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The worst part is that 'One delay from famine' shouldn't even be a thing. The kind of power generation you need to keep a Hive World running and not broil itself to death would trivially sustain hydroponics/aquaponics/good-ol' soil-in-tray-ponics under grow lamps1, alongside any half-decent sewage-to-fertilizer treatment. The only significant outflows should be from warm bodies emigrating/being conscripted and taking their CHONPS2 out of the system--that can be imported from Agri-Worlds in the form of food, but could just as well be mined or scooped directly and processed into fertilizer.A starving, high mortality, high crime, low wealth and zero mobility location should be population negative and needing constant shipments to just stay afloat. Somehow, not only is it population positive, but it's aggressively so to the point where they can export a functionally limitless supply of warm bodies across the galaxy on top of everything else they do even with their massive attrition and "One delayed shipment from a mass famine" logistics.
A Hive-world under siege shouldn't be facing famine this side of a century, and the fact that they routinely do is entirely down to Imperial-style mismanagement and coup-proofing.
1To say nothing of Single Cell Protein or other forms of cellular agriculture.
2Carbon, Hydrogen, Oxygen, Nitrogen, Phosphorus and Sulfur. The most common elements in living organisms.
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