Traveller, The Rise of Empire: A Naval Design, Procurement and Command Quest

When was another mission sent to noctocole, do you remember? I have the results from 10-8...
At 12-1 (or at 11-8? between them basically) the plan "Cold Noctocalling" have won, with the xext option:
"-[x] Other - Select some suitable ship(s) (maybe un-mothball the MMV?) and contact Noctocole. Warn them about this sudden northern threat, with info both from our run-in with them and whatever we've got from Aslan. Exchange the starmaps, preferably on North (and brief them on Hermosa too). Inquire if they are interested in defence cooperation, such as a common ship project, since we have at least two "interesting" common neighbours. We can get their diplomatic team to Cassalon and discuss that there."
At 12-1 (or at 11-8? between them basically) the plan "Cold Noctocalling" have won, with the xext option:
"-[x] Other - Select some suitable ship(s) (maybe un-mothball the MMV?) and contact Noctocole. Warn them about this sudden northern threat, with info both from our run-in with them and whatever we've got from Aslan. Exchange the starmaps, preferably on North (and brief them on Hermosa too). Inquire if they are interested in defence cooperation, such as a common ship project, since we have at least two "interesting" common neighbours. We can get their diplomatic team to Cassalon and discuss that there."
oooh yeah. Thank you.
[X] OPLAN: Pin and Kill
Regarding Aslan Tech:
-[X] Electronics and Sensors
-[X] Enhanced Starship-grade Weapons
Regarding the Menorb Campaign
-[X] Write-in: Intelligence assets attached to the Menob fleet should identify the "weakest" point of current inner orbital defenses, if one exists. Following this, long-range electromagnetic bombardment should be used to disable the orbital stations around Menorb immediately prior to the landing of a direct FLF kill-capture raid, designed more to gain intelligence and act as a reciprocation for the Deep Hope attack than a permanent elimination of enemy orbital defense. Special detail should be paid to claiming an enemy vessel for test and evaluation, as well as intelligence files and high-value enemy personnel for interrogation. However, FLF troops "on the ground" are encouraged if able to permanently disable or destroy the stations they board as best able. If any surface to orbit or space-to-space defenses are activated by the enemy, a surgical kinetic bombardment will be enacted against those sites for total suppression of enemy orbit and surface defenses, followed by the disengagement of the Menorb task force.
Regarding the Scout Flotilla:
-[X] Assign a moderate escort to enable the mission.

Source: HSWS Central Command Base Internal File Transfer Service.
To: Home Armed Forces Primary Command Council, Session 35-EYES ONLY
From: Novohal, L. , Maj., Multispectrum Warfare Office Command Section-EYES ONLY.

Ladies, gentlemen, and comrades of the Home Armed Forces;

Humanity is a persistence predator. We have run our foes to ground, and ought only to repay them in kind for the losses on Deep Hope, relying on the Articles and our principles to stay the excesses of revenge. Our reprisal will be surgical and utterly comprehensive, and we will tear the mask of "stealth" from our enemy's face.

Whether by bullet or torpedo, these hostiles will not be able to inflict their terror-raids on any other Homian, or sapient, when we are through with them.

Launch, Fly, Win.

Lenore Novohal, Maj., 44th Pathfinder Sqdn, Rsv.
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Only quibble is I would switch from sensors to computer tech; we can get some cool stuff (EWAR programming, virtual crew, etc.).
See I was thinking sensors for EWAR burn through so we can fry the Stealthers' capabilities.

End of the day, I could go either way but getting the capability to turn our carriers into pure drone carriers would be neat. Plus getting our own EWAR programming will, I think, help counter stealth as well.

If we can, we should also try to get one of their ships relatively intact - or at least smash and grab to get prisoners and data cores.

I'd also be a little wary about bombarding Menorb; it's a potentially hostile port, but no idea if the locals are actually willing assistants or just being held at metaphorical gunpoint, considering their lower TL. Might be better to authorize orbit to ground bombardment if they start lobbing ground to orbit missiles at us.
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If we can, we should also try to get one of their ships relatively intact - or at least smash and grab to get prisoners and data cores....Might be better to authorize orbit to ground bombardment if they start lobbing ground to orbit missiles at us.

That's fair-will edit plan to make clear that the torps are secondary to the kill-capture.
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Sensors would give us production models of the prototype extension net and shallow penetration suite, but it would also give us prototypes of distributed/extended arrays and signal processing systems. Extended arrays increase the range they can detect objects with minimal detail by one step.

It also gives us access to prototype signal processing systems, which provide a +2 to all sensor related checks at the expense of doubling the DMs other ships have for jamming a ship equipped with them.
I was hesitant re. SPS, since it makes us more vulnerable to jamming and I suspect the enemy is very good at it since they're a higher TL.

Perhaps we could instead do Sensors & Command? It'd mean our ships are still stuck with prototype LMDCs, and we are using dispersed PD weapons instead of PD bays, but neither is particularly critical in the short term. Getting access to prototype plasma guns would be okay, but I think LMDCs are better, if I understand correctly; we're not going to use prototype particle bays; and meson guns would be VERY forbidden. There's not a lot of stuff at TL11 for weapons, so if we can accept using prototypes, I think it's fine.

Hell, I managed to cram all the sensor gimmicks onto a 17 ton hull with a M-6 drive once I omitted everything we need for crew or survivability. If we want to sensor-max, we'd throw those out and get them to transmit data to our flagship; while each one has a low chance of observing something, putting the entire system under constant surveillance means we'll pick up the random transients that let us piece together a better sensor picture.
End of the day, I could go either way but getting the capability to turn our carriers into pure drone carriers would be neat. Plus getting our own EWAR programming will, I think, help counter stealth as well.

If we can, we should also try to get one of their ships relatively intact - or at least smash and grab to get prisoners and data cores.

I'd also be a little wary about bombarding Menorb; it's a potentially hostile port, but no idea if the locals are actually willing assistants or just being held at metaphorical gunpoint, considering their lower TL. Might be better to authorize orbit to ground bombardment if they start lobbing ground to orbit missiles at us.
I agree on capturing the ships intact.

I am EXTREMELY wary when it comes to raiding and bombarding Menorb. If they're neutrals who lack the ability to defend their own orbitals (believable, since they're apparently a roughly ~1980s "tech level" against super-advanced opponents they probably can't even see at all), us barging in, blowing up their space stations, and then dropping orbital artillery on their command centres (which are presumably in heavily populated areas) is, like, turbo pearl harbour. At present they don't have the capability to fight us, but that's because they're low TL. I think pissing them off with what, from there perspective, might be a bolt-from-the-blue attack might motivate them to fix that, and then we'd have a problem.

[X] Plan: Target Identification
-[X] Electronics and Sensors
-[X] Command & Control
-[X] Write-in: Reach out to Menorb to determine their status as best as possible and ideally prevent their interference. If conditions encourage it, HSWS forces are to conduct a hit-and-run raid targeting the two ships parked in low orbit. Non-lethal methods (decoys, jamming, etc.) are to be used to degrade Menorb's ability to attack us during the raid, with retaliation against Menorb (should they respond) to be primarily concerned with ensuring the HSWS' force survival and proportionate to actions that have been explcitly identified as being perpetrated by Menorb. The purpose of the raid is to either rescue the ships if they are friendly or capture an Unknown Northern Aggressor spacecraft following crippling by ion torpedoes if possible, and if not, destroy or damage the ones that are present. Following the raid, HSWS forces are to depart the system if they are in a state capable of doing so.
-[X] Assign a moderate escort to enable the mission.
-[X] Write-in: Upgrade ships under construction with new sensors and command systems
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Recovering our own vessels should also be a potential objective, since I believe the Ba Kim and frigate may still be there.

[X] Plan: Target Identification
Recovering our own vessels should also be a potential objective, since I believe the Ba Kim and frigate may still be there.

[X] Plan: Target Identification
I think we would have spotted them if there were. There might be survivors on Menorb (which encourages us to act carefully!), but I don't think we can get them out if we're planning a hit-and-run attack, sadly. Given how the enemy behaved at Deep Hope I suspect they'd kill any POWs before surrender.
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I think we would have spotted them if there were. There might be survivors on Menorb (which encourages us to act carefully!), but I don't think we can get them out if we're planning a hit-and-run attack, sadly. Given how they behaved at Deep Hope I suspect they'd kill any POWs before surrender.

I'm not sure they would, but better not to take chances.
I was hesitant re. SPS, since it makes us more vulnerable to jamming and I suspect the enemy is very good at it since they're a higher TL.
I'm not sure what exactly jamming entails in traveller, but to my knowledge it would make whichever ships performing it incredibly obvious due to it inherently requiring them to send out signals to jam you.

As for the plan. We know that there were at least but possibly more than four enemy ships in the initial attack, with one disabled and towed away by the initial force that got ambushed. The rescue force disabled one as well, which we saw head to the main world before self-destructing. I suspect that the two hulls we currently know of around the main world are our two ships that surrendered themselves, the enemy ships have shown that they would rather be scuttled and I doubt we would see them there when we've been having so much trouble with their stealth.

I would really like to insist that we actually try to talk to Menorb first before committing to an attack on them. To my knowledge Omarov has made no attempt to do so and we have no idea what their actual relationship with the raiders are. I would really like to try and find out what's happened to our surrendered ships and their crews before committing to an attack.
Gonna give ten-fifteen mins for final votes, then I'm writing the update.

ETA: Or maybe not because the vote is tied lmao
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I'm gonna try briefly switching to a day on, day off update schedule. People seem to want a day to devise plans and then a day to vote for them. For the next week or so, we're gonna try that. So no update today! Update tomorrow instead.
New idea - once we get virtual crew, we should modify @Rat King's 300 ton LMDC boat into a defensive microstation. We're stretched thin defending Home and also going north, but a LMDC with a two year fusion battery and all the sensors we can throw on it is incredibly cheap (ignoring the cost of the LMDC) and would provide equivalent usefulness when defending a point target as 1/3 of a CFA
I'm nervous about virtual crew when all of our opponents are higher tech than us. How hackable are these guys?

I remember our scouts or some other force had their computers apparently effortlessly hacked by some buoys in a system somewhere.
From the MgT2e rules:
Computers [skill]: Using and controlling computer
systems and similar electronics and electrics.
Accessing Publicly Available Data: Easy (4+)
Electronics (computers) check (1D minutes, INT
or EDU).
Activating a Computer Program on a Ship's
Computer: Routine (6+) Electronics (computers)
check (1D x 10 seconds, INT or EDU).
Searching a Corporate Database for Evidence
of Illegal Activity: Difficult (10+) Electronics
(computers) check (1D hours, INT).
Hacking into a Secure Computer Network:
Formidable (14+) Electronics (computers) check
(1D x 10 hours, INT). Hacking is aided by Intrusion
programs and made more difficult by Security
programs. The Effect determines the amount of
data retrieved; failure means the targeted system
may be able to trace the hacking attempt.
Security software packages defend against intrusion.
Security/0 requires an Average (8+) Electronics
(computers) check to successfully bypass.
Difficult (10+) difficulty.
Very Difficult (12+) difficulty.
Formidable (14+) difficulty.
(We have Security/1, so 10+, if we get the command & control upgrade. Otherwise, it's Security/0)
Intrusion software packages aid hacking attempts, giving
a bonus equal to their Bandwidth. Intrusion software is
often illegal.
(We have Intrusion/1; /2 is TL11, /3 is TL13)
The difficulty to hack into a ship's computer depends
on what is being accessed and from where. Few
ships require anything less than Very Difficult (12+)
Electronics (computers) checks to access critical
systems from outside the ship but often the security
system will apply only to these external connections
and a hacker inside the ship will only face Average (8+)
Electronics (computers) checks.

Gaining access to the ship's records requires
an Average (8+) Electronics (computers) check.
Convincing the computer you are a member of the crew
is Difficult (10+). Overriding security systems is Very
Difficult (12+) and gaining control of key systems like
navigation or power is Formidable (14+).
Note that Security software (see page 110) can be
installed on a ship's computer to make a hacker's job
even harder.
There's no mention of a Virtual Crewmember being easier to hack than a human one.

For most combat craft, I wouldn't want to reduce things down to zero crew. It'd be done to reduce the required redundancy or to improve the ability to multitask - for example, a sensor operator is supposed to:
  • Detect enemy ships
  • Obtain sensor locks
  • Attempt to jam the enemy's sensors
  • Attempt to burn through the enemy's jamming
  • Attempt to disable a singe incoming torpedo or missile salvo
This means that we ideally would have 4-5 on-duty sensor operators on a high-value ship, and since you can't really have a sensor operator working 24/7, you probably want multiple shifts of sensor operators for at least non-combat tasks. Instead of having 8-10 sensor operators, with the requisite tonnage, cost, and power requirement of living space, food-producing biospheres, sensor consoles, and the like, we could have ~3 sensor operators who normally rotate in 8 hour shifts, and then a half-dozen virtual operators that are queued by the commanding officer to do things like spoof incoming missiles.

Similarly, a CFA requires 17 engineers out of a crew of 127! If we cut that down so that each engineer is working alongside virtual crewmembers that control repair drones, we'd save a significant amount of cost and tonnage. In order to conduct repairs during combat, the engineers also should be working remotely via repair drones. If people want to hack our repairs, I think interfering with the link between the engineering command centre and the repair drones is going to be easier than hacking past the computer's firewalls.

The exception to this IMO is swarms of small, cheap spacecraft, especially those not meant to see combat. The minelayer, for example, could be made cheaper by omitting the crew, and the risk of it being hacked without us noticing is low since it's not going to be in places where it's likely to contact the enemy and the consequences of it being hacked are low. Torpedo strike craft, similarly, are made better by having virtual crew, since they can be made much smaller and cheaper (no need to worry about suicide attacks!), the window to jam them is very short, and one or two torpedo craft getting hacked out of a strike of a ~hundred is still fine. The LMDC idea is doable because most of the actual serious stuff like firing commands would be handled remotely; the virtual crew is mostly there to make sure the reactor doesn't melt and it stays in the right position.
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Can we go for improved sensors AND computers?

I like the idea of carriers launching a TON of drones / torpedoes / long range missiles, and a few, crewed 'minder/coordinator/herdsman' vessels to handle and wrangle all of the above (and provide ewar overwatch), possibly with various versions of these using missile busses and drone busses so everyone can get where they're going.
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Can we go for improved sensors AND computers?

I like the idea of carriers launching a TON of drones / torpedoes / long range missiles, and a few, crewed 'minder/coordinator/herdsman' vessels to handle and wrangle all of the above (and provide ewar overwatch), possibly with various versions of these using missile busses and drone busses so everyone can get where they're going.
yes, that's exactly what the leading plan is doing