY good. One choir for 200 melee weapons? score and the fact the strength scales with the crimes committed by the opponent of the one holding the weapon is and oooohhh boy those cultists are and daemons are in for a BIG surprise when facing our Templars or if there is a choir of normals or Librarians to sing that song for their brothers.

Soul bomb is.... okay single target a daemon and if it fails to resist and intrusion into its Soul it explodes with a rather large circumference. Wow this is fucking with a Daemon's soul that is very dangerous.... oh and even more so that if it is resisted the Choir explodes or worst is Processed! yah no, limited to lower level daemons and even then mostly restricted use.

Controlled Burn - Health III, Fire III, Hope III, Protection III, Song III
Firesword - Fire III, Death III, Justice III, Struggle III
Soul Bomb - Star, Fire III, Death III, Death III, Death III
Okay Controlled Burn is max lvl song, same with Firesword and Soul Bomb. that's a shame and short amount of text for them.

Burnt to Bedrock in extreme cases, but more Dosed In Napalm kind of fire.
They need to actively keep the Song up.
Oh, that's not bad at all to be honest, was expecting worst, was that the level 1 and 2 of the song? and keeping it active for that effect should be fine, buys time.

That's unfortunate, but the effect on the Lamenters against Daemons is going to be unimaginable.
Oh definteily, the effect of the Faith of the Starchild, added with all the wargear and tech of the Lamenters, paired with them being Space Marines, on top of that song granting them the bonuses and effect that increase the strength against all those crimes the Nurgle forces have done which should be many. the Lamenters are going to tear up chaos forces.

Seven-Hundred and Three active Combat Ships set loose from their harbors, a great avalanche of metal and plasma roiling across the Glimmering Federation in a cascade that unites from dozens of streams into one, singular, mighty river that brooks no obstacle barring its way.

In its wake, hundreds of ships follow, meant for either the crews of the ships as carriers of supply and rest, or containing within their swollen bellies millions of troops eager to bring the fight to Ruin Itself and make its enslaved puppets fall to their knees as they beg the Star Child for salvation, or die cowering in whatever hidden hole they flee to once their boots march on their once-held worlds.

Titans sleep through the journey against the Cult of the Gore-Sworn Duelists just as the Federation's Knights and Armigers do, with Choirs quietly readying themselves for the battles and tribulations ahead of their fleet and righteous cause.

And as the mighty host enters the Warp as one solid block, causing the Veil to buckle under the strain of so many ships breaking through it, there is no question that it will return triumphant in the people of the Federation.
holy shit, is there really that many ships in the fleet we sent? damn that truly is an armada there. At the very least we have started to move against the cults and starting to push back against their progress. Add to that we are building up a second fleet now and then building on the titan Legio and expeditions. still I would say two such fleets worth should be enough and then we can split attention between other military actions and tech or pyskana.

Damn good setting the scene with the hundred of other ships that would follow the Fleet being logistic ships or troopships. HOLD UP. we're deploying the Four Titans we have? damn I would have preferred doing the smaller titans to have screening forces damn it but oh well. Knight orders ready to to have a go at the Gore-Swore Duelists.

Ohohohoh, damn THAT is a statement that so many ships that form our armada warp out as one it caused the Veil to buckle under the strain of it.

[] One Long Saga
(One Update. This spans 17 years, with the assigned forces unavailable for the duration.)
[] Many Memories Retold
(The Khornate War is split in 5 POV Updates. This spans 17 years, with the assigned forces unavailable for the duration.)
OH shit, okay then. just... just straight up we win? I didn't expect THAT at all. I guess we'll do a turn and then get the update as do a turn while they are away. on one hand we can't really waste much time given the timeline of the quest and its nearing its end but I do want the stories of the war and how it looks either in the thick of it or from someone part of the fleet.

I am so tempted by the Saga, i would love to read about how we just trashed the slaves of ruin.

but i also dont want hero Cooky to write a 20k word update and run out of steam for the week...
Same, it would be amaizng but we shouldn't force the QM to-

It'll be about 1.5~2k words for the Saga. Small snippets massively compressed. Memories will be full updates of at least 500 words, so 2.5k total minimu.
Oh... a shame but fair, in that case I would say one big upgrade and come on to stop us from stalling. keep the momentum, mostly likely either we smash and take the Khrone Cult territory or the Nurgle Cult stops in to check our progress.

I know ground combat isn't the focus, but how *do* we fight our wars on the ground? We have troops with power armor, knights running around, and now titans, but don't seem to have much in terms of in-atmosphere fighters or artillery. Is the average soldier just uparmed enough to act as their own artillery peice?

Also, @HeroCooky would it be possible to drop chocolate on top of the troops, and then drop explosives on them? Most slaves of chaos don't seem to be well fed, and the Geneva Conventions need not apply.
we do suffer from lack of numbers due to going for a Solar Auxilia type of build. We do still have a lot of equipment like grav Weapons and Plasma weapons that aren't prone to exploding, were improved and streamlined. I would say we have Artillery coverd by our Heavy Cataphract and the Super Heavy Verdants, those things are basically mini-tanks/SPG and a Questoris Knight respecitvely. I would say try doing a free write-in of improving or doing a check on how the army does to see if we need more artillery added in or not. most soliders have a good amount of grenades, the Stalwarts carry heavy weapons most of the time. Piscairans carry crew served or heavy weapons as well, Orgyns just straight up carry Plasma Cannons now, do they count as artillery?

Definitely. We turn off Cry for the Future, do the Lamenter Legion action plus more military building (another Flag Armada imo so that we can form another crusade fleet centered around it).

I think we'll want three main Crusade fleets centered around a Flag Armada. One for each of the Cults.
oh well that's a shame but fair. I would say a turn of doing more ship building to form the core of and armada again while building up the Titan Leigo or go and do more expeditions. we might have to make another batch of logistics fleet again as well.
We definitely want to tone down Cry for the Future next turn though, I don't want to be using it more than one turn in a row given how they're going to start macro scale rituals again real soon probably.
Definitely. We turn off Cry for the Future, do the Lamenter Legion action plus more military building (another Flag Armada imo so that we can form another crusade fleet centered around it).

I think we'll want three main Crusade fleets centered around a Flag Armada. One for each of the Cults.
Another benefit to dropping Cry for the Future is that it gives us room for other Symphonies. Every single one has been phenomenally good so far - so let's go far a War Symphony. Maybe next turn or turn after next? I'm going to try to come up with a Symphony that lets us True Kill Demons:

The Symphony of Cleansing Flame
1. Controlled Burn -
"Fire and Flame" - The tool of our people in war, between the blast of explosives, the flash of plasma and the flame in our hearts.
2. Firesword - "So we may Strike" - This is an offensive symphony. We strike at our foes with our fire and fury.
3. Soul's Shield - "Only Good Shall Pass It." - Our fury bypasses the innocent, and strikes at the evildoer.
4. See No Evil, Speak No Evil, Hear No Evil, Do No Evil - "The greatest of all Commandments." - With all of our power, we command that evil shal not exist.
5. Soul Bomb - "Kill the soul." - The climactic conclusion of the symphony, and our true goal when fighting demons.
[X] One Long Saga
(One Update. This spans 17 years, with the assigned forces unavailable for the duration.)
just no selling or shutting down the rituals.
It says "Sorceries" there, not "Rituals." Disrupting those is a whole other thing.

Think more "Throwing the Bass Boosted THC-HRT Bag back at the Slaaneshi Groupie" than "No-Selling Lord Unga of Bunga's declaration that Long-Range Weapons are Cringe and thus ineffective."
Weaving_Dreamer said:
just... just straight up we win?