What should your focus for the rest of the Quest be?

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didn't we do this already or does the order of the melodies matter? what does this give use again?

Humanity replaced with Unity = Astro Telepathy, which we Need
[X] Plan Full Spread
-[X] [General] Construct Something
--[X] Heavy Industry III
-[X] [Military] Create A [Blazing Sun - War-Pack]
-[X] [Psykana] Sing a Song (Choose at least Three below.)
--[X] Protection, Song, Unity, Fire, The Sun, The Home

Simple enough plan, one industrial expansion, one military expansion, and the Astropath Song. We can double up on Heavy Industry next turn to get the Lamenters their better armor next turn.

That's fine too, I just don't want to assume we won't have Yet Another thing next turn that'll take our time, and we're running up close to the deadline for HI 5. We know this turn is relatively quiet, so let's use that to make sure even if we need to react to something next turn, we'll still get HI 5 in time.
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[X] Plan: Closer and Closer to relevance
-[X] [General] Construct Something
--[X] Heavy Industry x2
-[X] [Psykana] Sing a Song (Choose at least Three below.)
--[X] Protection, Song, Unity, Fire, The Sun, The Home
still looking forward to cruisers and the level 10 void industry...wonder what kind of cruiser were going to make? Potentially a Lance heavy? Carrier? Dakka Boat?

I feel like the Libras will have our Carrier capabilities covered for a little while (plus they're down to being made at a rate of 1/action, so if we need more fighters we can just shit slam out 1-2 in a turn), so I would advocate for our first Heavy Cruiser to be Heavy Brawler to anchor our Crux line-of-battle, as it were. Lots of missiles and macro-cannons to make a big wall of firepower that can slug it out with a half-dozen escorts and win handily. Maybe a Heavy Lance as well, just to give it a bit more reach.

Humanity replaced with Unity = Astro Telepathy, which we Need

That's fine too, I just don't want to assume we won't have Yet Another thing next turn that'll take our time, and we're running up close to the deadline for HI 5. We know this turn is relatively quiet, so let's use that to make sure even if we need to react to something next turn, we'll still get HI 5 in time.

I understand your argument, but this is honestly a personal preference thing over an efficiency thing for me. I want our Order to finally have its Knights, so they have more time to develop tangible institutional knowledge in their use.
[X] Plan: Closer and Closer to relevance

Taking one over (like Voxx Primus) would basically require you to Game Over intentionally. It, currently, would induce a -40 to your Food/Civ/Med Development.
So in the case that we do find one and conquer it or otherwise have it join us, how are we going to handle it? Do we just start evacuating people to other worlds that aren't awful places to live in?
So in the case that we do find one and conquer it or otherwise have it join us, how are we going to handle it? Do we just start evacuating people to other worlds that aren't awful places to live in?
Underhive Genocide Boogaloo: They'll Literally Fight You For Centuries Edition.

Getting any Hive will be an exercise of funneling millions into an endless meatgrinder to pacify the lower parts to be able to even start unfucking it.
Yep, because to them, being Obstructionist Fuckwits is Literally required to survive. "New boss, same as the old boss I'm sure, if they come into our turf we fucking kill them as brutally as we can and pay any price to make them pay." And you need to get through them to start unfucking the foundations, and they'll never make peace because anyone who might have considered it has been deleted by the occasional group that tried to Divide and Conquer them in the past.
[X] Plan: Closer and Closer to relevance
Underhive Genocide Boogaloo: They'll Literally Fight You For Centuries Edition.

Getting any Hive will be an exercise of funneling millions into an endless meatgrinder to pacify the lower parts to be able to even start unfucking it.

Honestly just grant them independence... though even that runs into the fact that doing so is basically leading to atrocities of starvation. There's not really a good way to handle Hive worlds... and even less of a good way if it doesn't come from within the HIve World as part of some fundamental change... that would be resisted by the Imperium because they suck, so.
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I feel like the Libras will have our Carrier capabilities covered for a little while (plus they're down to being made at a rate of 1/action, so if we need more fighters we can just shit slam out 1-2 in a turn), so I would advocate for our first Heavy Cruiser to be Heavy Brawler to anchor our Crux line-of-battle, as it were. Lots of missiles and macro-cannons to make a big wall of firepower that can slug it out with a half-dozen escorts and win handily. Maybe a Heavy Lance as well, just to give it a bit more reach.
With how we will be relying on Pathfinders, we are going to want to concentrate as much punch into the fewest possible hulls as we can. Each Pathfinder can navigate for 10 other ships.

A heavy cruiser carrier can potentially carry triple a LIght Cruiser's fighter count I think. Plus the bigger the ship the bigger and stronger effect systems they can stuff in. Our pilots on the Libra are already Space Marine pilot tier as standard. Imagine augmenting that with 4 DP or 5 DP system boosts.

But yeah, we definitely need a brawler cruiser or heavy cruiser to anchor our lines and protect our carriers.
[X] Plan: Closer and Closer to relevance

Honestly just grant them independence... though even that runs into the fact that doing so is basically leading to atrocities of starvation. There's not really a good way to handle Hive worlds... and even less of a good way if it doesn't come from within the HIve World as part of some fundamental change... that would be resisted by the Imperium because they suck, so.


Saving any Hive World is literally beyond our power, and will remain so for the foreseeable future.
-Weapons - 2x Boarding Torpedoes
2x60m Torpedos - Gigantic Missiles that are mainly used to force an enemy to maneuver as the admiral or captain sees fit; these weapons can destroy ships of far heavier classes than the ship that shot them within moments after impact. This variant comes with six salvoes stored. Can only be installed at the front of a ship.
4x80m Torpedos - These gigantic missiles are mainly used to force an enemy to maneuver as the admiral or captain sees fit; these weapons can destroy ships of far heavier classes than the ship that shot them within moments after impact. This variant comes with eight salvoes stored. They can only be installed at the front of a vessel.
6x100m Torpedos - These gigantic missiles are mainly used to force an enemy to maneuver as the admiral or captain sees fit; these weapons can destroy ships of far heavier classes than the ship that shot them within moments after impact. This variant comes with ten salvoes stored. They can only be installed at the front of a vessel.
so with all the talks with ships, i got a question on the torpedoes that the space marines use, how much DP do they cost?

we might be able to overhaul the Risen Dirge-Class Boarding Ship into something better

3 DP for light Teleportarium, armored prow and tuned shields are 2 DP, we can relace the Gravimetric Engine Calculations with the Superior version for 1 DP

so 4 Free DP of our 10 DP in frigates to assign to weaponry, plus faster acceleration and better shielding.
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For hive worlds, maybe we could use the Choir and sing a song that temporarily pacifies people? Or deploy any other effect that would help with conquering and rebuilding a hive world.

We've been mostly using Songs for protection and utility purposes, but we could also turn it into a very effective weapon against our enemies.

I hope I never see the combined result of Song, Death, Ruthlessness, Brutality, Fire, Struggle, Creativity, and The Void.
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Saving any Hive World is literally beyond our power, and will remain so for the foreseeable future.

evacuation of the upper and middle hive (most likely the middle hive) and potentially the lower hive may be possible...but god in heaven the under hive will never be done...so just fucking leave it...

they may or may not turn into horrific daemon world, but honestly the only thing that the hives gives us is sheer utter manpower to throw at a problem, but were NOT the imperium. So best thing to do is ignore the issue untill were confronted with it...and perhaps save as many as can can from the middle and lower hives...and then blockade the fuck out of the hive worlds.

they are just feasts for the four warp tumors, and less hiveworlds there are, the better off we are since in the longer run less hive worlds means less food for the bastard warp tumors. and less food means they will compete with each other more, until the great game becomes a Great War.
Another random thought would be taking control of the heights and basically doing a draft like "normal" because that's what people expect, except instead of being pushed into the Imperial Guard to die as cannon fodder we resettle them and then have them actually send messages back going, "Hey, this is kinda alright." It won't immediately lead to great results, and will likely look a lot like an ongoing disaster for decades or centuries to come, but it might at least eventually lead to people being willing to trust leaving the place? Dunno!
With how we will be relying on Pathfinders, we are going to want to concentrate as much punch into the fewest possible hulls as we can. Each Pathfinder can navigate for 10 other ships.

A heavy cruiser carrier can potentially carry triple a LIght Cruiser's fighter count I think. Plus the bigger the ship the bigger and stronger effect systems they can stuff in. Our pilots on the Libra are already Space Marine pilot tier as standard. Imagine augmenting that with 4 DP or 5 DP system boosts.

But yeah, we definitely need a brawler cruiser or heavy cruiser to anchor our lines and protect our carriers.

Honestly until we can get Battleships and make a proper Fleet Carrier, I don't think we should 'waste' ship design actions on another Carrier Design when the Libra is perfectly serviceable, and has like 3 DP for a refit to put more Fightercraft Enhancers on it now. We should really diversify our lineup a little as opposed to leaning hyper-hard into our Fightercraft speciality, good as it is.