I mean, I do agree that some degree of specialization is needed, but the question is "Is this a permanent choice that we can never step away from", or can we pivot down the line? Because what's good against Orks isn't necessarily good against the Imperium or Chaos. And yeah, definitely have Opinions about how "Light Missile Swarms are good but useless for its role" when I was explicitly told missiles were good at knocking down shields at a range, now, that might be a matter of "You had incomplete knowledge at the time and now you know better", which--okay, fine, fair cop, we tried things and failed. But the other alternatives aren't even on our tech tree yet, which kind of puts a damper on things, and one of the options we were given being a non-starter is a bit of a let-down.
Not the end of the world, but a let-down nonetheless. It might actually be easier to convert the Sagi to a dedicated missile boat and swarp the prow lance and Pure Lenses out with torpedoes, then build something else as a dedicated lance ship. It'd be just as expensive on the DP as would be switching to a full Lance armament.
And knowing this, I'm worried about what the Aries will turn out too. "Not very deadly" is a death sentence in some ways, and I'm not sure if my original refit plans of "Replace the macrocannon with a rotary and add an Autoloader for maximum BRRT, then fish for shots at dead angles" is viable anymore. Especially since we didn't get a bonus DP there like we did for Frigates, which means that any refit design is going to be at a disadvantage, since it'll be rendered obsolete by that very refit, if DP is generated based on ships in class designed rather than general shipbuilding experience.
Basically, I'm busy re-examining a lot of my assumptions here, and I don't want to make any more until I know more. Like "I don't know if committing to something here is going to end up fucking us in the long run because a fleet that's good at hunting Orks isn't going to be very good against anything else, since the tactics that work well against Orks conveniently aren't great against everyone else who also fight Orks"