Equivalent firepower to two Sword-Class Frigates and accel/maneuv/survivability to a single Mechanicum Cobra.I will say, I'm excited to see what the Aries will punch as now.
Equivalent firepower to two Sword-Class Frigates and accel/maneuv/survivability to a single Mechanicum Cobra.
And no bonus trait. *Sadge*
Since you're awake now @HeroCooky, could you say if Blessed Munitions would apply to Lances and what would Enginarium Spirit Shrines affect mostly?
wait quesion, if we redesign/refit we lose the weapons? like what if we get a better version of the Superior Gravimetric Engine Calculations? can we remove that and then replace it with the better version?It's concerningly potent even by the standards of the Great Powers--and while we can't redesign it from scratch except in the throes of Holy Fervor, we can produce as many as we need.
wait quesion, if we redesign/refit we lose the weapons? like what if we get a better version of the Superior Gravimetric Engine Calculations? can we remove that and then replace it with the better version?
Or the Armored Lifepods and Advanced Alloying having better versions, can we remove those 2 and replace them with the upgraded versions?
like if the overall design is the same, just the tech is better, can we keep the weapons?
or we up the acceleration, armor or shields later on, do we lose weapons?
Like Alectai said, this is pretty much a lightning in a bottle moment our designers had, only happening b/c the Star-Chiod managed to peel back the veil and start directly influencing us. It's the kind of thing that just can't be replicated normally and to deviate the design in anyway will likely fuck it up b/c our own engineers and designers don't even know how the fuck this stuff works.
No. These weapons and equipment are For This Design Only. As noted.
So any edit to the equipment has us lose both the weapons and equipment?It would lose all Faith Weapons and Equipment unless the intended refit is also a Divine Design Turn.
Blessed Munitions would only apply to torps, missiles, and macro-cannons. The ESS would allow a ship in a battle to avoid a killing-blow directed against it once pre battle. Basically dodge-tanking one deathblow.Since you're awake now @HeroCooky, could you say if Blessed Munitions would apply to Lances and what would Enginarium Spirit Shrines affect mostly?
That is me saying: You get these Weapons/Equipment for this single ship-design in particular. If you change anything, even a single bolt, you get jack, shit, and all Faith Weapons/Equipment in any new Design inteded to be an Aries refit.
No. Alloys ensure that, unless an enemy targets your hulks, a ship survives a battle you win. ESS negates a single attack made against the ship. Similar, yet different.
No. Alloys ensure that, unless an enemy targets your hulks, a ship survives a battle you win. ESS negates a single attack made against the ship. Similar, yet different.
Just in case I think we should send additional troops to GnatiilaOur designers, engineers, captains, crews, and more call it the natural evolution of new information being taken back to the shipyards during a period of relative peace. Because while the Orks of Gnatiila are being ground back in a war that has seen another 19% of all deployed troops killed, it is a time where the void itself remains uncontested.