What should your focus for the rest of the Quest be?

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Honestly I like the idea (I've said this before) of ships that are basically giant psyker platforms. I'm just trying to figure out what would let us get any more psy tech.

@HeroCooky any word?
Get Research and more Choirs. :V
So if we design a destroyer, would we immediatly get 4? Or just one?
You get one example of each new class you Design. If you want more, you need to put in the Action.
(It is deliberate that this gets less useful the more ships you can produce, since it still allows you to get more powerful ships by merely designing them.)
Speaking of which, looking at their Battlecolonies in the Void ship tab and it says that we haven't upgraded them.
They are slowly being upgraded. Have created and added the class they'll eventually be into the post now.
If we're going with Destroyers, as we should imo, they should absolutely have Armoured Lifepods to give the onboard choir the best chances of survival they can get.
They are slowly being upgraded. Have created and added the class they'll eventually be into the post now.

Kil'drabi] Proof of Our New Path-Class Battlecolony
-Length - 7.500 Meters
-Width - 750 Meters
-Acceleration - 2.5 Gravities
-Armor - Thick Medium Double Hull
-Shields - One Matrix
-Weapons - 8x Light Rotary Macro-Cannon Turrets, 4x Heavy Missiles Batteries
-Equipment - Emergency Transition Warp Breakers, Auto-Loaders, Automated Internal Foundries, Genetic Lineage Memory Banks, Iron Wombs, Snapshot Pinpoint Targeting Solutions
-Detriments: Slow Crawler
-Closest Imperial Equivalent: Dauntless Mk.1 Light Cruiser
Ooooh, these are looking pretty good I'd say. A bit slow, and still too valuable to really use in a frontline role where they'll really shine, but still really useful and bound to be of great service to the Federation when they're all done.
The Battlecolonies are best used as our garrison Quick Response Force. Add a couple of Libras, some Lupus, and a tranche of Aries-S and we've got a very mean defensive fleet.
They'd get wrecked by a moderately trained fighter pilot. 40k Fighter/Bomber Craft are around 40~100m long and pack ship killer ordnance for the latter. Space Mech would get eaten in moments.
Eh that just means we can't build good enough mecha yet. Like I'm not saying we need Gurren Lagan or Gunbuster level stuff but there's probably still room for space mechs if we get the right techs and exploit the right niche I feel. Though I feel rather than single pilot Gundam types we're probably more likely to do 5 pilot Megazords/Voltrons lol
If we dedicate an action to making Space Marine armor, does it automatically tick over on the next turn? Or the one after that?

I'm personally in favor of dedicating an action to building up our industry, but a free turn is always nice.

Pretty sure we want heavy industry improved before we do that to enhance the armor or something, though upgrades seem at least partly retroactive so idk
Basically, no, we can't do Hive Worlds, and even trying will kill us. They require both utter disregard for most of the populace and an insanely sophisticated logistics engine to prevent them from collapsing into a puff of logic.

Hive Worlds solely exist to provide an inexhaustible source of warm bodies and cheap labor for the Imperium. Every other use can be achieved through better methods if you're not completely ass-backwards, and in the process they turn the world they're built on into a deathworld. The Imperium likes them because they don't care about the human cost and it gets them an inexhaustible wall of meat to throw wherever they need, while concentrating all of that into a place that's utterly dependent on the largesse of the greater Adeptus to even survive another day, and will die virtually instantaneously if blockaded, so it appeals to the paranoiacs who rule their decision making organs. The fact that they're ripe recruiting worlds for Chaos and are basically Daemon Worlds in waiting is politely ignored, and Chaos doesn't push that advantage as hard as they can because the current status quo is good for the Chaos Gods while Hive Worlds are one of the few things that appeal to all four of the Ruinous Powers. The Imperium might actually stop making Hive Worlds if they all turned to Daemon Worlds one day, and it's not even something that would immediately guarantee their death, because a Hive World produces very little that Forge Worlds and other Imperial worlds don't--it just lets them absolutely ignore manpower limitations.
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[X] Plan: Prepare for War.
-[X] [Military] Construct A Warp Ship - [Aries-Secundus-Class Corvette]
-[X] [General] Construct Something
--[X] Heavy Industry III
-[X] [Military] Fill Out The System Army Groups - (0/2)

We have neighbours with higher fleet power than us, this would be a good time to start building up our military.
@HeroCooky Will our improve industry amount ever change?

Say, if we get heavy industry to a certain amount, will we be able to improve an industry by two or even three degrees?
[X] Plan: Closer and Closer to relevance
-[X] [General] Construct Something
--[X] Heavy Industry x2
-[X] [Psykana] Sing a Song (Choose at least Three below.)
--[X] Protection, Song, Unity, Fire, The Sun, The Home

@HeroCooky Will our improve industry amount ever change?

Say, if we get heavy industry to a certain amount, will we be able to improve an industry by two or even three degrees?

Civ Inf gave us an option for that, but we passed it up. We'll get another chance at Civ Inf X

Anyway, reiterating the plan, it's about getting HI V within one action while getting Astrotelepathy online in preparation for a push. We don't have any majorly hostile borders except maybe End of Line, and we've got a no-man's land between us and the Protectorate of Neon as well that they're unlikely to be able to cross in large numbers either. We'll get there, but we have a little time to prepare for once.
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[X] Plan Full Spread
-[X] [General] Construct Something
--[X] Heavy Industry III
-[X] [Military] Create A [Blazing Sun - War-Pack]
-[X] [Psykana] Sing a Song (Choose at least Three below.)
--[X] Protection, Song, Unity, Fire, The Sun, The Home

Simple enough plan, one industrial expansion, one military expansion, and the Astropath Song. We can double up on Heavy Industry next turn to get the Lamenters their better armor next turn.
Voxx Primus built up with Breeding Licenses extended upon the entire population to meet the demand of a Forge World in need of around a billion menials per decade.

And yes, the Breeding Licenses are both canon and sound exactly as bad as you think they are.

what the ever loving christ in heavenly above...thats just...holy shit.

the imperium was bad before, but jesus christ that horrific in that idea.

[X] Plan: Closer and Closer to relevance
-[X] [General] Construct Something
--[X] Heavy Industry x2
-[X] [Psykana] Sing a Song (Choose at least Three below.)
--[X] Protection, Song, Unity, Fire, The Sun, The Home

[X] Plan Full Spread
-[X] [General] Construct Something
--[X] Heavy Industry III
-[X] [Military] Create A [Blazing Sun - War-Pack]
-[X] [Psykana] Sing a Song (Choose at least Three below.)
--[X] Protection, Song, Unity, Fire, The Sun, The Home

i like these two plans as they are, while getting heavy industry to the next point and to increase the lamenator's power armor and potentially getting our industry to the point where we are innovating things rather then stagnating is a good idea. The war packs give us a hefty punch, which case i do hope we can fill up our defensive armies to the point where we can be safe in the knowledge that we can hold the line.

still looking forward to cruisers and the level 10 void industry...wonder what kind of cruiser were going to make? Potentially a Lance heavy? Carrier? Dakka Boat?
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