[X] Try to keep him alive for more through interrogation once you deal with the traitor inside the Halls even if it does mean shedding another pair of War Weavers
[X] Put him in a coma under a lighter guard, for most Talents that would be more than secure enough, but a wizard's mind can be quite slippery, all the more so when it started to come undone
[X] uju32
The enemy wants this guy, who already gave us an invaluable opening to reveal some info, to kill himself on us. So I want him alive.
I don't think people are upset over how the Free Will is portrayed to actually be in the setting, but over how it completely contradicts the "you always have a choice" moral message of the books that Dresden, Michael, Uriel, etc are hammering the reader with.
Dresdenverse is full of moral luck ("freedom of opportunity" Free Will, as you put it), but the problem is that it's almost never treated as such.