Those are staggeringly different things and also God bless were capable of being exalted I don't know where you're getting that they stopped being god-blooded in the case of solar exaltation and there was a reason given but it was mostly so you don't stack Spirit charms without having to pay for them on top of being an exalted.
Akuma aren't freewilled Mortals so they are already out. Demon blooded were capable of being exalted as well so if that's what you meant it was also incorrect.
1)Scroll of Heroes p108
It is completely unheard of for a Half-Caste to Exalt as a different type of Chosen than his parent. Caste
may differ, but the marks of destiny in the character's blood has pledged her to the service of the Unconquered
Sun, Luna, the Maidens or the Yozis even before she was born, and this cannot be changed.
Makes it clear that Half-Castes can only Exalt into the Caste of their parent.
That makes it clear that Exaltations do have, and respect some limits about mortals.
2)Mortal akuma are still mortal. Free will has never been a requirement for Exaltation; mortals who are bound by mind control spells, Charms or artifacts like the Prefect of Paragon's Scepter can still Exalt. Exaltation just breaks whatever mind control already exists, whether its Charm or spell or magic item. Just like it destroys blood bonds in ExWoD.
Exhibit A is Scarlet Whisper, the Solar Exalt who works for the Prefect of Paragon, who was just another mind-controlled/geased Paragon citizen before Exalting, and breaking the spell.
In what way does that matter none of the exalted except for the abyssals and now the infernals are actually just immortal and even then they're not immune to violence immortal like the ancient gods and possibly Mab is barring someone killing her on Halloween or with a spirit killer charm so what are you talking about.
You talk about somehow exaltation replacing birth status Soul status and reincarnation status when it does none of those things.
I would honestly prefer if you just said I do not believe Dresden should or is going to be exalted in this Quest because that would be kind of exactly way more true and way less immediately falsifiable then somehow saying Wizards can't be exalted when we started this Quest as a wizard who was exalted.
Then inventing whole cloth restrictions on starborn saying they can't be exalted when the only thing we've gotten from them in this Quest is that they are souls from the exalted era which means they more than anyone might be capable of being exalted.
Holy cow.
Mortals are not immortal. Its literally there in the name.
So why do you think Mab was giving Harry Dresden advice on being an immortal on the eve of a major battle right after telling him his own people have been keeping information from him?
Do you think she is the sort to make idle chitchat?
You talk as if any of us understand what being Starborn entails, in canon, or in this quest.
What we know is a short, non-exhaustive list:
-They were born under a set of celestial confluences according to Lash in White Night
-They wield power over Outsiders according to Lash in White Night
-They cant have their minds tainted by contact with the Outside according to McCoy in PT
-Each new generation of Starborn is only born every 666 years according to McCoy in PT
Drakul is explicitly Starborn in the Dresdenverse.
He isnt mortal either; the one time McCoy talks about him he calls him the creature, and Butcher straight up says that he was never human.
I have repeatedly stated that I do not believe that Harry is a candidate for Exaltation.
That there are narrative reasons why he would not be a candidate in this story.
If he was going to be an Exalt, Id put my money on his being a Lunar, but this isnt that kind of story.
You are making mechanical assumptions about Starborn Exaltation eligibility and demanding that I prove that they arent true.
We have no data demonstrating any of your assumptions because there were no Starborn back in Creation, and even if they were, this is not Creation That Was.
The Rules Are Different.
Lets run through the non-Exalt splats in ExWoD.
The Awakened cannot Exalt in vanilla ExWoD(p247). Hedge mages can, Mages cannot.
We dont know if Molly's Exaltation is a one-off for some reason, the new norm for this setting, or something that was only possible because someone else put the thumb on the scales.
Dhampyrs can Exalt as Lunars, Sidereals, Abyssals and Infernals. But notably, not Solars. Or Alchemicals.(p268)
The Amenti (Mummies, new version) are living humans, but cannot Exalt at all; the slot is filled, and the tem-akh is considered similar to an Exaltation.(p264). Hunters cannot Exalt either, despite also being living humans; the Imbuing is also considered a kind of Exaltation(p260) for this purpose, despite being much weaker.
Changeling Kithain cannot Exalt at all. Kinain can Exalt as any Caste except for Solars and Alchemicals(p257)
Garou, and the other Changing Breeds cannot Exalt either.
Their human Kinfolk(only humans, not animals) can Exalt, but only as Lunars, Abyssals, Infernals and DBs.
Not Solars. Not Alchemicals.(p247)
Demons, naturally, cannot Exalt. Neither can Wraiths(p254). Or Vampires. Or kuejin.
I hope you are noticing the pattern here, whereby major supernatural power tends to be exclusive of Exaltation.
The Exaltation shard doesnt get to arbitrarily pull rank, even where its prereqs are met.
Where the Starborn thing fits in this hierarchy of powers, we do not know, and currently have no way of knowing.
So I find your certainty about Starborn-Exaltation interactions to be.....implausible.