But it would be cool, would it not? And that is the most important thing, in the end.Yeah in theory we could blanket the entire area with mine satellites but it would be a lot of investment in time and energy and also like... A lot.
Even then, they lack range to stop outer-system scouting. What we can do is deny access to a body by surrounding it with torpedo-mines.But it would be cool, would it not? And that is the most important thing, in the end.
No but seriously, I think we really should try to develop some way to do area denial. I don't like at all the idea that pretty much anyone can just walz into our territory and scout us. Also, if they can scout they can do long-range missile harrasment against targets that cannot dodge, like planets or stations. I don't like the idea of an adversary launching long-range nukes against our planets from the other side of the solar system.
If the mass drivers/railguns lack range, missile- or torpedo-based "mines" are of course also an option. Of course, then enemy PD can shoot them down, but it would at least make considerably more risky for them.
Even just limiting where the Hermosan scouts can scout would be useful, right? Put the minefield around the inner parts of the system and let them waste time scouting the deep space on the outside, if they want.Space is just too gigantic to really set up a chokepoint; at best we can deny orbitals.
TO completely no sell it? 36 triple beam and sand turrets.Also, @4WheelSword how much PD do you need to effectively defeat a 144 missile barrage, anyway? 🤔
Space is just too gigantic to really set up a chokepoint; at best we can deny orbitals.
We do have like 18k of dock space now so we have a lot more options opening up. I think a dedicated, 8-10k ship might be a good idea once we've got our CFAs rolling off the yards and we have our refits etc handled.
Even just limiting where the Hermosan scouts can scout would be useful, right? Put the minefield around the inner parts of the system and let them waste time scouting the deep space on the outside, if they want.
Our 18k are divided between everal shipyards (two or three of them - Home's yeard, Cassalon's ex-Dynast's and Cassalon's ex-Junta's). I don't really remember what is the size of Home's shipyard, but that should be biggest one (and our biggest ship could be of that size).
We can build ships in sections and then assemble them, it just takes a bit longer and costs a bit more iirc.
No, I mean yes, but with Heimdall modular station we ended up with it being unarmored (and a Disperse Structure - more vulnerable type of hull). Though there should be way to build ships that can "decouple" its parts, so maybe we can.
Anyways, Home's shipyard in the beginning of quest was 8k tons, so 8K ton ship is totally possible. It had also grown recently,but I don't remember in which update it was, so can't tell what is the current size.
It's 9,750 Tons now
I think the more insulting thing is they insist that because we dare to jump into their territory then we should submit to inspection, while they think they can just do whatever they want in other people's territory with no recompense.First they take Equus and then they have the gall to say they're going to keep running intrusion flights. Hmmph. We could start making plans to make it clear we will not tolerate hostile expansionism on our borders - especially when they consider it their right to enter our system without so much as a "hello".
I support getting our PD cruisers online asap, as well as MDS in Heimdall and deep probing HermosaAlternately we could crash refit a bunch of ICs to get our PD network up and running and make them faster/add more torpedo throw weight. Spitballing.
Regardless the fleet won't be in a state I would call ready for an offensive action until begining of Y15.
Stalling until we have an MDS in Heimdall and additional anchorage support would also make life easier. Flights into Sinone would also help - if we wanna really make the point we could do a deep probe into Hermosa itself using their method and drop tanks - it's enough to make the round trip with a single vessel.
Should also run some calcs to see what we need to defeat that throw weight.
I think we should get those planned out, yes.
I like this plan, but what is the policy for the use of nukes and particle beams? My suggestion is that we try to add a clause to the treaties about them not applying when fighting non-signatories. Then, we could ask Hermosa to sign the treaty and when they refuse, which they are likely to do, we have the moral justification to use Particle Beams on them.[X] OPLAN: Paris of Troy
-[X] We do not appreciate scouting flights and this sort of expansionism, which is clearly inferior to our own expansionism. Plan for response flights into Equus and Sinone.
--[X] Passive flights into Equus should collect as much SIGINT as possible to determine the fate of the original inhabitants; due to lack of trade ties and inability to control local transmissions, it is likely that information will be scarce, but analysis of propaganda broadcasts, civilian traffic (if any), etc. should provide a small, incomplete picture.
--[X] Evaluate the feasibility of and execute a deep penetration mission of the same type to go either via Sinone or the empty parsec between Heimdall and Hermosa for a similar mission to Hermosa; execute once three CFAs are complete and available for deployment to Heimdall as this may be viewed as a provocation.
--[X] Recall monitor; maintain other forces in-system, rotating in Interstellar Cruiser Refits and CFAs when available. Do not utilize CFAs for passive monitoring; we want the Hermosans to assume they are the same type as the MMV for as long as possible.
--[X] Begin research, preparation, and wargaming for WARPLAN YELLOW, supposing an attack of Home Forces out of Heimdall into Sinone or Equus or both simultaneously. Incorporate intelligence gained via passive surveillance flights as it becomes available.
--[X] Begin research, preparation and wargaming for WARPLAN RED, supposing an attack from Hermosa into Heimdall out of Sinone or Sinone and Equus simultaneously. Assume that minimal operational warning will be provided, as passive scouting missions will be able to ascertain the status of our defenses within the system. Incorporate intelligence gained via passive surveillance flights as it becomes available.
--[X] Create HEIMDALL SECTOR COMMAND, which will take responsibility of command for all future operations in Heimdall and the "south"; if possible, establish local HQ in Heimdall. Considering travel distance to Home and HSWS HQ is almost a month, it is deemed necessary for an independent sector command to be officially created to respond to events as they transpire rather than relaying on ad hoc task force command structures.
--[X] Inquire with the Aslan mercenary companies as to their price to be on retainer for a potential peer conflict.
-[X] Lay down a new MDC (2500 tons).
-[X] Refit an additional three Interstellar Cruisers; replace two of the active cruisers with the two reactivated out of mothballs until they're complete. Retain activation of reserve ships until their replacements complete refit.
-[X] Begin experimentation and creation of passive torpedo mines with remaining tonnage and budget.
-[X] Consult with new Cassalon officers and staff as to their own opinions on warship design to see if they have any input or insights that the HSWS may have missed.
-[X] Dispatch mission to Hexos, Nova Refugo, and Shambala to inform the local inhabitants of developments and the apparent presence of an expansionist force. Nova Refugo is, of course, already aware of their existence but they will likely wish to know that Hermosa is beginning an expansion drive.
Bah, I don't normally like writing HUGE plans but there's a lot going on here.
I like this plan, but what is the policy for the use of nukes and particle beams? My suggestion is that we try to add a clause to the treaties about them not applying when fighting non-signatories. Then, we could ask Hermosa to sign the treaty and when they refuse, which they are likely to do, we have the moral justification to use Particle Beams on them.
[X] OPLAN: Paris of Troy
A rather thorough plan. I would suggest also looking into establishing a fueling station at Shambala as well if that's possible, as otherwise we would need a fuel range of two for patrols to Hexos.