Anyway, here's my plan again. Turns on the symphony, gets most of the research, spends 20 AP on follow-up necron research, gets the warp observatory and some songs/melodies, does a bunch of diplomacy while using mechadendrite for +1 action. 54 action turn!
I might not have internet for some of the day, so feel free to modify. The only things I care deeply about is the 20 necron actions and the diplomacy write-ins.
[] Plan: The Grand Breakthrough - All Necron Tech version
-[] [Psykana] Sing a Symphony (Applies to wealth of labor) (Turn action 1)
--[] Grand Design
-[] [General] Research:
--[] Titan Manufactorum Rationalization (0/2) (1 AP, Free AP, .35 overflow)
--[] Warcasket Prototypes (1/2) (2 AP, .95 Overflow)
--[] Primitive Gravity-Weaponization Theory (3 AP, 1.55 Overflow)
--[] Universally Effective Common Cold Vaccine (0/1) (Free AP, .55 Overflow)
--[] Green Ship Teleportarium Insights? (1/4) (5 AP, Free AP, .75 Overflow
--[] Green Ship Alloying Insights? (1/4) (7 AP, Free AP, 1.55 Overflow)
--[] Green Ship Structural Insights? (0/4) (10 AP, Free AP, 2.55 Overflow)
--[] Green Ship Power-System Insights? (0/4) (12 AP, 2 Free AP, 1.55 Overflow)
--[] Green Ship Inertia Compensation Insights? (0/4) (14 AP, 2 Free AP, .75 Overflow)
--[] Wetware Scout Automata (0/1) (15 AP, 1.35 Overflow)
--[] Wetware Line Automata (0/1) (Free AP, .35 Overflow)
--[] Wetware Heavy Automata (0/1) (16 AP, .95 Overflow)
--[] Wetware Super-Heavy Automata (0/1) (17 AP, 1.55 Overflow)
--[] Wetware Void Automata (0/1) (Free AP, .55 Overflow)
--[] Wetware Civilian Automata (0/1) (18 AP, 1.15 Overflow)
--[] Novel + Experimental Infantry-Grade Weapons and Armor Development II (0/1) (Free AP, .15 Overflow)
--[] Logistical Infantry-Grade Weapons Development II (0/1) (19 AP, .75 Overflow)
--[] Logicstical Infantry-Grade Armor Development II (0/1) (20 AP, 1.35 Overflow)
--[] Ship Equipment Standardization - [2 DP Equipment - Superior Gravimetric Engine Calculations] (1/3) (21 AP, Free AP, .85 Overflow)
--[] Shipyard Automatization III (1/2) (22 AP, 1.55 Overflow)
--[] Long-Range Atevrian Sightlense (0/2) (23 AP, Free AP, 1.15 Overflow)
--[] Silent Shimmershroud (0/2) (24 AP, Free AP, .75 Overflow)
--[] Ears of Hare Bnuy (1/2) (25 AP), 1.35 Overflow)
--[] Twisted Knotted Vinelloy (0/2) (26 AP, Free AP, .95 Overflow)
--[] Newly Improved Psyker Staves (2/5) (28 AP, Free AP, 1.15 Overflow)
--[] Newly Improved Psychic Hoods (0/5) (31 AP, 2 Free AP, .95 Overflow)
--[] Follow-up Green Ship studies (43 AP, 8 free AP, 0.15 overflow) Spending 20 AP on continuing the Necron tech tree. Any overflow goes to Automatization.
-[] [Psykana] Warp Observatory (1/3) x2 (45 AP)
-[] [Psykana] Sing two Songs (46 AP)
--[] PROMETHEAN GAZE - Fire III, Sun V, Star, Death I, Silence III
--[] There Are No Maladies We Cannot Overcome - Compassion I, Hope IIII, Health I, Death I, Justice I
-[] [Psykana] Sing Six melodies (49 AP)
--[] Compassion II, Death II, Justice II, Health II, Innovation II, Wisdom II
-[] [Faith] An Unborn Guide Sought Out (How do we solve what is wrong with the Do Not Enter System?) (48 AP)
-[] [Free][Psykana] Fully activate The Devouring Mechadendrite & Foretold Luminous Paths Seen, spare choirs into Hiss of the Steam Valves while leaving 50 free. (Does not apply to wealth of labour actions.)
-[] [General] Ministry of Subversion, Infiltration, and Interstellar Communication
--[] [Write-in] The Black Cat Buyout (49 AP)
---[] We have been infiltrating the Black Cat Company for centuries, and now wish to use the influence we have aquired and the wealth we can offer to buy them out permanently so they join the Glimmerling Federation in perpetuity.
---[] We will of course share our high quality of life with all of their members, including jeuvenat access to their high admiralty.
--[] [Write-in] Invitation for the Lords of Eternity to join the Glimmerling Federation. (50 AP)
---[] We have been steadfast allies and trading partners for hundreds of years, since the extermination of the Valen. Let there be no further separation between our people, that we may share our medical care, our civilian quality of life and our long lives with them, and have the Lords of Eternity forever join the Glimmerling Federation.
--[] Formal Exchange Of Diplomatic Contacts With The Clans Who Live Here (Turn action 2, general action for mechadendrite)
--[] ISC Access - (Watchtower Confederacy) (Turn action 3, general action for mechadendrite)
--[] [Write-in] Preaching & Propaganda across the Watchtower Confederacy (Mechadendrite AP)
---[] Using our ISC penetrance, spread the faith of the Star Child across the Watchtower Confederacy, preaching of Their virtues and the strength of the faith in the five-fold path. We've got faith orders, mobilize them for this.
---[] Using our ISC penetrance, create and distribute propaganda about how amazing the Glimmerling Federation is, how excellent our quality of life is, how long people live, how incredible our technology is, how amazing our Titans are, and wouldn't it be amazing to join us?