What should your focus for the rest of the Quest be?

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what unlocked a Technology Psykana?
Ransacking the station, leading to a nervous breakdown of a "Heretek" Mechanicus Acolyte, leading to a latent psychic awakening, leading to the discovery of psykana-fueled technology designing.
Question by the way, @HeroCooky , what do we know about Lone Wave?
There's Eldar...oh, and the Imperium hasn't killed them all yet.

...that's it.
How much is left for that?
10 years/1 Turn. Mainly so it happens on the turn of every second century for bookkeeping, and because I absolutely forgot when you did the entire thing. Including the sub-turn for it
Yeah, we want to seize Itani and contain Gnatila for now, Itani is of critical strategic importance given its position as a bottleneck into the Subsector, and it just expended its mobile force attacking

[ ] Plan: I see green on my subsector map, I don't want to anymore
-[] [General] Construct Something
--[] Civilian Infrastructure V
-[] Construct A Warp Ship
--[] Taurus-class Troopship
-[] [Military] Begin Military Operations
The repulsion of the Orks from Subsector Archwan
--[] METHOD: We have a rare opportunity here to neutralize the Ork foothold within this subsector, thanks to their failed assault on Ubraka. The lynchpin is the Itani System, and its strategic position within the Warp Lanes--with its mobile forces depleted and the first Libra-class Light Cruiser and its strike wings ready and raring to go, we have a chance to seize these hostile systems and push the front line out of the Sub-Sector. An attack on Itani to eliminate its void presence, including the Mega Rokk, followed by an initial ground campaign to seize a beachhead for further reinforcement. Upon the establishment of a secure foothold in Itani, mobile forces should ensure that Gnatila is unable to reinforce or otherwise build up their own infrastructure. The fact the two systems neighbor each other while also being each one step away from friendly territory should allow for effective logistics--though it's more important to maintain sustainable progress than to burn the Orks out in one fell swoop.
--[] Task Fleet Alpha
(6x Aries-Class Corvettes, 1x Lupus-Class Torpedo Destroyer, 1x Crux-Class Missile Frigate, 1x Sagittarius-Class Artillery Frigate, 1x Libra-class Light Carrier, 1x Taurus-Class Troopship (0/4 Capacity), the New Taurus-class when it's done (0/4 Cap))
---[] WAVE ONE: Cradle Medium Engineering Unit, Cradle Medium Assault Unit,, Droman Tideswarm Heavy Demolition Unit, Celestial Choir,
---[] WAVE TWO: When the second Taurus is ready and the Ground Campaign begins in earnest, it should be further supplemented by an additional Celestial Choir, a Budget Arms Light Tank Unit, and 2 Corcrat Heavy Mechanized Assault Units

---[] Obviously, we're also going to request the Lamenters support the campaign in however they feel best able to contribute.

Civ Inf to 5 is what we need to secure our gains, and we need more ability to put boots on the ground, so a second Taurus gets commissioned as our third action so we can squeeze it into the Campaign. Right now, the Void Battle doesn't look like it's in serious doubt--the Libra should be absolute nightmare-fuel incarnate against the Orks and fixed defenses, but we need more force projection if we're going to take these places and keep them.
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followed by an initial ground campaign to seize a beachhead for further reinforcement.
Rather than a beachhead, which would excite the orks and draw all their attention, wouldn't bombing them from orbit until they are back to the stone age be better?

After all, we don't have the numbers to fully cleanse Itani of ork spores so we should focus on defanging their military capabilities.
Rather than a beachhead, which would excite the ork and draw all their attention, wouldn't bombing them from orbit until they are back to the stone age be better?

After all, we don't have the numbers to fully cleanse Itani of ork spores so we should focus on defanging their military capabilities.

Exterminatus does not leave a functional planet behind, which means it costs us later if we want to lock this place down. Orks don't care, but we do.

That isn't to say there's not going to be any ortillery on our side, especially with a second Taurus joining the fun, but a full out "Glass the planet" approach is going to make securing the choke-point exceptionally difficult.

But... Most of the boyz in Itani who are the best died on their ships when they took a run on Ubraka, what's left are the relative dregs, which should make our incursion very doable, especially with Space Marine, ortillery, and bomber support from the Libra.
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Exterminatus does not leave a functional planet behind, which means it costs us later if we want to lock this place down. Orks don't care, but we do.

That isn't to say there's not going to be any ortillery on our side, especially with a second Taurus joining the fun, but a full out "Glass the planet" approach is going to make securing the choke-point exceptionally difficult.

But... Most of the boyz in Itani who are the best died on their ships when they took a run on Ubraka, what's left are the relative dregs, which should make our incursion very doable, especially with Space Marine, ortillery, and bomber support from the Libra.

You should probably include requesting their support/etc, since obviously they don't answer to the Candle Keepers but it'd be nice if they coordinated/etc.
Exterminatus does not leave a functional planet behind, which means it costs us later if we want to lock this place down.
I'm not saying go full exterminatus. I'm saying that we should put the planet under siege and bomb any ork settlement big enough to be seen from orbit without sending any troops down. Not glass the planet outright.

That way we can land on a following turn with the orks in a lot more disarray than usual.
---[] Cradle Medium Engineering Unit, Corcrat Mechanized Heavy Assault Unit, Droman Tideswarm Heavy Demolition Unit, Celestial Choir, when the second Taurus is complete, it should be further supplemented by an additional Celestial Choir, Cradle Medium Assault Unit,, and another Corcrat Mechanized Heavy Assault Unit

I think you can fit another ground unit into that second Taurus. Choir+Medium Assult Unit+Mechanized Heavy Assault Unit=3. Maybe throw in the Budget Arms Light Tank Unit? Or a Droman Coral Assault Unit?
I think you can fit another ground unit into that second Taurus. Choir+Medium Assult Unit+Mechanized Heavy Assault Unit=3. Maybe throw in the Budget Arms Light Tank Unit? Or a Droman Coral Assault Unit?

Fixed. I'm not sure if tanks are unique to, well, Budget Arms though. Are they?

I'm not saying go full exterminatus. I'm saying that we should put the planet under siege and bomb any ork settlement big enough to be seen from orbit without sending any troops down. Not glass the planet outright.

That way we can land on a following turn with the orks in a lot more disarray than usual.

Costs us more Actions, while committing to a Campaign like this means it goes on autopilot until it's done or we adjust our objectives.
From what I can tell Budget Arms are jank versions of Rogal Dorn tanks which were already the unloved step sibling to Leman Russ tanks
I think @Alectai 's plan works for this turn. And then next turn we can build Food 5 and get more Heavy Industry plus a warship so we can work towards strengthening ourselves plus work towards finally unlocking RnD.

I want my space mecha!
Yeah, we're getting there. After we lock these green dots down, there's only one major danger on our docket that's local to the sub-sector (Aside from the Imperium of course). We should have some time to digest.
On the plus side if we work consistently on heavy industry we should unlock RnD well before the Lamenters complete their power armor project so they can benefit from the RnD to design much better power armor.
Fixed. I'm not sure if tanks are unique to, well, Budget Arms though. Are they?
These ones are, as they are Corcrat-made tanks designed to be cheap and quickly produced. Budget Arms is the corporation-turned-government which made them with the aid of the (remaining) local Mechanicum. You unlock your own tanks with R&D.
These ones are, as they are Corcrat-made tanks designed to be cheap and quickly produced. Budget Arms is the corporation-turned-government which made them with the aid of the (remaining) local Mechanicum. You unlock your own tanks with R&D.

Hmm, do they provide meaningful value compared to our other units so far? I might set it up so that the first wave is largely for countering the Mega Rokk, with the second wave being dropped in for the ground war.
They are light tanks. Cheap ones, but still light tanks.

In other words. "Yes, these will be useful."

Got it, revising. Thanks!

EDIT: Done, divided it up into two waves--the first that comes with the Taurus that's already good to go, which'll be good for the void war and holding our beachhead, the second wave is our unga bunga assault force that'll come after we've got our beachhead and the second Taurus.
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That which destroys, yet creates.
The heat of ashen corpses and warm beds.
The light of towns and of pyres.

To guard is to know when to yield, when to fold, when to give way, for the unyielding bow before the unstoppable.
To protect is to know when to strike, when to advance, when to force yourself forwards, for the unstoppable bow before the unyielding.
The Sun

Giver of Life.
Taker of Destiny.
Burn under their gaze.
Flourish under their love.
Dirge for the Innocent

Lacrimas amaras noli flere mihi.
Quamvis nunc semper dormio;
vixi et risi.
Quid plus potest e vita exigere?
Quid amplius promitti potest?

I was here.

Does the metal ask its shaper;
"What does thou intend to make of me?"
Could we maybe split it into melodies and songs, and note the makeup of songs (when known)?

and the two Battlecolonies of the Kil'drabi, the second of which had joined its sibling in their vigil over the system not even a month prior.
Wow the Kil'drabi hit hard this turn.
And that is at "lol what?" tech Level.

[] [General] A Ship Worth The Name (0/4)
The Kil'drabi Battlecolony is a marvel of ingenious and studious engineering, something that all who worked on it can be proud of and remember for their lives, handing down the pride and accomplishment for generations to be drawn upon for strength and hope in bleak days and bleaker moments. Yet, for the Candle Keepers, it is a waste of effort, a massive ship barely scratching upon what it could be, scarcely able to give what it was designed to do, and better off rebuilt at once. The Kil'drabi are heralds of what those who bend to the will of the Star Child could gain, and to let them fly in such a ship is an insult to Their Majesty. Rip out the sub-par and replace it all.
(Gain: The Kil'drabi Pact of Our New Path Battlecolony is retrofitted to adhere to the technological standards of the Candle Keepers.)

Now we have our immeadetly needed campaign and the unlocks, but next turn we should really fit in "[] [Faith] Technology Given Or Earned" so we can teach them our tech the turn after so they can upgrade their ships on their own.
We are leaving valuable support on the table when we aren't doing it.
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[] Plan: preparation for counterattack
-[] Military Industry III
-[] Heavy Industry II
-[] Construct A Warp Ship

--[] Taurus-class Troopship
Ah, we're open.

[X] Plan: I see green on my subsector map, I don't want to anymore
-[X] [General] Construct Something
--[X] Civilian Infrastructure V
-[X] Construct A Warp Ship
--[X] Taurus-class Troopship
-[X] [Military] Begin Military Operations
The repulsion of the Orks from Subsector Archwan
--[X] METHOD: We have a rare opportunity here to neutralize the Ork foothold within this subsector, thanks to their failed assault on Ubraka. The lynchpin is the Itani System, and its strategic position within the Warp Lanes--with its mobile forces depleted and the first Libra-class Light Cruiser and its strike wings ready and raring to go, we have a chance to seize these hostile systems and push the front line out of the Sub-Sector. An attack on Itani to eliminate its void presence, including the Mega Rokk, followed by an initial ground campaign to seize a beachhead for further reinforcement. Upon the establishment of a secure foothold in Itani, mobile forces should ensure that Gnatila is unable to reinforce or otherwise build up their own infrastructure. The fact the two systems neighbor each other while also being each one step away from friendly territory should allow for effective logistics--though it's more important to maintain sustainable progress than to burn the Orks out in one fell swoop.
--[X] Task Fleet Alpha
(6x Aries-Class Corvettes, 1x Lupus-Class Torpedo Destroyer, 1x Crux-Class Missile Frigate, 1x Sagittarius-Class Artillery Frigate, 1x Libra-class Light Carrier, 1x Taurus-Class Troopship (0/4 Capacity), the New Taurus-class when it's done (0/4 Cap))
---[X] WAVE ONE: Cradle Medium Engineering Unit, Cradle Medium Assault Unit,, Droman Tideswarm Heavy Demolition Unit, Celestial Choir,
---[X] WAVE TWO: When the second Taurus is ready and the Ground Campaign begins in earnest, it should be further supplemented by an additional Celestial Choir, a Budget Arms Light Tank Unit, and 2 Corcrat Heavy Mechanized Assault Units

---[X] Obviously, we're also going to request the Lamenters support the campaign in however they feel best able to contribute.
[X] Plan: I see green on my subsector map, I don't want to anymore

This works. We can hopefully pop Food over the breakpoint next turn alongside maybe hitting another Faith action and bulking out the fleet. Ideally the next few turns we can do 1 development action, 1 fleet expansion action, and save the 3rd for either more expansion or miscellaneous cultural development.

I feel like we should hit the 'make more going units' soon-ish, since we still only have the 2 medium units which came from the Candle Keepers themselves and weren't inherited from places we annexed.

...I also kinda hope that we're right that there won't be any humans left alive in these Ork systems, cause doing another 2 uplifts at the same time is gonna hurt if we're wrong.