Attempting to Shatter the Skies: An Ace Combat Plan Quest

So, if Nod wins, what scorpion-themed superweapon are we going for?

Nuclear? Laser?

Giant amphibious submersible meant to be a main invasion ship for conquering somewhere not about to be severely damaged by asteroid tsunamis?
So, if Nod wins, what scorpion-themed superweapon are we going for?

Nuclear? Laser?

Giant amphibious submersible meant to be a main invasion ship for conquering somewhere not about to be severely damaged by asteroid tsunamis?
I will generally push for lasers, for both planes and superweapons. The Antarctic means loads of ability to cool down, and if we can get them to scale, it's a good way to have everything from "We are canceling the apocalypse" to "Ace Combat 22: X-Wing Boogaloo".

EDIT: Also giant submersible aircraft carriers, yes.
If the tie isn't broken by the time I get home from work tomorrow I have a blursed idea that I at least find very funny.
Adhoc vote count started by LucidProp on Jul 15, 2024 at 4:20 AM, finished with 83 posts and 28 votes.

  • [X] Plan: Peace! Through! Power!
    -[X] Name: Republic of Nod; colloquially, the Brotherhood of Nod
    -[X] Government Type: Social Democracy, with some elements of Totalitarian/Messianic Democracy
    -[X] Flag:
    -[X] Territorial Claims:
    -[X] Origin: The disenfranchised and disaffected from all across the world, those who seek a work better than the current one that is bound by greed, the whims of a few hyper-rich, and the insanity of a handful of hyper-states.
    -[X] Flavor Text: It is uncertain how old the Prime Minister of the Republic, a man known only as Kane, is. What is known is that he has spent the last twenty years carefully cultivating a movement that is equal parts cult of personality, and a comprehensive vision for the reformation of society on Earth. While the trappings of the Republic, and the Brotherhood before the Republic was truly founded, are exceedingly religious, in its day to day operation it is generally secular and pluralist. The core beliefs of the actual Brotherhood (a name retained by the pseudo-religious collective that many, but not all, members of the nation belong to) are cross-religious, as they call upon shared principles from almost all belief systems, though especially those of the Abrahamic faiths. Kane has purposefully cultivated a culture that emphasizes open minds and open arms, while working to build a nation who, despite its small land claims, is thoroughly intended to one day stretch much farther. The Republic stands today as a testament to those who were disgusted with the petty bickering and infighting that even Usea, threatened as it was by the incoming asteroid, was experiencing. From the roots of their communal and collectivist leanings, the Republic of Nod has morphed into a mixed-economy nation that conducts democratic elections for all positions up to the Senior Council, though said Council's members are generally elected by the larger Parliament. The Primer Minister is selected by the Senior Council, though despite seeing a few seats change even in just the last few years, the Minister has been, and is, Kane himself. He has promised to not only see the Republic, Usea, and the world protected from the imminent threat of the asteroid, but, in time, protected from the predations of autocratic kings and ruthless robber-barons. The revolution is night, and the people will sing with joy as they embrace Peace, Unity, and Brotherhood!
    [X] Plan: Guy who hasn't played AC in a while tries to make a plan
    -[X] Name: The Chaldean Confederation
    -[X] Government Type: Technocratic State
    -[X] Flag:
    -[X] Territorial Claims:
    -[X] Origin: Joint Colonial Administration
    --[X] Flavor Text: Late players to the colonial game, the Anean countries of Estovakia, Emmeria, and Nordennavic would initiate their own individual colonial projects on the Antarctician continent in a bid to achieve their place in the sun. Before the end of the Osean War and the start of the Cold War, these 'colonies' were seldom anything beyond scientific or military outposts on the continent...and a dumping ground for any political or scientific dissidents for the three countries.
    [X] Plan: Artic Pyramids
    -[X] Name: The Celestial Dominion of the Antarc Throne
    -[X] Government Type: Absolute Monarchy
    -[X] Flag:
    -[X] Territorial Claims:
    -[X] Aboriginal
    -[X] Arrival: The Antarcs are an offshoot of Aurelian natives who arrived on what is now the Celestial Domain during the year 2,419 BC.
    [X] Plan: Iced-Over Exiles
    [X] Plan: Asteroid Approaching!

Seems like Nod is leading by 3 votes. Funny as it is, it's a bit too much like the Brotherhood so I'll be approval voting.

[X] Plan: Guy who hasn't played AC in a while tries to make a plan

[X] Plan: Artic Pyramids
-[X] Name: The Celestial Dominion of the Antarc Throne
-[X] Government Type: Absolute Monarchy
-[X] Flag:
-[X] Territorial Claims:
-[X] Aboriginal
-[X] Arrival: The Antarcs are an offshoot of Aurelian natives who arrived on what is now the Celestial Domain during the year 2,419 BC.
[X] Plan: Guy who hasn't played AC in a while tries to make a plan

[X] Plan: Artic Pyramids

I would be more down for playing nod if it wasn't so boringly done without any creativity done to make it work more for this setting.

I want Antarctica AC quest not "literally just the brotherhood of nod in AC for no explicable reason" quest
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[X] Plan: Guy who hasn't played AC in a while tries to make a plan

[X] Plan: Artic Pyramids
Ya know I'm surprised most of the plans are oregnal nations and not a multinational organisation that formed to build said super weapon because the individual nations don't trust each other to build it and chosen the Artics due to it's sparse population.
The weirdest part about figuring out Ace Combat lore is that Christianity explicitly exists, people celebrate Christmas, and the months and planets are all what we call them which all implies a Rome and Roman paganism and Jesus Christ being born and crucified but where on this map is Rome.
The weirdest part about figuring out Ace Combat lore is that Christianity explicitly exists, people celebrate Christmas, and the months and planets are all what we call them which all implies a Rome and Roman paganism and Jesus Christ being born and crucified but where on this map is Rome.
Rome is just a insanely successful Osean chain restaurant, so successful in fact that its viral marketing became a worldwide holiday like Coca-Cola with Santa Claus. Their signature dishes are a style called Italian, and Long Caster is one of its many admirers. :p
[X] Plan: Peace! Through! Power!
-[X] Name: Republic of Nod; colloquially, the Brotherhood of Nod
-[X] Government Type: Social Democracy, with some elements of Totalitarian/Messianic Democracy
-[X] Flag:
-[X] Territorial Claims:
-[X] Origin: The disenfranchised and disaffected from all across the world, those who seek a work better than the current one that is bound by greed, the whims of a few hyper-rich, and the insanity of a handful of hyper-states.
-[X] Flavor Text: It is uncertain how old the Prime Minister of the Republic, a man known only as Kane, is. What is known is that he has spent the last twenty years carefully cultivating a movement that is equal parts cult of personality, and a comprehensive vision for the reformation of society on Earth. While the trappings of the Republic, and the Brotherhood before the Republic was truly founded, are exceedingly religious, in its day to day operation it is generally secular and pluralist. The core beliefs of the actual Brotherhood (a name retained by the pseudo-religious collective that many, but not all, members of the nation belong to) are cross-religious, as they call upon shared principles from almost all belief systems, though especially those of the Abrahamic faiths. Kane has purposefully cultivated a culture that emphasizes open minds and open arms, while working to build a nation who, despite its small land claims, is thoroughly intended to one day stretch much farther. The Republic stands today as a testament to those who were disgusted with the petty bickering and infighting that even Usea, threatened as it was by the incoming asteroid, was experiencing. From the roots of their communal and collectivist leanings, the Republic of Nod has morphed into a mixed-economy nation that conducts democratic elections for all positions up to the Senior Council, though said Council's members are generally elected by the larger Parliament. The Primer Minister is selected by the Senior Council, though despite seeing a few seats change even in just the last few years, the Minister has been, and is, Kane himself. He has promised to not only see the Republic, Usea, and the world protected from the imminent threat of the asteroid, but, in time, protected from the predations of autocratic kings and ruthless robber-barons. The revolution is night, and the people will sing with joy as they embrace Peace, Unity, and Brotherhood!
[X] Plan: Peace! Through! Power!

I considered writing up an Antartic Defence Initiative planvote to booli my friend KnightDiciple specifically, but instead I'll just vote for his plan instead.
Seems like we're allowed to vote for two so

[X] Plan: Peace! Through! Power!
[X] Plan: Guy who hasn't played AC in a while tries to make a plan
I considered writing up an Antartic Defence Initiative planvote to booli my friend KnightDiciple specifically, but instead I'll just vote for his plan instead.
And Nod is just so much better as a fit for Strangereal anyway. Kooky superweapons, radical ideology, willingness to start wars in a 2000-era world, and inexplicable fanaticism just belong on Strangereal.

GDI is the boring normal types by comparison.

If the NOD expie was more fleshed out, I might have gone for it. Right now it just feels like the serial numbers weren't even filed off.
In all fairness, I'm sure there'd be room to elaborate as we went along.

The weirdest part about figuring out Ace Combat lore is that Christianity explicitly exists, people celebrate Christmas, and the months and planets are all what we call them which all implies a Rome and Roman paganism and Jesus Christ being born and crucified but where on this map is Rome.
Probably inundated and lost beneath the waves in a sequence of cataclysms that were heroically ended by some improbably brave, gifted, and nameless individual who triumphed over the evils of their day with a hang-glider and a bow and arrow.
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