[X] Write-in: Tell her to hold her tongue. Queen and stepmother or not, you will not allow her to insult your cousin. And if you ever hear these vicious lies spoken in the Red Keep, you will hold her responsible and you will make sure that she will face consequences for it.

Still pushes back against her but in a.... safer way? We're framing it as protecting a dear family member, which will still piss her off but it's not on the same level as announcing to her that we're a deviant.
[X] [Defiant] Declare you share your cousin's interest in women

I believe strongly in pressing the Defiant button when ever it comes up. Produces such fun scenes.
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[X] [Defiant] Declare you share your cousin's interest in women

Feels the most in-character for Rhaenyra here, stress loss is nice as well, but like. come on the drama is tasty
[X] Write-in: Tell her to hold her tongue. Queen and stepmother or not, you will not allow her to insult your cousin. And if you ever hear these vicious lies spoken in the Red Keep, you will hold her responsible and you will make sure that she will face consequences for it.

Still pushes back against her but in a.... safer way? We're framing it as protecting a dear family member, which will still piss her off but it's not on the same level as announcing to her that we're a deviant.

[X] [Defiant] Declare you share your cousin's interest in women

[X] Random Member
To what end goal? Given her positions, conflict seems inevitable down the road, and we don't actually gain anything from delaying it. Whereas now we can get a bit of a stress reduction, which is nice. Even in pure game terms it's something minor vs, well, probably nothing.

I mean, she's hoping for a daughter here, which is a good sign if she just never figures out. We do gain from delaying it as well. For starters, we're currently about to leave for 12 months, and she'll be free to politic unattended, which won't be the case later. Also, if the fight starts after we've established a relationship with our siblings, then it'll be harder for her to deny access or sabotage those relationships.

Like, Johanna is clearly somewhat traditionalist (she's tied to religious homophobia and wants to pass on her mother's things to her daughter)

I think this is somewhat complicated. She seemed perfectly okay with us being a knight, and canon!Johanna led armies in mail. She also isn't assuming we're gay, despite us dancing with Jeyne and training. It's also interesting that she seemed to view lesbians as worse than gay men. While she mentions the gods she also doesn't seem to be quoting scripture (although maybe she is and we just don't know it well enough to recognize it). We also note that she's thought about this and put effort into justifying her beliefs to herself - this doesn't sound like a reflexive and unconsidered bias.

I'd kind of been hoping her views were her repressing, but that also seems unlikely since she wouldn't be asking questions about why wlw exist, it'd be about giving into temptation.

I think Rhaenyra picking her battles here isn't out of character - while she's dedicated and unafraid of making enemies when the outcome is important, the only outcome of this fight is a fight (+ stress reduction). She's also at least somewhat canny politically.

Also… if we wanted to fight her we just never should have talked to her in the first place. The point of this conversation was improving relations.

[X] Give your support to one the names she suggested
-[X] Aelora
[X] Ask how her cats are doing

Edit: Alternatively, what about this as a write in?

[X] Write-in: Tell her that jealous men have been spreading such tales about you ever since you took up the sword, and that you have learned to pay little heed to rumormongers. You danced with Jeyne because you did not wish to give anyone ideas about marriage.

The idea here would be to present rumors about homosexuality as the product of something she doesn't seem to mind.
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[x] Azel

(let's see how the tally handles transitive votes. . . quite well, it turns out!)
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I am definitely of the opinion that we should inform Jeyne of what Johanna said about her.

We should also share Johanna's opinions with Laena and Laenor, whilst we are at it, as Laenor is gay and Laena is Bisexual. They would probably hate what Johanna has to say.

If the gods justice was brought upon he

@Teen Spirit, there is a slight mistake, should that be "If the gods' justice was brought upon her"
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We should also share Johanna's opinions with Laena and Laenor, whilst we are at it, as Laenor is gay and Laena is Bisexual. They would probably hate what Johanna has to say.

It's not clear if Laena is bi or not in show canon (there is no implied Daemon/Laena/Rhaenyra stuff going on).

Jeyne sounds like she already knows, and is already solidly in our camp in a conflict between us and Jeyne. I agree with telling her but we don't need to go out of her way to do so.

I agree with telling Laenor & Laena, but FWIW that does seem… politically fraught. Like, that does potentially put Laenor off the idea of marrying us, since doing so would involve living in KL with Johanna. The Velayrons do not have to choose between us and some eventual son of Johanna's, they have their own dragons and a connection with Daemon. This would reduce the possibility of some sort of Daemon/Velayron/Westerling alliance, which is the worst outcome for us, but I think it ups the possibility of us either having to make allies with Johanna's kids or face a three way Dance.

I'm still for it, since they should know, but it's something that o think about.
[X] Write-in: Tell her to hold her tongue. Queen and stepmother or not, you will not allow her to insult your cousin. And if you ever hear these vicious lies spoken in the Red Keep, you will hold her responsible and you will make sure that she will face consequences for it.
Oh, another thought, but could we offer her the egg for the unborn child now?

It'd be less obvious, it'd negate the need to come back mid-progress, and might even improve relations if Viserys then forgets about it.
Stay calm stay calm stay calm—

[X] Give your support to one the names she suggested
-[X] Daena
[X] Talk about what will happen if she has a boy, matters of sucession and such.

Semi-tempted to go with Random Member's write in, but it might be all the antagonizing Johanna of the Defiant option with none of the stress relief of actually coming out.
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