What should your focus for the rest of the Quest be?

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Pretty sure we can't. We would be building the scorpio and attacking in the same turn, Meaning no, The scorpio cannot participate in the attack. A Ship cannot attack the same turn it is made, meaning even if we design it now, we can't have a brawler LC ready to go.
That hasn't been how it worked? Ships we designed have been ready the next turn. We're not attacking the End of the Line right NOW, we'll be doing it next turn, and next turn it will be ready.
[X] Plan: End of the Line for End of Line

I don't see Med as a "shiny", I recognize it is pretty important. I just think that we can afford to put it on pause for 1 turn in favor of our very much immediate concerns. While I won't promise doing Med twice, I will guarantee we'll do it once and then continue our progress from there.

''we are not actually gonna do med at all because is a shiny"

lets not lie to ourselves
there will always be more urgent issues at the quest,we have to forcefully sneak one long term project/issue because is unlikely to get done

doing +1 med every turn for 5 turns (maybe taking a break every 2 turns) should suffice,slow but STEADY
''we are not actually gonna do med at all because is a shiny"
That is not the translation, I meant what I said. I wanted to put Med on the sideline for a bit due to us having a very narrow window to attack the Endo of the Line before Neon could reorient themselves to attack us. I DO want to get to Med V before the end of the Century, but I don't see it as a primary concern in comparison to the 2-front war we're in.
In terms of Infantry gear, The Only real Step above what our current troops field for armour Is Actual Power armour. The form it will take is Probably up to decision, in specifics of the suit, whether it Cleaves closer to SoB standard, or a Vottan heavy plate knock off, its highly likely that it will be SOME form of PA for our dudes, Or even multiple variants.

More In contention are standard line infantry firearms.
The Lasgun is a Logistical Miracle, And for the imperium is a god send. But we aren't exactly at the size were the logistical Miracle of the lasgun because a necessity. The hotshot lasgun is good, and will probably never be fully taken out of the armoury because of its ease of supply and recharging making it a great weapon for when logistics get bare.

Past that, The Imperium standard Firearms actually has a wide variety we can pull from, without looking at any other faction.
The Volkite was replaced with the bolter, More out of how hard it was to build then a real Advantage. If we can recreate the volkite, It is noted as a great weapon, Capable of Deflagrating organic targets and seemingly good against Ceramite plate as well. At the very least I can't fin anything that says it does worse.

The Bolter is actually a Fully reasonable weapon for our forces to move up to if we get Full PA. It IS the standard for SoB and Space marines for a reason. The shell is a bit complicated, but the gun itself and the shells can be built with decent logistical ease. Its not the BEST verses heavily armoured targets such as space marine's, but its is the absolute of Post-pen Damage. In a universe with creatures like daemons, Orks and Tyranids, All of whom can Take an insane amount of damage and keep moving, that trait is down right invaluable. Combine that with The Fact that A Bolter shell is a fairly versatile Platform, Its a Great choice for a standardized weapon.

Moving into weaponry a little more out of their, the Mechanicuses skittari use a fairly wide arsenal, but the two "standard" infantry arm is the Galvanic Rifle and the radium... The skitari also have a ton of other weird weapons' that can replace this, but i'll look at this for now. The galvanic rifle is... Fucking weird. It looks like a flintlock rifle, which I fucking love the aesthetic. The bullet this thing fires is weird. Its a long range sniper weapon that fires a Bullet... the apparently turns all of the targets potential energy into an electrical explosion to kill the target. Don't even know how thats possible, can't even analyse this shit, but it looks like a Snipers weapin, compared to the other Skitarri standard gun... The radium carbide that kills its wielder with radiation even as it fries the target. Jesus mechnicus, I can't use any of this!

EDIT: Expanding on "Weird shit the mechanicus just HAS" A Possible contender for mainline infantry gun is the Arc line of weaponry. Not much lore, So most of it is based off visuals and Tabletop stats, which are not a good thing to go off, but they Fuck Hard, Both Visually, and in use. An Arc pistol can apparently not just stop an orks heart, but punch it backwards out of force. The main drawback is the fact that the weapons are seemingly rare, Incredibly hard to make and created from something called "permaCapacitors" Shipped straight from mars, which if the name is even half correct is a raised Eyebrow from me. This isn't even getting into the weird Heavy weapons that factions just has, this is all infantry scale stuff

Vottan are interesting, because their gear can basically be summed up as Space marine/Imperium ++. They have really good Bolter's, but more interestingly for us, They show that Las guns can go past where we are now with something called Hylas, Which is basically just Super-las guns that Fire incredibly fast, hit incredibly hard, and Have a Extremely Long range, Showing that the Hotshot Lasgun CAN be Improved even farther. The Vottan weapons are Better then we can do, but It helps show where we CAN go.

Basically, I am very interested In seeing what our options are, because we have plenty of places where this cane go.
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[X] Plan: End of the Line for End of Line

I deeply want to invest in MI soon, with at least one turn of double actions. However, if we can take the pirate infrastructure, that frees up VI build actions that we can dedicate elsewhere--preferably getting to MI 5.
[X] Plan: bite the psykana bullet
-[X] [Faith] Psykana Of The Outside And Unknown
-[X] [Military] [Construct] A Warp Ship x2
--[X] 6x Crux
Circinus-Class Scout Sloop
-Length 1.200m
-Width - 250m
-Acceleration - 8 Gravities
-Armor - Single Hull
-Shields - Three Emitters
-Weapons - 2x Light Missile Batteries
-Equipment - Superior Gravimetric Engine Calculations/Emergency Maneuver Engines/Missile Swarms
Speaking of scouts, when should we design a MK2? If we did it now we'd get 8 more DP to play with, which would be enough for Emergency Transition Warp Breakers, Ship Shrines and Enhanced internal supply generation with a point left over.

It'd obviously be after the pirates are dealt with, but would it be worth waiting until the other ship research is done?
Apart from power armor we could make a new standard combat rifle using mass driver technology using grav or electromagnetic propulsion to make a very potent kinetic weapon without much logistical need.
[X] Plan: End of the Line for End of Line

we *really* need to keep hitting the medical infastructure though...hopefully we will have enough ships and infantry to take the void stations from the pirates, and if were very lucky get VI to level 10...again i repeat myself but we should get things going well enough we wont get buggered up if things go to crap.
[X] Plan: mystery research "rewards"
[X] The Anvil of War
[X] Plan: bite the psykana bullet

I feel like all of these are more worthwhile right now than infantry tech.
Do you guys plan on turing some of the carnivore armigear titans into dreadnaughts for the lamenters? Can tou imaging putting jump jets and grav chuts on them bitches? That'd allow then to perform orbital drops and jump around like mad men.
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