What should your focus for the rest of the Quest be?

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I'm thinking actually getting field experience using what we've already derived might help future advancements there, you can only learn so much in laboratory conditions.

But this is mostly only a consideration if we still can't Pull The Trigger.

That doesn't quite make sense, because most of the research we're talking about doesn't have anything to do with guns? So experience gunning won't, like, help?
[] Plan: The Swords of Light
-[][Name] (Write-In 4 Names)
--[] Blade of the Rising Sun
--[] Blade of the Golden Sky
--[] Blade of the Burning Dusk
--[] Blade of the Glimmering Star
-[][Color Scheme] (Write-In Color Scheme)
--[]Each Titan is painted almost like a mural in accordance with their names in colors of the sky at different parts of the day.
--[] Blade of the Rising Sun: Primary color rosy pink, secondary pale blue, accent is deep gold, highlights in dark purple.
--[] Blade of the Golden Sky. Primary color dark blue, secondary gold, accents are light blue, highlights in eggshell blue
--[] Blade of the Burning Dusk, Primary color is dark red, secondary is dusky purple, accent in glowing red, highlights in dark blue.
--[] Blade of the Glimmering Star, Primary color solid black, secondary color glimmering yellow, accent in dark blue, highlights in dark purple.

Only one action away hmm. Maybe we'll also get half the observatory.

6. Depending on what type of unification, you will likely gain and lose Traits and ISCs, alongside Ethos.
It sounds to me like this is an opportunity for us to almost redesign our faction. We'll see what's on offer but I like the Glimmerling Federation. We're a Xenophilic Theocracy with a reasonable religion and good ideals. I really don't know if I want to move away from max iconoclast, though I could handle us being a bit less theocratic... though it would lose some of the anti-chaos nature. Hmm. We'll see what the options are.

I'd be down to get rid of the colonization ISC though.

@Alectai I don't think it makes sense to do another design action this turn. If we're still playing chicken with the warp let's at least build the warp observatory so we can gauge the mood of the chicken.
That doesn't quite make sense, because most of the research we're talking about doesn't have anything to do with guns? So experience gunning won't, like, help?

It's still the first things we've unlocked, and we've already prototyped the self-mending alloy in the Super Scorpio.

Again, this isn't something I'm going to push for unless it turns out that we need more time before we can Pull the Trigger. That takes priority over everything else right now.

That being said, if we're still at High after this, I'm also going to be interested in working on the Observatory too, because something fucky is going on in that event. I'm going to be really pissed off if Chaos can just perpetually lock out our Psykana capstone by keeping the Warp Tremors too high to safely use it, to the point where I'm going to advocate rolling in on whatever is doing it and bombing them to the fucking stone age on principle. Even if it starts a war.
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That being said, if we're still at High after this, I'm also going to be interested in working on the Observatory too, because something fucky is going on in that event. I'm going to be really pissed off if Chaos can just perpetually lock out our Psykana capstone by keeping the Warp Tremors too high to safely use it.
Yeah, it's some kind of bullshit to be sure. That being said, it's been confirmed that there are ways to manually calm the warp further down the observatory tree. That's like... the next tier of tall for us.
I think it's almost certain that the Chaos Cults are messing with the Warp currents around here and we are going to have to go after the Khornate and Nurgle Cults after we've finally absorbed the Watchtower and the Black Ash.

I bet that Nurgle and Slaanesh Cults are bringing in the Daemon battleships that tried to bushwack us.
Assuming tremors stay high for the third turn in a row, my plan is probably:
[] Plan: Holy Titan and annoying Warp:
-[] Finish the titans.
-[] Warp Observatory x2
Admittedly that level of beyond us isn't really entirely... visible in where the Elves actually are? They're beyond the Imperium, obviously, and by a pretty substantial margin, but there's a number of paths that they've clearly not... actually pursued?

I think the actual solution is that "Advanced" is a spook.

The Irrita have "Advanced" for Terraforming/etc, while being considerably lower in literally everything else.

It's presumably, then, much easier to be Advanced in one or two areas than it is in ALL areas.
[] [Grand Cruiser] Aegis Carrier Class
-[] Sketch (Purely Optional)
-[] Length
- 7.800 Meters
-[] Width - 2.000 Meters
-[] Acceleration - 2.4 Gravities
-[] Armor - Thick Fortress Armor
-[] Shields - Two Aegides
-[] Weapons - 4 Heavy Hangars - [1 Mixed Hangar/1 Fighter Hangar/1 Rad-Bomber Hangar/ 1Boarding Hangar] All Battery
-[] Equipment
- Ship Shrines (Free), Spacious Crew Quarters, On-Board Supply Generation, Automated Fighter Re-Arming Procedures, Luxurious Crew Amenities, Advanced Alloying, N'Nonmiton Squadron, Large On-Board Manufactory, Elite Crews, Tuned Shields

Here is an idea I cocked up for one of our Grands, I do think they could make some of our best carriers.
Anyway, we need names for the Titans and color schemes. Here's my potential votes:

[] Plan: Titans of Valor in Starchild's Name
-[][Name] Trailblazer of Conviction
-[][Name] Valorous Conqueror
-[][Name] Audacious Faith
-[][Name] Defiant Paladin
-[][Color Scheme] Primary Navy-Blue, White Secondary, Silver and Gold Accents and Highlights, Symbol of both the Glimmering Federation and the Star-Mechanicum is prominent alongside individual coat of arms of each Titan:
--[] Trailblazer of Conviction: A golden path with burning edges leading to a star
--[] Valorous Conqueror: A spear and sword crossed over a shield
--[] Audacious Faith: A radiant book of faith
--[] Defiant Paladin: A sword's hilt extending out from a book
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hmmm for our scout titians i suggest we create Spider-Scorpian-Crab sub-type...something that can move quickly, has a lower profile, and can effewctively battle infantry, tanks, armigars, knights and keep infantry and other forces away from our big boys.

Our reaver-type should strive to be a light frontline unit designed to help screen our big boys and escort the warlord equivelent around, allowing them to engage either fortifactions, equal titian units, or defend our biggest machines from other attacks.

subsquently, we should make our emperor class basically artillery/anti ship platforms, capable of wiping armies out in slavos.

The Warmaster class (basically the biggest bastard we can ever hope to fund on the ground) should basically be a walking "FUCK ANYTHING ON THIS PLANET" type of deal if we ever need to deploy it.
[X] Plan: The Swords of Light
-[X][Name] (Write-In 4 Names)
--[X] Blade of the Rising Sun
--[X] Blade of the Golden Sky
--[X] Blade of the Burning Dusk
--[X] Blade of the Glimmering Star
-[X][Color Scheme] (Write-In Color Scheme)
--[X]Each Titan is painted like a mural in accordance with their names in colors of the sky.
--[X] Blade of the Rising Sun: Primary color rosy pink, secondary pale blue, accent is deep gold, highlights in dark purple.
--[X] Blade of the Golden Sky. Primary color dark blue, secondary gold, accents are light blue, highlights in eggshell blue
--[X] Blade of the Burning Dusk, Primary color is dark red, secondary is dusky purple, accent in glowing red, highlights in dark blue.
--[X] Blade of the Glimmering Star, Primary color solid black, secondary color glimmering yellow, accent in dark blue, highlights in dark purple.
[X] Plan: Titans of Valor in Starchild's Name
-[X][Name] Trailblazer of Conviction
-[X][Name] Valorous Conqueror
-[X][Name] Audacious Faith
-[X][Name] Defiant Paladin
-[X][Color Scheme] Primary Navy-Blue, White Secondary, Silver and Gold Accents and Highlights, Symbol of both the Glimmering Federation and the Star-Mechanicum is prominent alongside individual coat of arms of each Titan:
--[X] Trailblazer of Conviction: A golden path with burning edges leading to a star
--[X] Valorous Conqueror: A spear and sword crossed over a shield
--[X] Audacious Faith: A radiant book of faith with a Star Mechanicum cog forming the background
--[X] Defiant Paladin: A sword's hilt extending out from a book
[X] Plan: Titans of Valor in Starchild's Name
-[X][Name] Trailblazer of Conviction
-[X][Name] Valorous Conqueror
-[X][Name] Audacious Faith
-[X][Name] Defiant Paladin
-[X][Color Scheme] Primary Navy-Blue, White Secondary, Silver and Gold Accents and Highlights, Symbol of both the Glimmering Federation and the Star-Mechanicum is prominent alongside individual coat of arms of each Titan:
--[X] Trailblazer of Conviction: A golden path with burning edges leading to a star
--[X] Valorous Conqueror: A spear and sword crossed over a shield
--[X] Audacious Faith: A radiant book of faith with a Star Mechanicum cog forming the background
--[X] Defiant Paladin: A sword's hilt extending out from a book
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All this talk about Titans makes me worry about the Slaneeshian domain led by the giant musical Titan. Like, how much bigger it will be than a Deus Machina? How many other Titans will they have? 6 Momentus-scale ones? If that is so, then 'mooks' alone will be able to wipe out like, 10 of our Grand System armies probably. The more I think about that, the more I hope our Action economy will go through a renaissance after All X and the merger, because we'll need it.

Also, separate concern- I swear to Star Child, DO NOT put conditions on building the Observatory! Build the Observatory as soon as possible, even if Warp calms down and you feel like you can trigger All X!
Do you want to cast a Symphony (yes, even the 'subtle' +0.25*n Symphony) and literally turn or two later realize that we walked right into a Warp Storm? Warp Tremors will be a problem from right now until literally end of the quest, and with Chaos hating us and being fully capable of doing their own rituals and other sacrificial shit to upset the Warp, those Tremors will need to be watched like a live bomb.