What should your focus for the rest of the Quest be?

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Hey, I'm still doing it either way

Anyway, pondering done, let's integrate the new guys, I want to discourage the meme of "The best recruits are people from backwards hell worlds" anyway.
Next turn we could do Food V, one integrate, and Home?

Question, @HeroCooky , investing in Psykana operates on a different scale than the automatic stuff, right? Since otherwise it'd be a waste of time to do it except on points where it's at 0/1.

I assumed that that kept on ticking up in the background, as it were.
I think we need more ships than food. We need more scouts going around finding stuff. The Chaos gits went somewhere.

I'd rather do:

1x Build scout
1x Psykana: Home
1x Build Heavy Industry (or build Lupus Destroyer or Crux frigate)
The Sun, Level 1, gave a single Choir (5 stable/sane-ish Gamma Psykers) the ability to snap off a Naval-Grade Psyker Power.

Well, when you put it like that...

...I think I've been underestimating just how fucking busted our Choirs are.

Regarding the actual vote, I'm down for the Lamenters getting a homeworld. They haven't had one since the Badab War, which was centuries ago. I am a little worried about distance growing between us and the chapter, but the post did explicitly say they want to 'shield the Candle Keepers from active harm by way of the Imperium for quite some time in repayment of their invaluable aid given to the Lamenters.'

So hopefully it won't be too bad as long as we don't suddenly fall off the deep end.

I admit I also kinda don't want to have to do another digestion period cause there are a bunch of things I'd rather we do with those two actions.

...man imagine how many actions we'll have to put in to absorb a Hive World.
Given what we now know I'm more open to the idea of letting the Lamenters have Perfinda. They have done quite a lot for both us and the Imperium. Plus that frees us up to focus on other shit next turn.

Maybe both some psykana and a Construction action. Or we do three psykana actions next turn to get the three remaining Melodie's we'd need for the Navigator Song.
...man imagine how many actions we'll have to put in to absorb a Hive World.
30-90, with -30 to everything for the closest possible Hive World you can access.

The levels only go to 20.
So we do need an Astropath equivalent. Damn it. Well, add that to the expanding to-do list. What Melodies do we need then?
You'd need to develop the following Psykana: Humanity, Song, Protection, The Sun, The Home, and Fire.
30-90, with -30 to everything for the closest possible Hive World you can access.

The levels only go to 20.

Okay, I know this makes sense given how absolutely mega-fucked the average Hive World is (giant ass mega-structure cities where you just keep building upward and neglect anything below the Upper Hives)

But holy fuck we are absolutely not ready to even touch a Hive World......our logistics would implode on us if we so much as tried to start somewhere.

Definitely going to need our psykana to help integrate and fix those abominations.
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Keep in mind, our Choir got burned out after that and needed to undergo decades of medical attention, but this is still pretty good for a single melody and who knows what we'll get if we raise it up higher.
imagine if we got a healing melody

For future readers when you update the map could you not remove the older version and just out the new one in another spoiler so if new readers check they can follow along easier or readers rereading
Is that saying Hive Worlds are literally, physically impossible?

At our current state, absolutely. I can't fathom how astronomically high the resource drain would be in-quest, plus the logistical strain we'd have dedicating everything to making said Hive decent.

Chances are it could get easier once we integrate a couple of Forge Worlds and Mining Worlds into our faction, plus having a high Industry level could help too.
Is that saying Hive Worlds are literally, physically impossible?
The closest Hive World has a Population Black Number of around ~200 Billion people.

You have barely 3 between 3 systems.
For future readers when you update the map could you not remove the older version and just out the new one in another spoiler so if new readers check they can follow along easier or readers rereading
That would be nearly impossible. You can only add 20 pictures per post, and I don't want to clog up the Media post with "Maps That Don't Matter Anymore."
The closest Hive World has a Population Black Number of around ~200 Billion people.

You have barely 3 between 3 systems.
That would be nearly impossible. You can only add 20 pictures per post, and I don't want to clog up the Media post with "Maps That Don't Matter Anymore."

You know fair. i didnt think of that maybe just have changes written and chap when change happened. sorry if im being annoying rn
I'm leaning toward letting the Lamenters claim the system. But.

@HeroCooky can we still invest in Perfinda system or offer to help build the system up for the Lamenters after they've claimed the system?