Would you Distort or manifest EGO?

  • Total voters
Vote white night as first EGO gear? :V

This will probably depend a lot on the setting and which character is chosen at the beginning. Still, a lot needs to be balanced for the story to flow properly.

By the way, does anyone have any suggestions about the setting? So far I've been thinking about Nasuverse (whose quest stopped too early), To Aru, Fire Emblem: Three Houses and Bleach, although the latter is a bit of a puzzle. Maybe MHA, RWBY or even Worm? I'll probably offer a few options to choose from, but first I need to decide what exactly those options will be.
This will probably depend a lot on the setting and which character is chosen at the beginning. Still, a lot needs to be balanced for the story to flow properly.

By the way, does anyone have any suggestions about the setting? So far I've been thinking about Nasuverse (whose quest stopped too early), To Aru, Fire Emblem: Three Houses and Bleach, although the latter is a bit of a puzzle. Maybe MHA, RWBY or even Worm? I'll probably offer a few options to choose from, but first I need to decide what exactly those options will be.

I cannot talk about all of those, but for the ones I know:

Nasuverse has a built in isekai setup in the grail wars summoning, but you have to chose which one to go with. I agree that the one that exists died too young, though I am not sure some of the ideas wouldn't have risked overshadowing the grail war.

Bleach… would interact weirdly I think. Definitely a puzzle indeed.

MHA could have some fun things with a young looking body, same for RWBY. Both in very different yet similar ways due to how their schools differ.

Worm is aware of parallel worlds, and also has case53s, two ways to justify our presence to the world, but there is the traditional giant problem: what do with Scion and endbringers? (I recommend spontaneous death by plot). Actually, the case53's existence allows for some fun with options at the beginning.
Well, I long ago accepted that Magic Bullet was just a bad choice. I guess this could be much more useful if X's character were completely different and Integration wasn't low. It's still somewhat useful, especially against an immaterial enemy, but I'm still convinced that The Burrowing Heaven would be noticeably better.
I think it's just narratively wrong for X to not shoot her agents (if not the magical girls) at least once in the quest.

("When the Manager received a gun from the Devil, the Devil proposed a childish contract: The last bullet would puncture the head of her beloved. The moment she heard that, she sought and shot all the people she loved. Then she told the Devil, 'These HP recovery bullets can truly hit anyone just like you say.'")

Seriously, it even says in the EGO's description that you can modify the bullets. I'm voting to experiment with it first chance I get.

By the way, does anyone have any suggestions about the setting? So far I've been thinking about Nasuverse (whose quest stopped too early), To Aru, Fire Emblem: Three Houses and Bleach, although the latter is a bit of a puzzle. Maybe MHA, RWBY or even Worm? I'll probably offer a few options to choose from, but first I need to decide what exactly those options will be.
Of the ones mentioned, I'd like to see Toaru. Mostly because I'm interested in the setting, but couldn't get past the first books.

I also think Discworld is, like, the perfect candidate for a Project Moon crossover or even fusion, but I recognize that's not really in the spirit of this quest.
Nasuverse has a built in isekai setup in the grail wars summoning, but you have to chose which one to go with. I agree that the one that exists died too young, though I am not sure some of the ideas wouldn't have risked overshadowing the grail war.

For the Nasuverse, I'd really like to show things outside of Fate and the Grail Wars, but I have some fun thoughts for that as well. Or maybe I'll even mix up the settings, using some of my notes for a potential crossover between Tsukihime and Sailor Moon.

Worm is aware of parallel worlds, and also has case53s, two ways to justify our presence to the world, but there is the traditional giant problem: what do with Scion and endbringers? (I recommend spontaneous death by plot). Actually, the case53's existence allows for some fun with options at the beginning.

Use Abno's body as a template? Now it's definitely bold. The odds of this ending in something good are slim to none, but hey, it could be fun?

I think it's just narratively wrong for X to not shoot her agents (if not the magical girls) at least once in the quest.

("When the Manager received a gun from the Devil, the Devil proposed a childish contract: The last bullet would puncture the head of her beloved. The moment she heard that, she sought and shot all the people she loved. Then she told the Devil, 'These HP recovery bullets can truly hit anyone just like you say.'")

Seriously, it even says in the EGO's description that you can modify the bullets. I'm voting to experiment with it first chance I get.

This probably won't happen because of the Seventh Bullet.

Of the ones mentioned, I'd like to see Toaru. Mostly because I'm interested in the setting, but couldn't get past the first books.

I like that the setting allows for relative control over how big of a plot players want to involve themselves in, and what parallels can be drawn between the City and Academy City.

I also think Discworld is, like, the perfect candidate for a Project Moon crossover or even fusion, but I recognize that's not really in the spirit of this quest.

Hmm, I have a couple of ideas for Discworld, particularly with the Witches and Death cycles, but I'll probably write something too serious in the end.
If all goes according to plan, the next chapter will be released tomorrow. Of course, plans are not to be trusted, but the point still stands. In the meantime, I hope your Valentine's Day was pleasant and that none of your loved ones have perished in an unusually gruesome manner, thus setting you off on a self-destructive revenge spiral.
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2.6.7 - What Can You Live With?
Chapter 156 - What Can You Live With?

The presence at the edge of the Black Forest moves slowly. Its pace is inconsistent, mostly still with occasional bursts of movement. The pattern of behavior speaks to cautions, uncertainty, nervousness. High tensions. Probably a low state of panic. This is almost certainly one of the Adult's recruited Magical Girls, judging by their fear and ability to act on it. You have frustratingly little information in that particular portion of the Adult Who Tells Lies' forces, though what you do know implies that they're subtly being kept in a state of distress and not particularly close with each other.

Their timing is incredibly extremely specific. It seems probable that they were waiting for you to defeat Judgement Bird before attacking. You might've been safe thanks to Leonie, but anyone else walking in on that battle would've had little to no chance of surviving. You know that some of the Adult's forces already met an unfortunate end in the Black Forest. Even knowing- or at least suspecting- that you've defeated the Abnormality that did such a thing, you would understand hesitation when asked to tread the same path that got so many killed.

Alternatively, they might very well be afraid of you. You know little of what the Adult has told the children under her employ of you, but the picture she's painted was intended to make it impossible for you to reason with them. The worst part is, she could've easily done that just by accurately describing your real self. You don't know how much she knows about you as an Abnormality, but even basic information would be enough to poison the well. You indirectly created one Distortion, directly created another, and are working with two more. One of those two is Argalia, who is hoping that you'll turn the rest of humanity into Distortions at some point. That's not even touching the existential horror that is the existence of an ability like Lobotomy, though you haven't used it in some time. Isabeau's children were at least vaguely aware of it considering what they requested of you, so it should follow that the rest of the Adult's faction would have at least similar information.

They're not moving very quickly, so you have some options in how you want to approach this. You're much faster than the average Magical Girl is. The Black Forest isn't built in a way that makes sneaking easy, but if you stuck to the higher parts of the trees is would be easy enough to take them by surprise and end the fight before it even begins. As long as her Soul Gem remains intact, it's probably safest to fatally wound her body. You don't exactly have a way to hold prisoners at the moment, so it would probably be safest to just take their Soul Gem and leave the body anyways. Ideally you'll be able to finish before the decay progresses too far.

At the same time, the idea feels unappealing. The Magical Girls the Adult is employing aren't evil, they're being lied to. Whether you expect to succeed or not, you have an obligation to at least try and resolve things peacefully.

Even if you won't succeed, it's still wrong not to try. You need to at least offer a chance.

With a lazy gesture, you call your conjured soldiers to attention around you and then send them off. They can search the Black Forest for the marker as easily as you can, and once they find it it's just a matter of holding the position until the moment comes and then detonating. As long as interference is kept to a minimum, that should be enough. All you need to worry about now is attending to your reception.


You approach slowly, picking a path clear of trees so that the girl can see you coming. A poor choice tactically, but surrendering some control over the situation will hopefully be an appreciated gesture. Besides, it'd be much worse to surprise the girl.

You catch sight of her before she spots you. The Black Forest's sky has begun fading to a dull green, providing barely any more light than the perpetual dusk it held when it was fully intact. Her outfit is something between a maid uniform and a priest's garments, black and white but for some dark blue accents and dustings of bright crystal blue that matches her hair. Her eyes are the same color, glassy in a way that goes beyond metaphor and into the realm of the unnatural. A dark oval gem, her Soul Gem, lies set into the fabric low on her chest. In one hand, she holds a small ornate hand mirror. It's probably her weapon. Even if you can feel her anxiety, only a small part of it is fear of you. None of it shows on her face. She smiles placidly as she makes her way through the shadowy trees. Her skin is a touch paler than what seems natural. Her proportions are mostly obscured by her uniform, but from what you can see she looks small for her height. It reminds you first of Kyoko, then further back of Lisa and Enoch when Carmen first found them. Long-term malnutrition, enough that its effects have been internalized and are no longer healed magically.

"Hey!" you announce the moment her eyes land on you, waving at the Magical Girl through the trees. "I'm X. Any chance we can talk for a moment?"

The girl startles, then raises her mirror and turns it towards you. You step forward and weave through the shotgun-like spray of light that follows. Undeterred, she fires off another ray of light that is this time turned aside by your sword's edge. Even if you don't plan on attacking with it, Justitia's broad shape makes it excellent for defense. While Mimicry would normally serve that purpose even better, it's also not the most comfortable thing to look at.

"I know it may be hard to believe," you say, pausing only to step away from the path of another spray of light that this time strikes the trees around you before bouncing inward to assail you from multiple angles at once. "but I really don't have any desire to hurt you. I'm just trying to save somebody who the Abnormality ruling this place has taken."

The girl only frowns, flicking her mirror down at an angle and sending a wave of glass-like arrowheads soaring up at you from the same path. A few swift movements reduces them to tiny shards, but before you can say anything else the sound of movement draws your attention to where the imagine of the same girl is standing in the distance to your left, holding her mirror towards you. You tilt your head to avoid the thin point of light that shines from it, watching the beam disappear into the forest's depths. That one very nearly hit you. You feel nothing from the image, so it's either an illusion or some sort of construct. If you had to guess, you'd presume it to be a "mirror image" of some sort. Magical Girls, like Abnormalities and Distortions, tend to have their abilities centered around a theme rather than a specific capability.

"Would you at least tell me your name? I've introduced myself, it's only fair." you say. A second image circling around your right launches another spray of silvery light. It's not directed towards you, but instead bounces off the trees in a consistent pattern to form a web that leaves very little room to move. The image to your left raises its mirror again for another shot while the presumably-real girl directly ahead sends a spread of glowing spheres of energy flying towards you.

You let Sound of a Star pulse, and its tug is felt by the world around you for a moment. A moment, but more than enough to pull the web of light around you out of position. Passing through it wouldn't be impossible, but you prefer to take the path of least resistance. Besides, you're still feeling the effects of Judgement Bird's attack. Complicated motion should be kept to a minimum. You draw Beak and shoot down the balls of light before they can reach you, then raise Justitia to intercede between the beam fired from your left and your chest. It splits into a rainbow's worth of colored rays, tearing through the trees nearby without resistance.

You let your weapons fade, standing unscathed in the wake of the coordinated attack. The girl stares at you, still frowning, then sighs. "Sena Mikoto."

"Right, then. Miss Sena, what exactly would I have to do to convince you to go on your way? This isn't a fight worth risking your life in." you say. Another barrage answers, adjusted slightly from the last. You have to admit the kid has a good eye for combat and some commendable tricks, but aside from Sayaka having trouble closing distance you can't imagine her winning in a fight against any of your children. Against you, none of it matters because she's just too slow to hit you. You might have some trouble getting into melee range without taking hits, but you don't need to get into melee range and you can afford to be injured. As it is, this fight is a foregone conclusion.

Normally that would mean you should end it while it remains so overwhelmingly in your favor, but you would rather not decapitate a child even if you know they'll live through it. Something is going to have to happen to the kids the Adult recruited after she falls, and that can't be "keep them separated from their body in their Soul Gem forever". This conversation will need to happen eventually. This is your chance to make a first impression, one that isn't overwhelmingly hostile.

"You're not going to trick me that easily. I know what you're really after." Sena says coldly, sending off another round of attacks. You're surprised by a flashbang being added into the mix, but the tiny moment of disorientation it buys isn't enough to impair you.

"Do you?" you ask.

"You want to use that girl like a weapon. I won't allow that." Sena answers. Her voice is passionate, but without heat. It's closest to Angela's tone, with a little of Mami's and Homura's added in.

"I don't want to use Madoka for anything. If I wanted her to make a Contract to accomplish something like you're implying, then I wouldn't have waited." you explain, dodging another round of attacks. This time, as you step out of the way of another sniping shot, you find yourself not quite where you expected to be standing. The blast strikes your shoulder, producing a sound like shattering glass as it impacts. You frown and try to ignore the pain. It's not anything critical, but you would prefer to avoid being injured.

"Then what about those other two girls? Why did you turn them into monsters?" the Magical Girl accuses, arranging another attack. A third image has joined the previous two, and you're starting to notice something irregular in the space around you. Little slips, just enough to set something where it wasn't a moment ago.

"Homura and Kyoko aren't monsters," you reply, and your calm breaks to let loose a faint snarl as you speak. You dodge into one of the cracks in space, using it as an entrance to one of Leonie's Routes and emerging already in the motion of reducing the first mirror image to fragments. "and I didn't want them to become Distortions. I am trying to help them return to normal, but it's not that simple."

"Why should I believe you?" Sena says, too quickly to maintain the illusion of composure. Another mirror image is shattered, but quickly replaced.

"What do I get by lying about that? Why would I want the people under my care to suffer?"

"Because it makes them easier to control. It makes them stronger, so they're more useful tools for you." Sena recites. An arrow of light slips past your defenses, scraping against your skin just below your eye. She's getting more reckless with her magic use. It's working, barely, but she's getting close to running out. You don't know what method the Adult developed to handle Witches, but you'd rather not learn it like this.

"Is that what you believe, or what you've been told?" You seize one of the nearby trees, tearing it from the earth with a single hand, and swing it horizontally across the battlefield. The resulting scatter of wood and dirt as trees crash against one another gives you more than enough clarity on where space has been altered. Lamp can serve that purpose just as well, but summoning it just yet is unnecessary.

The debris still filling the air works well enough as a smokescreen while you reduce Sena's mirror images to mere fragments.

"Tell me, Miss Sena. Why are you here on your own? I know that the Emerald City isn't short on defenders. It doesn't make any sense to leave you to face me alone like this." Sena steps back, her mask of calm determination cracking under the strain. But only for a moment, before she steps forward again and prepares another attack.

You don't give the girl a chance. Her Soul Gem is nearly blackened, and you aren't in the mood to gamble with how many spells she'll be able to manage before the Witch hatches. You dart through another Route and emerge behind her, Lamp in one hand and sword in the other. This is over.

The person you'd believed you were talking to is, in fact, another mirror image. Lamp's gleam makes that clear enough. The real Mikoto Sena is hiding behind several layers of space folded over on each other in such a way to make moving through almost impossible, her position both overlapping with the image's and not. You shatter the image just to be safe, then your sword darts through the layers of disruption in space. You feel a jolt of surprise as the weapon's tip pierces the back of her neck, severing the spine cleanly and painlessly. The folds in space snap back into their proper places as Sena crumples. You catch the girl before she can hit the ground.

Her transformation has held. Her Soul Gem is intact. You can feel the dull hum of an unconscious mind within your reach. Mikoto Sena will live, you know this as a fact. None of it detracts from the uncomfortable feeling of holding a technically dead body belonging to a young teenager who you just stabbed.

Well, you don't have time to waste. You reach out to remove the kid's Soul Gem, only to be stopped by a sudden flash of light. The Magical Girl's Soul Gem, already nearly full, has suddenly begun to overflow with Grief. The sickly, rotting texture of it assaults your senses as it spills from the Soul Gem and out into the world in thin, orderly streaks.

And despite everything, the fallen Magical Girl's body begins to twitch.


Porccubus' Sapling - Observation Level 2/3
Schadenfreude's Sapling - Observation Level 2/3
CENSORED's Sapling - Observation Level EXPUNGED/REDACTED
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Take Action
[] Destroy the Soul Gem.
[] Attempt to cleanse the Grief with White damage.
[] Attempt to cleanse the Grief with Lobotomy, incurring further fundamental damage.
[] Take the Soul Gem and leave to sever its connection to the body.
Take Action
[] Destroy the Soul Gem.
[] Attempt to cleanse the Grief with White damage.
[] Attempt to cleanse the Grief with Lobotomy, incurring further fundamental damage.
[] Take the Soul Gem and leave to sever its connection to the body.
Yeah, that went basically as well as expected.

Hm. Since she's in the process of transforming into a Witch, nothing short of X's biggest white abilities would be able to heal her.

It's probably a split between these three in terms of viability for saving her right now.

[] Attempt to cleanse the Grief with White damage.
[] Attempt to cleanse the Grief with Lobotomy, incurring further fundamental damage.

The question is should we even attempt it instead of kidnapping her soul and dropping another orphan at Angela's?

Decisions decisions.

What does it mean by "Fundamental Damage" @Lepidoptera ?
Using Lobotomy, especially at the speed you'd need for this, will cut down on the time X has left before transforming into an Abnormality and make her weakness episodes more frequent in both the long term and short term.
Ooohhh that's bad.

We already incurred pale damage from Judgement Bird, (sure X healed physically fine, but I'm not quite sure about the rest) but this one is blatant damage to that limited timer.

[X] Attempt to cleanse the Grief with Lobotomy, incurring further fundamental damage.
So it doesn't hurt the girl. That's better, it means that we can save her with absolute certainty then. Since Lobotomy is arguably the strongest mental manipulation ability X has.
The Magical Girls the Adult is employing aren't evil, they're being lied to.

Well, most of them at least, I think we had one or two that were not so good?

Don't know the Magia characters enough to truly be sure.

Her eyes are the same color, glassy in a way that goes beyond metaphor and into the realm of the unnatural. A dark oval gem, her Soul Gem, lies set into the fabric low on her chest. In one hand, she holds a small ornate hand mirror.

Sooooo... I'm guessing that is miss *I can make duplicates*?

Too bad she cannot make on of us, nor would any of those she can be able to beat us.

it's also not the most comfortable thing to look at.

Mimicry blink at that, then forms a mouth to ask why you think that. :V

"You want to use that girl like a weapon.

*Sound of my irony detectors breaking in the distance, too much input.*

"Because it makes them easier to control. It makes them stronger, so they're more useful tools for you."

The stray pieces of my irony detector just caught fire, just saying.

Well, you don't have time to waste. You reach out to remove the kid's Soul Gem, only to be stopped by a sudden flash of light. The Magical Girl's Soul Gem, already nearly full, has suddenly begun to overflow with Grief. The sickly, rotting texture of it assaults your senses as it spills from the Soul Gem and out into the world in thin, orderly streaks.

And despite everything, the fallen Magical Girl's body begins to twitch.


Or a trap by the Adult?

Or both?

Using Lobotomy, especially at the speed you'd need for this, will cut down on the time X has left before transforming into an Abnormality and make her weakness episodes more frequent in both the long term and short term.


[X] Attempt to cleanse the Grief with Lobotomy, incurring further fundamental damage.

I don't want more time before we transform, the only downside is the weakness episodes, but it is better to try and save that girl than sacrifice her here.

The only other solution I would give a good chance of working right now is outright killing the girl, which I really do not want, all the others are at risks of... actually:

[] Attempt to cleanse the Grief with White damage.

Lepi, a question:

Does X thinks this could lead to the girl distorting?

And does X thinks she could distort the girl before she turns into a witch in some other ways that wouldn't weaken X?

Because in that case, I would change my vote.
And despite everything, the fallen Magical Girl's body begins to twitch.
This is a bit suspect to me. When Sayaka and Madoka became witches in the anime, their bodies both slumped over like discarded husks. It can't still be an illusion, but surely the Adult's plan was a little more complex than sending one (1) magical girl to become a witch and waste our time?

It's probably a Doppel manifestation like Nyarky suggested. Sena fighting with reckless abandon, the side stories explicitly mentioning her training with her Doppel:
Sena's Doppel, Winchester, had Familiars that could turn into copies of people.
I don't think we're about to lose Sena and after Judgment Bird I think we've fulfilled the quota of self-sacrificing actions at the moment.

I have no idea what White damage would do to a Doppel, but I think this will at least allow the Doppel to manifest and discharge the grief:
[X] Attempt to cleanse the Grief with White damage.
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Does X thinks this could lead to the girl distorting?

And does X thinks she could distort the girl before she turns into a witch in some other ways that wouldn't weaken X?
X has not tested how White damage can interfere with the process of a Witch hatching. It can reverse Panic, but those aren't necessarily the same thing. In fact, I'm pretty sure X hasn't actually used White damage against a regular person this entire time. It's basically a shot in the dark to hope something beneficial happens.
You know what, I think she's going to get her doppel, what option do we make if that's the case

It is a difficult question, the twitching body confirmation from Suleverf makes the chances of that being what's actually happening shoot up considerably, but that only removes killing her from the running... which was already out for most people anyway, I hope.

It makes things less likely to fuck up from our POV, but X doesn't know about that.

The problem becomes if us doing white damage is going to interfere with the doppel, and I don't know enough about them to tell anything on that, you'd have to ask someone that knows more than the very bar bones of Magia records for that.

Ok, what would any option looks like from the victim's POV?

Lobotomy could either looks like her worst fears about us coming true, or a way to show her how we actually use it instead of how the Adult tell people we use it.

White damage can look like an attack, or not, it would come from blue star.

Take the soul gem... may well witch her out instead of letting the doppel manifest, funnily enough.... Once again, don't know enough to tell.

I think I am changing my vote, on the basis that in the likely case this is a doppel, we don't need to take the lobotomy damages, plus that the white damages may seem less sus than the thing the Adult made sure every single of the girls would fear intensely:

[x] Attempt to cleanse the Grief with White damage.

There is a high chance I am going to spend a good chunk of the voting process flip-flopping. :V
Hmm, words, lots of it as well. Uh...
[x] Attempt to cleanse the Grief with White damage.
That deals soul damage, right? Probably fine.
[x] Attempt to cleanse the Grief with White damage.

Sounds good enough! Here's crossing fingers and hoping for the best!

Hopefully we doesn't fuck up and actually causes her to become a Witch for real.

By the way do we even know why the arguably most important MG in the Adult's employ is doing out in the woods alone?