Traveller, The Rise of Empire: A Naval Design, Procurement and Command Quest

[X] OPLAN: Retro

A pretty solid plan, and hope we can see how our new ships compare to our previous particle cannon-equipped ships.

They might be lackluster in damage output, but if we can improve the weapon systems in the future, that might solve (at least) the problem we made by banning our own particle cannon weaponry.
9-1: Looking for Light
Adhoc vote count started by 4WheelSword on Sep 13, 2024 at 4:33 AM, finished with 40 posts and 12 votes.

  • [X] OPLAN: Retro
    -[X] Write-in: replace all major Cruiser armaments with beam laser and rail systems equivalent to prior armament-beam barbettes to be replaced with lasers, beam bays to be replaced with railgun bays. Add additional point-defense and manœuvre systems.
    -[X] Write-in: place 2 Interstellar Cruisers and both SDDs in reserve to allow for refit and to free up pilot staff. Cycle IC's through reserve as new D-model refits come online.
    -[X] Scramble the Expeditionary Force to Heimdall and coordinate with Cassalon space forces to set up a tripwire force in their volume. All available SIGINT sensor assets are to be split evenly between the two forces to allow total ISR coverage as the situation develops.
    [X] Plan Reinforcement
    -[X] Replace the offensive armament with a dense PD network, upgrade the ships manoeuvre drive and otherwise modernise.
    -[X] Both System Defence Destroyers, 4 pilots
    -[X] Reinforce the Heimdall Station with reserve forces.
    --[X] Coordinate with Cassalon. If requested, station Expeditionary Force over there.
    --[X] Drop an observation buoy to be on the lookout for jump flashes at -02+01. Check in with it later.
    [X] OPLAN: Retro
    -[X] Write-in: replace all major armament with an improved PD/triple turret suite and install a large torpedo bay (and magazines). Improve engines and power plant, if possible. General modernization. Include additional SAR, crew, and medical space if tonnage/modernization allows.
    -[X] Write-in: place 2 Interstellar Cruisers and both SDDs in reserve to allow for refit and to free up pilot staff. Cycle IC's through reserve as new D-model refits come online.
    -[X] Scramble the Expeditionary Force (and portions of the Reserve, if deemed necessary) to Heimdall and coordinate with Cassalon space forces to set up a tripwire force in their volume. All available SIGINT sensor assets are to be split evenly between the two forces to allow total ISR coverage as the situation develops. Approach Cassalon about greater integration of our space-forces and space-force construction capacity (including personnel integration, etc). Scramble remaining Reserve Force/ships to Cassalon. Place Home Force on alert in case Cassalon is bypassed. Utilize couriers to ensure (relatively) fast flow of information throughout.
    -[X] Given more reliance on munitions, see about potentially purchasing / contracting construction of modular fright vessels from the civilian yards to enter HSWS service as a dedicted munitions carrier to support further operations to save yard space/time.

How should the Interstellar Cruiser be refit? Replace all major armament with an improved PD/triple turret suite and install a large torpedo bay (and magazines). Improve engines and power plant, if possible. General modernization. Include additional SAR, crew, and medical space if tonnage/modernization allows.
What ships should be sent to reserve in order to free up pilots? Place 2 Interstellar Cruisers and both SDDs in reserve to allow for refit and to free up pilot staff. Cycle IC's through reserve as new D-model refits come online.
What should the HSWS do? Scramble the Expeditionary Force (and portions of the Reserve, if deemed necessary) to Heimdall and coordinate with Cassalon space forces to set up a tripwire force in their volume. All available SIGINT sensor assets are to be split evenly between the two forces to allow total ISR coverage as the situation develops. Approach Cassalon about greater integration of our space-forces and space-force construction capacity (including personnel integration, etc). Scramble remaining Reserve Force/ships to Cassalon. Place Home Force on alert in case Cassalon is bypassed. Utilize couriers to ensure (relatively) fast flow of information throughout.

The Articles of War
Many weeks passed in great roaring argument, the clash of many a mighty mind struggling to see the purpose of allowing a few proles the chance at a more survivable battlefield. They are undercut, however, when the democratic government of Cassalon ratifies the Articles with barely a murmur of dissent. After all, their response reads, their local ships already rely primarily on missile launchers for space combat and they would much prefer Cassalon herself never see another nuclear or particle weapon ever. Guarantees of protection for civilians from orbital bombardment, an experience the people of Cassalon have had twice, is certainly nothing to turn their noses up at, simply because it does away with Particle Beams.

Xyri follows after in short order, aware that they escaped a similar fate by chance and the intervention of the Home Space Warfare Service. Had it not been for the warnings and management of Colonel (now Flight Commodore) Chey, they would likely have suffered a similar nuclear bombardment to that which almost ruined Cassalon. With two governmental bodies ratifying the Articles and the HSWS already planning to convert vessels to reduce the use of particle weapons, the government of Home only requires one final push before ratifying. It comes in the form of a small appended note from a legal scholar that informs the Citizen's Council that while the Militia and the Space Forces will be bound by these during war time, the various corporations and industrial firms that make up the Council will not. After all, a factory cannot declare war or have war declared upon it. The representative from Steenbeck has been seen smiling hungrily in the wake of this.

The Aslan prove slightly more of a problem, but eventually an accommodation is made. If and when hired by a ratifying body or operating in an area controlled by a ratifying body, they will be bound by the Articles and expected to follow the rules laid out. Outside of that, they cannot be held accountable to the Articles and thus are freed from them. Technically this does mean that an Aslan ship belonging to one of the two mercenary companies could engage an HSWS ship with particle beams and the HSWS ship could not respond, but equally each company also maintains only a single small ship. It is not of great concern.

These Articles are the first great symbol of diplomatic power we have to our name. We could consider attempting to spread these values beyond our own local stars:
[ ] We should approach the Aslan proper with the Articles.
[ ] The Friendly Northern Neighbours with whom we have only had brief contact.
[ ] Garda-Villis, with their massive ships
[ ] Maybe we shouldn't go looking for trouble.

Refitting the Interstellar Cruisers
The ICbIIa and ICbII will soon, through another round of major refits, become the ICbIII. This new version of our steadfast warship will be completely stripped of her particle beams, replacing them with six torpedo tubes and an array of defensive turrets of a density heretofore unforeseen. The goes alongside a near complete modernisation internally including:
- An enhanced fusion reactor providing 15% more power than previously available.
- Large drives pushing the ship to greater speeds.
- 50% more crew capacity to accommodate both an increase in crew and the ability to manage additional load during emergencies.
- A medical bay with six beds and the medics needed to run it.
- A smaller shuttle bay with a more capable shuttle aboard.
- Cargo and common areas.

Each refit will cost on the order of three-hundred-million credits and take the better part of a year, but they will lead to a far more comfortable, more capable ship to support our new Cruiser, Fast Attacks. The HSWS Apedemak will be the first ship to enter the yards and begin her long rebuild.

Lights in the Dark
The expeditionary force (Three combat ships and an FSS) depart for Heimdall without delay, transiting out of Home almost as soon as the orders are received. It will take them a month to reach that system, of course, but that's the price of modern technology. Meanwhile, additional forces head to Cassalon to reinforce the station there and provide additional platforms to operate alongside the Cassalon fleet. The HSLS Bá Kim also attends, with a view to improving connections between the two forces and perhaps coming out of this potential crisis with some new integrations and changes.

A line of couriers strings out from Heimdall to Home, a relay network that sits outside the 100d limit and stands ready to jump as soon as news requiring them is received. And then, with everything in place, the HSWS and her allies holds their breath and... waits.

A flash of light. Scrambled fighters and Frigates race to the location, trying to scrape as much sensor information as possible. Warnings and invitations to communicate are broadcast openly. No messages are returned, and the best sensor data indicates a 2,000dton wedge running as hot as a warship, its sensors running entirely passively, before it once again jumps away.

Someone is scouting out this system, and possibly other nearby systems, but there is no indication of deeper penetration. With the limited forces available, what should the HSWS do?
[ ] Extend the net to Equus and Shambala, see if the scouting extends beyond Heimdall.
[ ] Extend the net to Sinone and '-02,03' to check for incoming ships from Hermosa.
[ ] Extend the net to Shambala and Nova Refugio, to check for incoming ships from Garda-Villis
[ ] Other, write in

There is no requirement to create a plan, but plans are still welcome. Voting opens at
Hmmm... Scouting with passive sensors? Regular trips? It doesn't seem as if Heimdall itself was the target. Or perhaps it wasn't a scout, but some sort of smuggler or covert-ops ship. If I was Hermosa or Garda-Villis and wanted to scout out our systems I'd just send a merchant ship with an impressive sensor array concealed on it. Therefore:
[ ] Extend the net to Equus and Shambala, see if the scouting extends beyond Heimdall.

It'll be interesting to see whether the incursion repeats or not. The ship knows it has been spotted. Overall, it's difficult to judge to whom this ship belongs. 2K is well within the capabilities of most navies.
I wonder if acting to capture these scouts without destruction is possible with the use of ion torpedoes to disable their ship before boarding it.
It comes in the form of a small appended note from a legal scholar that informs the Citizen's Council that while the Militia and the Space Forces will be bound by these during war time, the various corporations and industrial firms that make up the Council will not. After all, a factory cannot declare war or have war declared upon it. The representative from Steenbeck has been seen smiling hungrily in the wake of this.

companies are really pushing it.

[ ] Maybe we shouldn't go looking for new signatores for now. Garda-Willis is a wrong target for this, at all, and we should learn more about the Northerners before deciding if approaching them is good.
[ ] Write-in - make inquiries with our Aslan mercs, especially with their officers (if they have any female officers, ask them too) - could Aslan in general be interested in such agreement? Pay them for consultations and for confidentiality.
[ ] Write-in: task MIC with infiltrating the corps. Make them contact friendlies in the other "ship crew bureucracies" and in Militia for information and opportunities to enter corps proper. Make mapping the existing private stockpiles of atomic weapons a priority.
[ ] Extend the net to Equus and Shambala, see if the scouting extends beyond Heimdall. If possible, extend to Nova Refugio. Alternatively, if there are no sign in Equus but some in Shambala, shift to Shambala and Nova Refugio.

It's not that important at the moment that we would guess right on who is doing the scouting (where is important though).

Equus is not that important by itself for now, but it could serve as a staging point for incursions into Heimdall - or further into our space. If there is something, we should know.

Nove Refugio, and Hexos are imporatnt to us, however. Shambala is not that important by itself but it's important junction to Nove Refugio and Hexos. If we can rule out Equus, we should concentrate on them.

I don't expect that to be possible unless the entire citizens council is overthrown considering it explicitly only elects landowners and industrialists, the executives and owners of the corporations.

Let's task MIC on infiltrating the corps first. Then when we will have some picture, maybe we would also have some options too.
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I find it funny that the articles of war randomly do not bind people we intended them to bind on.

Like I'm sure that this is a by-design feature, but no, the articles of war would apply to everyone, including companies, so uh ???

Cool, cool.
I find it funny that the articles of war randomly do not bind people we intended them to bind on.
Well, if it were binding for them there would be no reason for the oligarchs to sign off on the convention.
[ ] Write-in - make inquiries with our Aslan mercs, especially with their officers (if they have any female officers, ask them too) - could Aslan in general be interested in such agreement?
Seems to me the answer to that would be negative. I can see Aslan having lots of rules for war and ritualized combat, but I don't see reasons as to why they would adopt our rules and not us theirs.
Nove Refugio, and Hexos are imporatnt to us, however. Shambala is not that important by itself but it's important junction to Nove Refugio and Hexos. If we can rule out Equus, we should concentrate on them.
I don't expect that to be possible unless the entire citizens council is overthrown considering it explicitly only elects landowners and industrialists, the executives and owners of the corporations.

Yeah, it's a bit of a problem. But I am not comfortable with continuing to let private actors maintain stocks of atomics and particle beams that might end up used against our own people.
I don't expect that to be possible unless the entire citizens council is overthrown considering it explicitly only elects landowners and industrialists, the executives and owners of the corporations.

You expect too little. The trick is to get to an Egyptian or Turkish model of "fearing the army" rather than a French-pre-WW2 one.

I find it funny that the articles of war randomly do not bind people we intended them to bind on.

This was predicted a few times, IIRC. Oh well, if any of them try to launch a spaceship, we'll have to seize it and precipitate a crisis.
To clarify about Aslan, even if it's unlikely that they would tell us a cool secret way to have Aslan to sign the agreement, maybe they would go "it could be honourable in abstract, but it won't hold if our Big Chief Male would have to face off the ships of Visbang Federation or Frumplenian Autocracy". And then our negotiator can probe them on "Frumplenian Autocracy, huh?" :V
[ ] Write-in: task MIC with infiltrating the corps. Make them contact friendlies in the other "ship crew bureucracies" for information and opportunities to enter corps proper.

I'd add contacts in the Militia and task the MIC with seeking out locations of atomic stockpiles in private hands. We want to know where they are for... reasons.
I found the options a bit hard to understand, so here's a map with some annotations. (@4WheelSword, if you like my pixel art icons then please feel free to steal them, also, what mapping tool are you using?)

Here's our most recent map annotated with:

- our forces and allies (blue squares and the text "Courier", blue dome symbols on worlds where we have colonies)
- the flashes (rounded yellow crosses in Heimdall)
- the proposed places to extend our cordon (pinkish x, o and z symbols)

I don't know what forces are in each of these fleets, but here are some guesses based on this post Traveller, The Rise of Empire: A Naval Design, Procurement and Command Quest Original - Art Quest - Sci-Fi

Expeditionary force (E in a blue square):
- MMV - HSWS Perkūnas
- 2 other "combat ships", probably frigates or Interstellar Cruisers
- Flotilla Support Ship

Heimdall station (Pixel art spindle station in blue square):
- 1x Interstellar cruiser
- 2x Frigates

Reservists sent to Cassalon (R in a blue square):
- Flotilla Support Ship
- Probably some ICs?
- Maybe some frigates?

Home Fleet left in Home (H in blue square):
- 1x Monitor
- <=6 frigates

Further reserves:
- Unknown

Under construction:
- 3 CFAs

[x] Write-in: OPLAN caution
- [x] Prepare Heimdall for scuttling and evacuation. We should be able to execute an orderly retreat if the unknown force is hostile and more powerful than us.
- [x] Extend the net to Equus and Shambala, see if the scouting extends beyond Heimdall.