Green Flame Rising (Exalted vs Dresden Files)

I don't have access to my DtF books anymore. Just how similar is Revelation to Delirium? Will it handle the mortal memories for us?

[X] uju32
Your own inner quote says "The victim must be able to understand the vampire" to give commands. Am I missing something?
Understand the vampire isnt the same thing as speak the same language.
Anyway, WoG is that he speaks the language.Just an older variant; the Mughal Empire was 16th-18th century, so he'd be speaking 16th-18th century Bengali.

I know we can understand 16th to 18th century English just fine.
Why not Shintai up a big reflective wall to bathe the corner of the wicked city we fled from in natural sunlight? That'd be fun to charge into as a demon and might do something screwy to the other side as a final dig at Mikaboshi.
We could do that as a stunt.
I don't have access to my DtF books anymore. Just how similar is Revelation to Delirium? Will it handle the mortal memories for us?

[X] uju32
The book doesn't have that much detail, but I expect this event to be given about as much credence as bunches of other mass religious events. Which is to say bunches of different sects will talk about it and how it supports their preferred interpretation of their preferred scripture. Details will quickly be distorted to meet that end and the stories will come into conflict with each other. Hopefully we don't end up with a religious war in the area.

In other words witnesses all have a 'Divine Revelation' , but disagree on what it was and what it means.

I don't know if it's better if we say something or nothing.
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I don't have access to my DtF books anymore. Just how similar is Revelation to Delirium? Will it handle the mortal memories for us?

[X] uju32
Here you go:

Demon The Fallen p253-254 said:
Each time a demon uses her Faith, mortal observers can make a Perception + Awareness roll to sense the demon's true nature. The difficulty of the roll is 10 minus the total number of Faith points the character spent (or lost) in the scene. Therefore, a small expenditure of Faith is likely to go unnoticed by all but the most perceptive of mortals. A great expenditure of Faith, or repeated small uses of Faith over a short period of time, make it more likely someone will notice. If the difficulty reaches 0, all mortals automatically perceive the demon's true nature. Demons can also allow mortals to perceive their true nature without spending Faith, whenever they wish. Finally, if a character invokes her apocalyptic form (see Chapter Seven for details), mortal witnesses automatically suffer the effects of Revelation.

The mortal's reaction depends on two factors: the character's Torment and the mortal's Willpower.
Fallen with a low Torment (less than half their Willpower) are glorious and awesome, shadows of the divine beings they once were. Fallen with high Torment (greater than their Willpower) are living nightmares who are terrible to behold. Those in between may be either or both, depending on the mortal's preconceptions (and the judgment of the Storyteller). Mortals with low Willpower scores are likely to be overwhelmed by the demon's true nature, while those with greater Willpower can overcome the initial shock and deal with the Revelation (although it still comes as a shock, even to the most jaded and confident of mortals).

When a mortal has a Revelation, roll the mortal's Willpower against a difficulty of the demon's permanent Faith.
Mortals whose players fail the roll are so awed or horrified by what they see that they are incapable of doing anything but standing and staring raptly. If the demon directly threatens them, they flee as quickly as possible and later rationalize what happened to them. They believe it was a dream or hallucination, or they simply forget about it altogether.

Mortals whose players succeed in the roll are still impressed, but they remain capable of taking rational action (which may still involve fleeing as quickly as possible). They also remember some or all of what happened, although they're not likely to be believed. One success is enough to recall that something extraordinary happened, two successes provide basic details, and three or more successes mean that the mortal recalls exactly what happened (and will probably never forget it).

A botch on the Willpower roll means that the mortal suffers a complete collapse, either fainting dead away or turning into a gibbering mass, overcome with awe or terror. Those with a particularly weak constitution may even suffer a heart attack, stroke or other complication at the Storyteller's whim. Upon recovering, the mortal recalls nothing of the experience, but may still exhibit aftereffects, such as recurring nightmares or hair gone permanently white.

One effect a Revelation does not have is to reap Faith from those who witness it. While the witnesses are filled with a momentary awareness of the character's nature, it's an unfocused and impersonal awareness. Reaping Faith requires the demon to form a relationship with a mortal, even if only for a short time — not just to flash his horns and forked tongue. While revealing one's revelatory form may certainly aid in reaping Faith, it's never enough in and of itself to gather power for a demon.
So if we want to clear the area Tiffany can likely do it in a single sentence. In the right language anyway.
[X] Some of you try to get the people to run while others fight at the gate until it closes
-[X] Nergui uses Authority to clear the area of mortal civilians, and then gets out of the direct sunlight: 1 Chi
-[X] Molly + Lydia + Lash (+/- the rescues) defend the Gate until it closes
By the rules, and by active enforcement (and retribution) of people more powerful than them.
The Earthbound and Fallen were similarly
Post-Rebellion but pre-Abyss Fallen in the WoD were plot device powerful as well.

Archangel Michael vs Lucifer Morningstar.

Dacca is in Bangladesh. Thats the tropics. In daytime.
Eesh. PR as well as tactical implications.

Its only been a year and half since the events of Dead Beat had zombie armies fighting on the streets of Chicago, and Dresden rode a zombie T-rex through downtown Chicago .

The Iphone was just announced this January, Samsung Galaxy only gets announced in 2 years.
Cheap smartphones are not yet a thing anywhere, whether the First World or the Third World. And there are no security cameras on construction sites in the slums in the Third World.

If this is an active construction site, that means its daytime.
And Nergui, as a Yin-aspected kuejin, only gets a couple minutes of direct sun exposure before he begins to take damage, so he isnt going to be much help out here.

On the flip side, that same sunlight will have an effect on demon servitors and similar minions from a Yin-aspected Hell; they step out here, those of them vulnerable to sunlight are taking debuffs from the sunlight.
Any akuma will have to roll for Wave Soul because sunlight.

Doesnt matter. Nergui has Authority.

He can burn 1 Chi and jedi mind trick all the mortals here to leave.
While Molly + Lydia + Lash defend the Gate.
Yeah I don't have faith biblical stuff means Jack shit when this is a setting where angels likely have multiple identities we don't know about and probably belong to more than one religion across history.
[X] Fight as you are, you can deal with secrecy later, the cat isn't going to be easy to shove back in the bag regardless
-[X] And activate Viridian Legend Exoskeleton for background chorus

Great idea. The sweet background music will help sell the fact that whatever video came out of this, it was probably doctored.
[X] Some of you try to get the people to run while others fight at the gate until it closes
-[X] Nergui uses Authority to clear the area of mortal civilians, and then gets out of the direct sunlight: 1 Chi
-[X] Molly + Lydia + Lash (+/- the rescues) defend the Gate until it closes
--[X] Activate Viridan Legend Exoskeleton for background chorus
The sunlight basically turns this from us desperately holding the line to this being M's last chance to throw some insults at us.
Isn't this around the time when that Rakshasa in India ended up needing basically all the Wardens in the White Council to fight? It's probably still a few months away from being an active problem, but we might want to get out quick after this if we don't want to get sucked into another 50-update-long war with the regional bigwig.
Isn't this around the time when that Rakshasa in India ended up needing basically all the Wardens in the White Council to fight? It's probably still a few months away from being an active problem, but we might want to get out quick after this if we don't want to get sucked into another 50-update-long war with the regional bigwig.
But think of the XP!
Isn't this around the time when that Rakshasa in India ended up needing basically all the Wardens in the White Council to fight? It's probably still a few months away from being an active problem, but we might want to get out quick after this if we don't want to get sucked into another 50-update-long war with the regional bigwig.
The Rakshasa incident was ongoing during White Night, which was May 2007.
This is still January 2007.
Not an ongoing.

A closer issue is the Camp Kaboom Incident, which happens in spring 2007 before White Night.
Which would make it either March or April 2007.
But I think we intend to address the Peabody problem in March, so hopefully we can forestall the death of the Trailmann Twins.
Well, Molly's already cleared out Winter and Summer, and she knows the Venatori aren't compromised.

Which means only the White Council is still infiltrated, and considering she knows Nemesis is gonna accelerate its plans, it makes sense that the next task on her list will be rooting out the Black Council. Hopefully we can do so before the Rakshasa or the Red Court take up everybody's attention.

Though thankfully Molly's Crown means even in the worst case scenario she'll still retain the initiative from her info supremacy; the hardest part will be convincing the Senior Council that they can trust Molly's info without revealing too much about her Crown.
Though thankfully Molly's Crown means even in the worst case scenario she'll still retain the initiative from her info supremacy; the hardest part will be convincing the Senior Council that they can trust Molly's info without revealing too much about her Crown
We don't even need to do this for the Peabody problem, we've all but been given a solution.

McCoy will take it seriously as either a threat or an attempt at manipulation and investigate to determine the truth. If he thinks we're lying he would move against us, but we're not and the evidence for Peabody's crimes was apparently so obvious that it could be identified if you were willing to check.