What should your focus for the rest of the Quest be?

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I know a lot of the discussion was dominated by Voxx Primus but remember the Yeeni. Do we want to just grant it to them? Do we want to have a clause in for species who have been Long term members?
[X] [Voxx Primuse Afterplan] Plan: A Balanced Breakfast

@The Laurent for the second fork on growing crops, would my idea on sewer aquaponics and DeCaff Owl's idea of metal filtering bacteria and chemoautotrophs help out with the food problem

Maybe? That feels like stuff that would be included in a Write-In advancing these goals later.

I did have the idea that the pressures of the Food situation and the need for further genetic manipulations of food and improvements therein, as well as a generalized fear of starvation, could create a public-private corporation or body that combines the disparate elements of such research, development, and agricultural production under one umbrella.

One might even call it an Umbrella Corporation. :V
[X] [Yeeni] The Yeeni's construction and continued deployment of their Scout Cruiser Spirit of Discovery is indicative of the 'above and beyond' spirit of their species and should be a valid consideration for Kinship, especially when considered alongside the large active Yeeni contingents within our military apparatus. Neither of these actions are things required by a 'Good Protectorate taking their role seriously,' all that requires is paying your taxes on time and not causing problems. The Yeeni are actively seeking out involvement in wider Federation affairs, and have been doing so for an extended period of time. Their engineers are a core and crucial component in the running of our largest warships, the Leo Heavy Cruisers, and the Spirit of Discovery has been responsible for finding not one, not two, but dozens of abandoned precursor starships which could provide Star Child only knows what kinds of scientific advancement once grants are approved to study them. As such, though they have not performed anything so dramatic as our Kil'drabi siblings stand alongside us against a foreign foe, I believe that the Yeeni have demonstrated the desire, will, and strength of character necessary to be called our Kin.

And my backing for Laurent's plan:

[X] [Voxx Primuse Afterplan] Plan: A Balanced Breakfast
[X] [Voxx Primuse Afterplan] Plan: A Balanced Breakfast

[X] [Kin Laws] Extraordinary deeds are to be rewarded, but so is loyal and consistent work. If a protectorate performs ably for 100 years, they are to be given a 25 year trial period as kin, observed closely for problems. At the end of this period, should there be no major problems, they shall be kin in full. Obviously, extraordinary deeds (as with the Kir'dabi) can shorten or remove this constraint.

[X] [Yeeni] While the Yeeni have (arguably) not preformed the "extraordinary deeds" required of them, they have shown that they are enthusiastic and competent as they walk in the Star Child's light. So I say we give them the opportunity. Let them serve in first line military positions, let them learn our crafts, and let them take orders. Perhaps not so freely as true kin… yet. And, should they handle such ably? Then make them kin in full. They have given us a century of companionship, hard work and faith. We can extend this much trust. (Essentially give them a trial period as kin, say 25 years (because Star child) and if no issues crop up then they're kin in full).

Personally a fan of this one. If we can't catch problems in a hundred years something has gone wrong. The intent with the above is that it automatically applies to the Yeeni who have been with us for...lord knows how long at this point
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[X] [Voxx Primuse Afterplan] Plan: A Balanced Breakfast

I mean this isn't fully committing to too many actions, it's us deciding the general framework of how we're going to approach this, and the framework is move as much population as possible and help the rest build something sustainable. Makes sense.

[X] [Yeeni]

Yeah, they've gotten involved enough to qualify. Just tolerating the Thules should probably be considered above and beyond.
[X] [Voxx Primuse Afterplan] Plan: A Balanced Breakfast

[X] [Kin Laws] Extraordinary deeds are to be rewarded, but so is loyal and consistent work. If a protectorate performs ably for 100 years, they are to be given a 25 year trial period as kin, observed closely for problems. At the end of this period, should there be no major problems, they shall be kin in full. Obviously, extraordinary deeds (as with the Kir'dabi) can shorten or remove this constraint.

[X] [Yeeni]
[X] [Yeeni] The Yeeni's construction and continued deployment of their Scout Cruiser Spirit of Discovery is indicative of the 'above and beyond' spirit of their species and should be a valid consideration for Kinship, especially when considered alongside the large active Yeeni contingents within our military apparatus. Neither of these actions are things required by a 'Good Protectorate taking their role seriously,' all that requires is paying your taxes on time and not causing problems. The Yeeni are actively seeking out involvement in wider Federation affairs, and have been doing so for an extended period of time. Their engineers are a core and crucial component in the running of our largest warships, the Leo Heavy Cruisers, and the Spirit of Discovery has been responsible for finding not one, not two, but dozens of abandoned precursor starships which could provide Star Child only knows what kinds of scientific advancement once grants are approved to study them. As such, though they have not performed anything so dramatic as our Kil'drabi siblings stand alongside us against a foreign foe, I believe that the Yeeni have demonstrated the desire, will, and strength of character necessary to be called our Kin.
[X] [Voxx Primuse Afterplan] Plan: A Balanced Breakfast

[X] [Kin Laws] Extraordinary deeds are to be rewarded, but so is loyal and consistent work. If a protectorate performs ably for 100 years, they are to be given a 25 year trial period as kin, observed closely for problems. At the end of this period, should there be no major problems, they shall be kin in full. Obviously, extraordinary deeds (as with the Kir'dabi) can shorten or remove this constraint.
[X] [Voxx Primuse Afterplan] Plan: A Balanced Breakfast

[X] [Kin Laws] Any Protectorate which has been a member of the Federation for no shorter than a century shall have the right to claim Kin status, which shall be granted within five years unless rejected by a Polity-wide Council within that time frame. The right to claim Kin status may also be extended to any Protectorate not younger than fifty years, at the discretion of a Polity-wide Council, for extraordinary service in war and peace.
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Would it be an all or nothing action, or one of the actions where each X invested provides a benefit? (Like... every six is +1 to the relevant industries + X billion people or something)
The latter?
@HeroCooky Is there a song that might replace/reduce the need for calories across a population?
No, try drugs instead.
What's the speed difference (on a regular trade route) of an Andromeda guided vessel and manual plotting again?
Months versus days on Unguided vs Guided.
Yeah, they've gotten involved enough to qualify. Just tolerating the Thules should probably be considered above and beyond.
A hardship the Thules are more than willing to soften after causing it. :V
Re: The Kin Laws, I'd like a clarification on the rights and responsibilities of a 'trail period Kin', and I'm not sure why the standard one-century timeframe already constitutionally mandated for joining the Federation should require any augmentation.

And...my counter proposal.

[X] [Kin Laws] Any Protectorate which has been a member of the Federation for no shorter than a century shall have the right to claim Kin status, which shall be granted within five years unless rejected by a Polity-wide Council within that time frame. The right to claim Kin status may also be extended to any Protectorate not younger than fifty years, at the discretion of a Polity-wide Council, for extraordinary service in war and peace.
Months versus days on Unguided vs Guided.
Try low hundreds. You only have two ISCs focused on carrying stuff, and are not industrialized enough for Warp Ships to be anything but a group effort of the rich.

So, I would once again re-iterate the suggestion that we deploy some number of Andromeda's, on miniaturized andromeda design on civilian service. if we can get 10 Andromeda's going, we can literally cut transit times across the vast majority of our society in ten, freeing up 90% of our transport capacity without crashing the entire economy.

And, with Vox Primus, we will need that.

[X] [Voxx Primuse Afterplan] Plan: Practical Considerations
-[X] First, whatever happens, it is likely the hive will need tremendous support for a prolonged amount of time, requiring the freeing up of massive amounts of transportation capacity. For this reason, a convoying system will be drawn up, so that a much smaller number of freights, guided by machine choir equipped vessels, can carry internal trade, while now surplus hulls can be put in reserve to eventually support the Hive world
-[X] Second, we must truly and fully continue upon completion the research of even further crops capable of growing in Hives (or Ex-Hives), and their integration. This Hive World must become increasingly self-sufficient, even if this means that space must be cleared which will necessitate decreases in the total population (see below). Yet this alone will not be enough.
--[X] Means: Speak with the Irritia, you have a burgeoning humanitarian problem that's likely to pop, and you want to take the steps needed to minimize the issues. Do they have any insights on very, very high density food growing? Or barring that, how to produce large amounts of food in space?
-[X] Third, whatever changes, we know that the vast majority of the population of Vox Primus shall remain there. As such, engineering priorities must focus on the development of detoxifying and in situ urban renewal practices? How does one rebuild a hive world. For this purpose, perhaps an engineering demonstration settlement can be constructed on Qulach's Forge's, and perhaps some arcologies on many other worlds, to both learn lessons and house people.
-[X] Fourth, we need to encourage safe and humane birth-limits, tied specifically to capacity to raise children to a good standard of living, and coinciding with a propaganda campaign to encourage a different mindset of concentrating resources and efforts, at least until the population is under control. Yet this alone will not be enough.
--[X] Means: As a provision now, while the larger campaign waits, make birth control readily available to the Star Child population on Voxx Primus, and begin education in Family Planning, and specifically the drive to have kids only when you can make sure they will have a good (by whatever is standard atm) quality of living. Etc, etc. Sewing small seeds for later situations, and hopefully making sure those who are born are loved, planned for, and more liable not to die in childhood.
-[X] Fifth, we have to consider, that upon this one world live more members that could be taken up by the Choirs, than in the entire Glimmering Federation. Recruitment and exfilitration of these individuals can avoid local incidents, while giving up the choirs needed to achieve a great many things, including mass transportation.

Mostly adopted, from TheLaurent's plan, with 2 key changes

1) Spacestations are just not worth it for a mass habitation solution? Planets provide free air and gravity, making them generally far better for settlement.
2) Any plan that plans to move 300 billion people should also consider how to move them, so a drastic improvement in domestic logistics should be amongtst the highest priorities.
3) Most of the people are going to stay on that Hive world, so we should learn how to fix war torn hiveworlds. Luckily, we have an example right in our backyard where we can make all the mistakes and learn all the lesons.
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I'm actually not necessarily against designing a Destroyer-sized Civilian Andromeda, though even for a Destroyer the... wait actually.

[] [Destroyer] SS Rustbucket
-[] Sketch (Purely Optional)
-[] Length
- 1200 Meters (+4)
-[] Width - 350 Meters (+1)
-[] Acceleration - 8 Gravities (+0)
-[] Armor - Thin Double Hull (+0)
-[] Shields - One Array (+0)
-[] Weapons - NONE
-[] Equipment - Hymn of the Machines (-10 DP), Armored Lifepods (-1 DP), On Board Supply Generation (-1 DP), Ship Shrines (-1 DP)

Here is a Civilian "Andromeda" Destroyer that costs 8 DP, and can therefore be spammed out for 1 FP.

The downside of course is that we don't have enough Choirs to actually spam like that? But we could easily slip a few in to whenever we use the Ship Building again, which to be clear we will because the AP to FP ratio when we have 40 FP banked is BETTER than the SBG creation rate.

Not THAT much better, but 15 FP advantage is 15 FP advantage or whatnot. Something like that.
Yeah I don't wanna put actual Andromedas on civilian escort duty just cause of how many actions we'd need to spend to put enough out there, but I'd be fine with a Destroyer doing it. Maybe make it one width smaller so we can slap a light macro-cannon on it to dissuade piracy? Or pull off onboard supply generation? Since these would operate within the borders of our territory all the time.
Yeah I don't wanna put actual Andromedas on civilian escort duty just cause of how many actions we'd need to spend to put enough out there, but I'd be fine with a Destroyer doing it. Maybe make it one width smaller so we can slap a light macro-cannon on it to dissuade piracy? Or pull off onboard supply generation? Since these would operate within the borders of our territory all the time.

Sure, makes sense. It'd still be expensive in the sense of investing Choirs in it, but depending on the situation it may be a valid thing. We could essentially rent the ships out, sorta-kinda, as a public service in service of inter-system trade? That sort of thing?

...obviously with a caveat somewhere that in an emergency situation, said Choirs and ships can be used for any number of other things?
Ahh, the trusty old rustbucket! It comes with rust straight out of the yard!

We still do have a few more choirs than we know what to do with - 34 extra as of last update. We want to stay above what, 10? 20? to keep the auto-ticking melodies, but having 12 doing convoys should help our civilian stuff a lot. And if we really need to split our fleets up a lot, they can always be conscripted in a pinch.
Ahh, the trusty old rustbucket! It comes with rust straight out of the yard!

We still do have a few more choirs than we know what to do with - 34 extra as of last update. We want to stay above what, 10? 20? to keep the auto-ticking melodies, but having 12 doing convoys should help our civilian stuff a lot. And if we really need to split our fleets up a lot, they can always be conscripted in a pinch.

It should be noted, that we also use our Choirs for all of our Scout ships. So we're going to be getting -3 Choirs per turn for a while. It'll still probably be growing, but we should note that.

WRT "Build Ships" vs. SBGs, the average 1 point in SBGs reflects 53 points of FP. Now, in the case of /4, you have to spend all four points and then you get it all at once, so there's a penalty to rushing it out that can give Build Ships an advantage even normally.

But Build Ships is still inferior, because it's at 36, and if it ever increases, it'll probably also reduce the AP cost to get bulk SBGs.

However, because we can build up FP thanks to the Kil'drabi, at roughly 20 built-up points (where we are, but in truth only marginally) and above, it becomes slightly more Action-efficient to take a point of Build Ships instead.

Likely we'll be waiting a few more turns before popping the Build Ships Bubble, and if we wait all the way, we'll be at 76 FP worth of shipbuilding, 23 FP above what we'd get with an SBG action. A decent haul, if something that can only be done exactly once a century!
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[X] [Voxx Primuse Afterplan] Plan: A Balanced Breakfast

[X] [Kin Laws] Extraordinary deeds are to be rewarded, but so is loyal and consistent work. If a protectorate performs ably for 100 years, they are to be given a 25 year trial period as kin, observed closely for problems. At the end of this period, should there be no major problems, they shall be kin in full. Obviously, extraordinary deeds (as with the Kir'dabi) can shorten or remove this constraint.
Voting will open in 15 minutes