While I also have this thought, I think this will only happen if the event dice goes crazy, as DP also lamented several times how big the Vegas and Boston arc had become. Long arcs are not only tiring for the players but also for the GM himself.
Pacing a quest is a must.
It cant be crisis literally every month, or in this case, every couple weeks; both the Vegas Apocalypse and the attempted destruction of the US economy happened in January.
Molly deserves a break.
And as a player, I appreciate the opportunity to take some time to figuratively smell the roses and not spend it all racing from high-stakes plot to high-stakes plot.
If it comes down to that, I am willing to switch out the exaltation security (even if it pains me very much to do that, and I think it's a mistake) so we can at least deal with White Council traitors now. Also, I want to fully utilize the SGI action points, and think that letting SGI handle Charity's estranged family is a mistake. And
@uju32 please at least add using SGI to start making and using malcoffee, and other stat boosting recipes we bought. We bought them for a reason, and even if you disagree with my other choices, this one is pure plus with no downsides.
1) I dont think the QM wants SGI clones to benefit from Malcoffee.
And Molly already makes enough for other uses.
2) SGI + IDU is superhuman . And I mean superhuman both physically and socially.
I'll try and put up a full stat block for what I worked up later, but using Molly's stats as a base, I manage to build an SGI clone with low double digit soak, agg damage weapons, occult sensory capabilities, 12HLs, melee combat dice pools of ~15 dice, and social dicepools of 10 in addition to social DC adjusters pretty easily. And this is while exercising restraint.
If these are plain mortal folks in Charity's family, an SGI clone will have no issue.
If there's supernatural shit, they will notice and report back.
2) I dont have a problem with using things we've paid for.
I do think that mechanizing an actual stockpile of potions that has to be actively tracked every time the PC or a member of their party uses it just creates additional tiring book keeping for the QM and players with marginal actual gameplay benefits.
We need it, we make it we use it. The QM doesnt have to worry about it.
As for the lower-end potions, Molly knows the recipes and Sanctuary has a large and thriving community of formally-educated alchemists. There's literally no reason she cant step into Sanctuary and get most of the lower-tier recipes off the shelf.
Why would the SGI be a problem for that beyond the issue inherent in contacting them in the first place? They're pretty superhuman already even if they aren't Molly prime good, and they haven't had enough divergent experiences for their behavior to be off from Molly's baseline.
On the more general note, I think we're fine to not speed run the plot. The Dresden Files has years between major events, this is an irregular time but the time table doesn't have to be one major book equivalent plot every turn. That's exhausting and will quickly burn up the quest.
Spacing it out with some slower moments that involve other efforts and just do stuff because it's neat will ultimately make things more fun.
In the last eight months and 13 story arcs, we've speedrun the plot of Proven Guilty, resolved White Night half a year early, and we're on parts of Turn Coat three years early, having managed to completely resolve Cold Days before it became an issue. And thats while doing original plots.
Pacing is something to keep in mind.
First, links [
2] to relevant story posts.
I find the change of heart (them being "leading voice 'in charities promoting education in the developing world'") and another child to be suspicious. And Charity is known to be MIchael's wife. Has been known to be so for multiple decades. Setting up assets there to do harm to Michael in case there's ever a family reunion seems to be like something a lot of his enemies will do.
Basically? I have a bad feeling about this, and this feels like the thing most likely to go wrong.
On speedrunning the plot - our main advantage is speed. We move faster than others. I am loathe to give that up. And in regards to exaltation specifically - right now it's at its most vulnerable.
Edit: before engaging, I would want to use at least a couple od Crown questions
And if they are anything like Charity, we would want our prime body there with excellencies.
1) They lost their only daughter. Thats the kind of thing that inspires significant life changes
Hence my not finding it particularly out of the ordinary.
Or they could simply be doing rich people PR. That remains to be seen.
2)Yes, Charity is known to be Michael's wife.
Michael Carpenter. Wielder of Amoracchius. The Fist of God. Dragonslayer. Vampire killer. Denarian killer.
The dude who literally has angels of the White God on his family protection team.
Each time someone has deliberately targeted his family in the Dresdenverse, they have died very messy deaths. When the Nightmare attacked Charity in Grave Peril, Dresden ate him in a case of spirit cannibalism a couple days later. When the Scarecrow kidnapped Molly in canon, coincidentally the Scarecrow died less than 12 hours later
Even the Denarians generally decided that fucking with his family was not worth the squeeze.
In this very AU, Nemesis fucking with his daughter literally got Uriel to take countermeasures. Thats why we're here.
I dont really think its plausible there's some longterm family trap there that has lasted this long and the plotter didnt "coincidentally" stumble into someone who shanked him.