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Jar Jar deserves your vote. He's a war hero, who personally took out an AAT tank on foot! He's also a friend to the Jedi, too, and helped broker a peace between the Gungans and Naboo. He's way more qualified than some boring old technocrat. Who even needs technology, when we have BIIG BOOMAS???
Ah but consider the technocrat who slowly becoming idealistic a man who just wanted to do his job became someone who falls in love with ideas of democracy
A man decades into his life as a reason ruled fellow with the emotional range of a brick does not so easily become an Idealist. In addition, if it wins unless most of the thread makes it clear to Magoose that's what they want out of the quest, it's not a direction Magoose will necessarily make easy to take the character.

The point of creation is to make a character who suits your play style and is the type of person you want ruling the Republic. Typically you need a younger character when aiming to guide them in another direction..

Jar Jar deserves your vote. He's a war hero, who personally took out an AAT tank on foot! He's also a friend to the Jedi, too, and helped broker a peace between the Gungans and Naboo. He's way more qualified than some boring old technocrat. Who even needs technology, when we have BIIG BOOMAS???
He also participated in one of General Greivous's only none Jedi defeats.
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[X] Plan The One True Chancellor

Binks is genuinely a really interesting public figure and politician, gaffe prone obviously, and kinda having to play into the clown he's made out into both by his unerring smell for disaster and also by the massive Core racism (the out of universe oof stylistic choises by Lucas making the slapstick comedic sidekick speak in patois and generally invoke old timey racist ministral shows), but also deeply painfully sincere and able to speak in the real language of the disadvantaged shut out by Mid-Core dynasts and the great intergalactic syndicates and all the subaltern colonized or post-colonial populations the Old Republic really doesnt't have an answer for like the Quarren oppressed on Dac by the Mon Calamari, or the native Dug oppresed by Gran and human colonists on Malastre, or etc....
Hey they work mostly out and who had a plan that worked to 100% evry time thats not feasible!
He does gets results true, but they can get bit expensive. He did destroy a Senator's ship once.
Magoose has plans, and Jar Jar has fewer of his plans go to shit than most of the republic.
Honestly, with how things usually go for him, you'd think he'd be strong in the force.

I still don't like him though, if only cause I can't take anything seriously with him on screen when the entire thing looks like a comedy routine.
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