What should your focus for the rest of the Quest be?

  • Total voters
[] Plan: Domain Expansion: 41630 Cogs
-[] [Faith] Sermons To The Families
-[] [General] Colonize (Planet/s)
--[] Turriamnish's Hope - Hope
--[] Monresast - Monresast Major
--[]Silista - Silista X
-[] [Faith] The Great Heresies
--[] The Supplicants of the Aetherical Cog
[] Plan: Paint the Map
-[ ] [General] Colonize
--[ ] Ultima Sigritta - Sira (Mesa and Savannah), Silista - Silista X (Temperate Continent), Turriamnish's Hope - Hope (Steppes and Moss)
--[ ] Monresast - Monresast Major (Arboreal and Savanna), Gnatiila - Smug (Outback and Canyons), Itani - Grubbub (Low Shrubs and Fog)
-[] [Faith] The Great Heresies
--[] The Supplicants of the Aetherical Cog
-[ ] [Non Action] Set the Melody about to be learned to Technology

I'll also fine with a plan that does 1x colonization, 1x research and 1x Heresy. But having these worlds settled and productive is going to be an amazing boon for the next conflict, and will mean our research actions will start being productive sooner as well, and we start picking up cool anomalies again sooner.

Edit: removed the ISC change. Thanks @Amilia !
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Hm when is papa smurf on our doorsteps ? I mean it would be time around now he is even slightly late i mean he is kinda wizard half god and as gandalf said a wizard is never to late or to early he comes exactly at the time he intended :V
Hm when is papa smurf on our doorsteps ? I mean it would be time around now he is even slightly late i mean he is kinda wizard half god and as gandalf said a wizard is never to late or to early he comes exactly at the time he intended :V

Guiliman is all the way on the other side of the Great Rift from us. He's a non-issue until otherwise noted.
A write-in for later:

[] Now with their presence established in some of the Hives, it's time to take stock of the landscape. In the Underhive, joining a Gang is not always a matter of some vicious, heartless love of evil. Nor were all mutants somehow enemies. Begin sending more covert specialists and indeed med-techs, to in Hives where support is still weak recruit the lesser gangers, give them purpose and a new mission, begin building up a local army and transforming the landscape... and also using this to survey the landscape in another way, identifying dangerous points of potential resistence, those gangs that cannot be treated with or taught a better way... and even worse, the PDF and other such forces, the Captains of Industry, the whole of what will resist... for later and further actions.

And another.

[] Now, with the landscape slowly shifting in your favor, is the time to begin making a psychic stamp upon this benighted land. Send several Choirs undercover, and specifically have them not only engage in covert operations, but also recruit budding Psykers, giving them the training... not necessarily to immediately fight, but to be the foundation of a Choir program on Voxx Primus, one that will break prejudices and prevent these people from falling into the Vile Maw of Chaos.
I think next turn we might want to go for a technology exchange with the Shipwright's Alliance.

Effective 5 design point increases on top of other bonus isn't something to dismiss after all
[X] Plan: Paint the Map
-[X] [General] Colonize
--[X] Ultima Sigritta - Sira (Mesa and Savannah), Silista - Silista X (Temperate Continent), Turriamnish's Hope - Hope (Steppes and Moss)
--[X] Monresast - Monresast Major (Arboreal and Savanna), Gnatiila - Smug (Outback and Canyons), Itani - Grubbub (Low Shrubs and Fog)
-[X] [Faith] The Great Heresies
--[X] The Supplicants of the Aetherical Cog
-[X] [Non Action] Set the Melody about to be learned to Technology

Choo choo let's expand.
[X] Plan: Domain Expansion: 41630 Cogs W/Psykana Choice
-[X] [Faith] Sermons To The Families
-[X] [General] Colonize (Planet/s)
--[X] Turriamnish's Hope - Hope
--[X] Monresast - Monresast Major
--[X]Silista - Silista X
-[X] [Faith] The Great Heresies
--[X] The Supplicants of the Aetherical Cog
-[X] Psykana Choice: Technology
[X] Plan: Go forth and bonk a Heresy
-[x] [General] Colonize (Planet/s)
--[x] Turriamnish's Hope - Hope
--[x] Monresast - Monresast Major
--[x] Ultima Sigritta - Sira
-[x] Servitor Cognition Auxiliary Enhancement Procedures
-[x] [Faith] The Great Heresies
--[x] The Supplicants of the Aetherical Cog
-[x] [Non Action] Set the Melody about to be learned to Technology
[X] Plan: Domain Expansion: 41630 Cogs W/Psykana Choice
-[X] [Faith] Sermons To The Families
-[X] [General] Colonize (Planet/s)
--[X] Turriamnish's Hope - Hope
--[X] Monresast - Monresast Major
--[X]Silista - Silista X
-[X] [Faith] The Great Heresies
--[X] The Supplicants of the Aetherical Cog
-[X] Psykana Choice: Technology
[X] Plan: Domain Expansion: 41630 Cogs W/Psykana Choice
-[X] [Faith] Sermons To The Families
-[X] [General] Colonize (Planet/s)
--[X] Turriamnish's Hope - Hope
--[X] Monresast - Monresast Major
--[X]Silista - Silista X
-[X] [Faith] The Great Heresies
--[X] The Supplicants of the Aetherical Cog
-[X] Psykana Choice: Technology
Oh, I didn't even think about Sermons to the Families. Yeah, that's probably a better choice.

[X] Plan: Domain Expansion: 41630 Cogs W/Psykana Choice
[X] Plan: Paint the Map
-[X] [General] Colonize
--[X] Ultima Sigritta - Sira (Mesa and Savannah), Silista - Silista X (Temperate Continent), Turriamnish's Hope - Hope (Steppes and Moss)
--[X] Monresast - Monresast Major (Arboreal and Savanna), Gnatiila - Smug (Outback and Canyons), Itani - Grubbub (Low Shrubs and Fog)
-[X] [Faith] The Great Heresies
--[X] The Supplicants of the Aetherical Cog
-[X] [Non Action] Set the Melody about to be learned to Technology

We've got 6 good worlds to colonize, and the current selected ISC means we can colonize them all in two exactions. If we do that, we can switch to a different ISC next turn (probably the research one). It's... the most efficient way to handle things.
Furthermore, remember the effects that colonizing more worlds has had in the past. It means that all the individual actions we take have a greater effect. A fleet-building actions builds a larger fleet, for instance.

TL;DR: If we care about efficiency at all, the smart thing is to spend two actions on colonization this turn, rather than spreading it over multiple turns. Which still leaves us an action for tackling heresies.