Green Flame Rising (Exalted vs Dresden Files)

Gotcha. Also this is unrelated to anything currently going on but is the tooth-fairy a thing here? That is to say is there a Fey going into children's bedrooms at night to take a potent magic focus and leave some money in return?

New errors.

The tooth fairy is a thing, they are winter fey (sometimes wyldfae). Children's teeth make potent weapons against certain kinds of Outsiders, in the hands of fey at least.

Errors fixed.
The tooth fairy is a thing, they are winter fey (sometimes wyldfae). Children's teeth make potent weapons against certain kinds of Outsiders, in the hands of fey at least.
If that's the case how do they get away with only leaving a few quarters or a dollar or two in exchange? The child wouldn't see much worth in a lost tooth but if the fairy values it more as a rare regent that seems like an uneven trade.
If that's the case how do they get away with only leaving a few quarters or a dollar or two in exchange? The child wouldn't see much worth in a lost tooth but if the fairy values it more as a rare regent that seems like an uneven trade.

Because that is how much little Jimmy thinks the tooth is worth, they fey are obliged by their nature to make it an exchange their target would see as fair (since they are hiding their nature) but no more than that.
I do feel the need to reiterate, I can think of no reason and if someone can please tell me that Demonreach would know or care about that information we can just give it to her and she can come along anyway.

[ ] Sure Olivia can handle herself if she wants to come, but you can just do the asking yourself
We haven't told Olivia about the Crown, and Olivia's ancestor (or one of their kin) might be a prisoner of Demonreach, but yeah, ok.

[X] Sure Olivia can handle herself
[X] Sure Olivia can handle herself if she wants to come, but you can just do the asking yourself


what it could mean that someone bound part of my power."
What is this referring to? I may be misremembering, but I believe that at least Molly herself knows that it was "Olivia's mother prayed, and the ancestor responded, twisting her powers to make her as protected at possible".
What is this referring to? I may be misremembering, but I believe that at least Molly herself knows that it was "Olivia's mother prayed, and the ancestor responded, twisting her powers to make her as protected at possible".

Yeah, but she does not know why. Why was the ancestor listening? Why was she important enough to help that want but not to teach anything? Why was she left flailing with powers she did not understand? Powers that she did not even believe in in part because of her father and in part due to how hard they were to pin down.

Good night guys.
We haven't told Olivia about the Crown, and Olivia's ancestor (or one of their kin) might be a prisoner of Demonreach, but yeah, ok.

[X] Sure Olivia can handle herself
[X] Sure Olivia can handle herself if she wants to come, but you can just do the asking yourself


What is this referring to? I may be misremembering, but I believe that at least Molly herself knows that it was "Olivia's mother prayed, and the ancestor responded, twisting her powers to make her as protected at possible".
The ancestor would somehow need to be able to cast magic even if it is essentially downhill to their Descendant from inside of the prison for that to happen. Which I think is a obvious sign that it shouldn't happen because that's a really dangerous thing to be allowed to happen at all for what is contained within the forever prison. There is also the fact her ancestor might just be a Divinity from the other side of the world that didn't immigrate with the rest of her family to America or just departed to the Never Never and is not even in the mortal world anymore. Which means there's no connection whatsoever between the prison and the ancestors so she would just be coming with us for.... not no reason but she would get very little out of it by coming.
Gotcha. Also this is unrelated to anything currently going on but is the tooth-fairy a thing here? That is to say is there a Fey going into children's bedrooms at night to take a potent magic focus and leave some money in return?

New errors.
The tooth fairy is a thing, they are winter fey (sometimes wyldfae). Children's teeth make potent weapons against certain kinds of Outsiders, in the hands of fey at least.

Errors fixed.
Lacuna, who first shows up in Cold Days, is a Tooth Fairy. So we know they exist in canon.
Monsters under the bed and in the closet of children are a thing as well.
Usually phobophages, fear-eaters.

If that's the case how do they get away with only leaving a few quarters or a dollar or two in exchange? The child wouldn't see much worth in a lost tooth but if the fairy values it more as a rare regent that seems like an uneven trade.
Because that is how much little Jimmy thinks the tooth is worth, they fey are obliged by their nature to make it an exchange their target would see as fair (since they are hiding their nature) but no more than that.
And how much is Little Jimmy paying the Fae in question for keeping Outsiders out of their life?
Or it might be that the value is in the metal, not the money.

Its entirely possible that part of the Deals/Arrangements establishing the Courts address stuff like this.
In fact, Id bet on it.

The ancestor would somehow need to be able to cast magic even if it is essentially downhill to their Descendant from inside of the prison for that to happen. Which I think is a obvious sign that it shouldn't happen because that's a really dangerous thing to be allowed to happen at all for what is contained within the forever prison. There is also the fact her ancestor might just be a Divinity from the other side of the world that didn't immigrate with the rest of her family to America or just departed to the Never Never and is not even in the mortal world anymore. Which means there's no connection whatsoever between the prison and the ancestors so she would just be coming with us for.... not no reason but she would get very little out of it by coming.
1) Nowhere has it been said that Olivia's ancestor is in Demonreach.
Just that she wanted to ask, because maybe spooky old magic prison might have spooky old magic lore about spooky old gods who were walking around back when the Saxons still ran things in the UK.

2)Her ancestor is an Indian god.
As far as we know, they're presumably still around, like a lot of gods.
But she would have no way of actually getting in direct contact with him.

3) Maggie LeFay explicitly anchored her death curse to her descendants; as long as she had living kids or grandkids, Lord Raith would never be able to break her curse on him. Similarly, she anchored a message to Harry in Thomas, set to trigger on the first time they shared a Soul-Gaze.

People who do magic can anchor magic to their descendants just fine; if wizards can do it, gods are even more capable.
People who do magic can anchor magic to their descendants just fine; if wizards can do it, gods are even more capable.
I was responding to Yog about the ancestors possibly being in Demonreach a completely separate thing I don't believe the ancestor is in the prison.
We haven't told Olivia about the Crown, and Olivia's ancestor (or one of their kin) might be a prisoner of Demonreach, but yeah, ok.

[X] Sure Olivia can handle herself

[X] Sure Olivia can handle herself if she wants to come, but you can just do the asking yourself


What is this referring to? I may be misremembering, but I believe that at least Molly herself knows that it was "Olivia's mother prayed, and the ancestor responded, twisting her powers to make her as protected at possible".

Which if the ancestor is an Indian deity why would the spirit of a prison built by an English mage well after the Edict of the white God in a part of the world the Indian Pantheon has never truly interacted with know about that ancestor in any capacity. We can just give her the answer and then let her come anyway.
"In English, I meant in English. Can I come to the magic jail? Ooff, that sounds weird, but I figured the spirit of that island would know where one might find the being at the end of my family tree and what it could mean that someone bound part of my power."
If we let her come while she's expecting to get an answer I fear that she will not get one and she will have come for little to no reason. Then there's the fact we should have done it months ago already.
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Also we can just kill all of the inmates with our spirit eaters. Spend a long weekend on the isle and it should be empty after we leave.
Which if the ancestor is an Indian deity why would the spirit of a prison built by an English mage well after the Edict of the white God in a part of the world the Indian Pantheon has never truly interacted with know about that ancestor in any capacity. We can just give her the answer and then let her come anyway.
Odin in from northern Europe. White Court is roman / Etruscan. Red Court is South American. Black Court is Eastern European (and partially from Outside). All of them operate or operated on American soil. It would not surprise me that Indian divine beings would also operate on American soil.

Also, to be pedantic:
2)Her ancestor is an Indian god.
As far as we know, they're presumably still around, like a lot of gods.
But she would have no way of actually getting in direct contact with him.
Not exactly a god. Her ancestor is a pious / noble rakshasa, and, importantly, brother of Ravana the Yama King:
Moving on to the lock of hair you ask quietly: "Who has done this?"

The answer comes in strings of horsehair and the thrum of bamboo: Dutiful Preserver. The first word echoes with sublime purpose the second with protean might that should be discordant, but is not. A temple filled with light, with song and prayer flashes before your mind's eye and of all the words upon its walls in a tongue unknown to you one reads clear: Vibhishana

It does not take a very long internet search to figure out who that is... or guess why he might care. Pious brother of Ravana who chose for his own the gift of unwavering virtue and who thus opposed his brother's malice and was made king of Lanka after his defeat. As is the way of kings he had heirs and they had heirs of their own bough from bough until newest shoot.

"Why was this done?" You have a guess, but it is only a guess.

Prayer for safety within and without spoken from mother to daughter.

At first you are left blinking in shock that you managed to find another divine scion and one so far from afield, but the more you think about it more it starts to make an odd kind of sense. Olivia is not Lydia, she is not the daughter of a god, but a descendant as distant as this age is from the days of the Ramayana and the Mahabharata. How many other talents great and small are scions of a part so small as to be entirely of humankind, but bequeathed with the smallest spark of power? All the teaming billions of mankind might by now descend of gods and demons uncounted.
So, it's possible that her ancestor is an advisor to a Yama King, or even a Yama king themselves. It's also possible that if they are of good character, we could set up transition of power from Ravana to Vibhishana in Lanka, and restore Lanka to a proper place of spiritual cleansing.
Arc 13 Post 50: Violet Day
Violet Day

14th of February 2007 A.D.

Having decided who to take with you to the dread island without a name you decide to take all six of the other people who choose to come along... to a cocktail bar. No it's not just you showing off how suave and sophisticated eighteen had found you, if you were into that you wouldn't have brought your father around. The reason you are at the Violet Hour, wearing an older approximation of your own face because Sophia doesn't want to change out hers just yet is that it's also Thomas' birthday party and Thomas has a boat. Most people wouldn't rent out the bar with the 12 Dollar cocktails for the night on their birthday. If you have the money to do it you probably don't want to deal with the leftover cigarette smoke, the scenesters and tourists, coming mostly in pairs to form a line outside the unmarked door, sign or no. It's Valentine's Day and they have money burning a hole in their pocket.

"And maybe something else too," your other iteration has a dirty mind, which meant that you had one now as well. The decor is Victorian, but more bourgeois than bohemian, cool blues framing brilliant golden light, like a flame on a frozen pedestal. It's the kind of place where Lydia doesn't stand out in the least in silver and black... and she might not even do so if she calls the dead to revel. Olivia for her part is as good staying unnoticed as ever, she could have come in a Hawaiian shirt and flip-flops and Dad is serious-but-nonthreatening enough that the servers don't seem surprised to see him here. All of which is to say Harry's the odd man out. Who knows what he could be hiding in that coat? Something tells you none of the people eyeing him guessed wizard's foci, but he does admittedly also have an elector-laser in there.

"Seriously stop slouching, it doesn't make you look any less threatening, just more shifty," Sophia projects, letting you catch the mental echo, leaving you to feel a little jealous of the convenience. Why do my communication powers come with making people bleed from the ears?

Speaking of those people Thomas' social circle proves very wide ranging, from socialites to street artists, from hair stylists to beat poets. You'd think he's doing it on purpose just to be seen doing it if it weren't for all the genuine smiles in attendance alongside people's... well you can't call it their 'Sunday best', most of these people probably do not have the Lord on their mind as they chat each other up over music just loud enough to tempt heads together... 'Friday night best,' that works, even though it's a Wednesday. Hah... Wotan's day, you wonder if he's around too. Nah, Thomas doesn't have the pull or at least he doesn't think he has the pull, which is much the same.

"So what did we get him?" Sophia asks.

"What do you mean 'we'?" you tease. "Didn't you get him anything? After all the work he put in to Chicago Synthetics too..."

"You're the CEO of Chicago Synthetics,"
she fires back.

"Oh, didn't realize you had a different Birth Certificate and Signature Ms. Carpenter..."

"So you agree then that we're the same person and we're only getting him one gift them,"
she declares triumphantly.

After losing that argument with yourself you spot Thomas at a table and offer him...

[] Write in present for Thomas

OOC: A bit short, but you guys do need to get that boat and it felt like a good moment to include Thomas seeing as it is also his birthday.
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Would really like to work on an IC way of de-Possessing Justine, assuming she has caught a case of Nemesitis.
Well, this is a Victorian club… perhaps a rapier that can stand up to his strength? I mean, Molly could have made him basically anything… well, maybe not a bigger yacht in the time she's had.
BTW guys I'll be on the road on Saturday so the update will not be until the evening and posting may slow down a little depending on holiday stuff. I'll try to keep it to one update per day, but writing time may be more scarce
Its a birthday gift, and a relatively routine one at that.
Make him a watch, or custom cufflinks, or a tie, or walk into a wine store in Sanctuary or on Earth and buy him a bottle or two of some appropriate alcohol.

Its the thought that counts, not what you spend on it.
In "Its My Birthday Too" Harry's gift to Thomas was supposed to be this $20 set of goofy plasticky goodness:

So frankly, the bar is very low for us here (Thanks, Harry!)
Would really like to work on an IC way of de-Possessing Justine, assuming she has caught a case of Nemesitis.
We already have Sapphire Circle Exorcism; it worked on Maeve, it would work on Justine.
Assuming she is Nfested; Butcher appears to be giving mixed signals about when she was Nfested in canon, with I think the latest indications being sometime between Cold Days and Peace Talks IE well in the future.
I wonder if Thomas would like a life-sized Rock'em Sock'em Robot ring? Molly could make that happen pretty easily, and it would be neat as hell.
I think Goldfish is talking about having an IC reason to do it, since we don't know she is (or could be) infected in quest.
I think Goldfish is talking about having an IC reason to do it, since we don't know she is (or could be) infected in quest.
The current indication appears to be that she wasnt Nfected as of this point in the canon timeline.
So we have no way of knowing if she is infected now.

Didn't we use a Crown question to find all N'fested people awhile ago? She wasn't on the list though of course it could've changed.
No, just those in the Fae Courts.
We dont know if Justine counts sufficiently as someone in the White Court for a question using Thomas or Lara to scan her as well.
[x] A rapier forged of cold steel, tempered in earth wyrm fire, quenched in the ice of the frozen wastes, and wrapped in delicate brass filigree set with jewels to match his eyes; Mundane matter shaped with utmost artistry in the world soul of a true friend.

Since no one was writing anything, here we go