It's kind of annoying to have "person plotting against you" used as an illustrative object here, because nobody suggested otherwise and it elides the actual conflict point of "person just kind of at cross-purposes with you". Which does get covered by the moose example, but man this entire conversation has been full of a lot of pushback against claims that were never made. And a general lack of imagination?
Though on the subject of the moose, I'd point out that "moose says no" isn't actually a dilemma. It's a conclusion. There's no particular
narrative tension in that outcome, because it's not something Ling Qi can do anything about. It's just a thing. There'd be nothing Ling Qi could do to develop the situation further, because trying to poke things to instigate something to justify a response that isn't otherwise justified is incoherent nonsense.
My main concern remains the ability of the playerbase writ-large to stay within the standards of the insight, not playing fucky ruleslawyery loophole games with our own psyche, and the constraints on scenarios and how limiting their construction needs to become in yrs' writing to still allow us agency with these new limits. Is this actually, realistically, sustainable in the fullness of time, over the arc of the entire story?
Side-note, laundering stuff through third parties is going to get messy quickly(or worse: slowly), and characters like Jiao, Diao Linqin, etc have been beating us over the head with why so I'm not going to retread that ground.
See, I'm not against that kind of dilemma! I think it's a good trade off for what's otherwise an Insight about Good Behavior in your community.
The operative term here being "trade off". It's not clear what we're actually getting here. It'd have to be pretty amazing, honestly. But then not
also break the story through its amazingness.