What should your focus for the rest of the Quest be?

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So, the Orange spot is another Imperial Detachment section who lacks official support but broadly just are expecting for help to come any decade now?

And Lone Wave, apparently, probably won't kill us as long as we stay the fuck out, right?
You can wait literally a day to find out. None of the Imperium/Eldar stuff is important or will do anything. WoG on this.

I'm going to sleep, I am too tired for this.
We are already getting one HI from the Kil'drabi.

So my idea for a plan is

Heavy industry III
Astropath Song
Design pathfinder ship
you lent 2 Choirs to the Scouts, they looked at stuff, screamed in terror at Eldar Ships to please not kill them and that they would leave Lone Wave alone, snuck a few pictures of serious defensive installations some light months away from Voxx Primus, and had a nice, calm, reasonable chat with an Imperial Enclave over yonder.

Live footage of the Choir stumbling upon the Eldar in Lone Wave.

(Circa M42.338)

View: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=8UjWwMtrETk&pp=ygURY2FwdGFpbiBsb29rIG1lbWU%3D
Yeah, we need HI 5 ASAP, and then we need to push the other up to 5 before I'll be comfortable doing another large scale advance, though we can probably slow roll settling the rest of Archwan's free real estate over that stretch, since everything here is just an AP cost now.
On the other hand, absolutely the Imperial forces in that system are probably superior to everything we have combined ATM... because it's meant to be the bulwark against the coming invasion. But four times superior? That I rather doubt.
TBF, we have a bunch of frigates, corvettes, 1 actual destroyer, and a single Light Cruiser. We have not been building up our navy all that much. We sure have made some neat designs, but haven't put much focus on actual ship building.
Our Navy is still tremendous for being a Minor Power, it's just that... Well, Great Powers are on another fucking level entirely.

We'll get there, it'll just take Time.

[X] Let The Spirits Of The Machine Aid Our Voices
[X] Let The Spirits Of The Machine Aid Our Voices

I know? The reason for HI x2 is to get to HI 4, because we need to be at HI 5 to unlock R&D.
What I meant to say is that we are not getting HI V next turn no matter what. So better design and get our first pathfinder in case of an emergency and then the next turn we can do HI x2 to unlock R&D.
Karnivores Right Now: :sad:

hey cant we make the Karnivores space worthy so we can pull a full on "SPACE MECHA" bullshit like in the age old GUNDAM!

it would be so cool to see Karnivores get space rated...and then go rip and tear on imperial ships as they board them.

edited: also-
[X] Let The Spirits Of The Machine Aid Our Voices
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While it's difficult to squeeze in additional stuff to due while the huge pile we have right now, could we do the Monuments for Martyrs action?

I remember someone was holding off on the action until the ork campaign was over. I really don't want this action to be forgotten.

It's not a bad time for it, yeah, might be able to squeeze it in next turn, since HI 5 won't happen for 2 turns anyway, we'll see
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