A write-in for later:
[] Now with their presence established in some of the Hives, it's time to take stock of the landscape. In the Underhive, joining a Gang is not always a matter of some vicious, heartless love of evil. Nor were all mutants somehow enemies. Begin sending more covert specialists and indeed med-techs, to in Hives where support is still weak recruit the lesser gangers, give them purpose and a new mission, begin building up a local army and transforming the landscape... and also using this to survey the landscape in another way, identifying dangerous points of potential resistence, those gangs that cannot be treated with or taught a better way... and even worse, the PDF and other such forces, the Captains of Industry, the whole of what will resist... for later and further actions.
And another.
[] Now, with the landscape slowly shifting in your favor, is the time to begin making a psychic stamp upon this benighted land. Send several Choirs undercover, and specifically have them not only engage in covert operations, but also recruit budding Psykers, giving them the training... not necessarily to immediately fight, but to be the foundation of a Choir program on Voxx Primus, one that will break prejudices and prevent these people from falling into the Vile Maw of Chaos.