If it is an acceptable write-in, then may I submit...
[X] The Droman Creed
"I believe in the Omnissiah, the font of knowledge, the Patriarch, the source of inspiration and the creativity of innovation and mastery, of understanding of the world.
I believe in the Emperor, Lord Almighty, the Father, creator and bounder of life, and an Empire not of fists but of opened hands, nor of blood and pyres but of bright signal-fires.
I believe, further, in the Omnissiah-and-Emperor, both Lord and Lords Almighty, co-equal, indivisible and inseparable, one and two, and the sacred nature of the Mystery of Their and His nature.
I believe in the Community and Body of the Faith, Holy and Universal--its reach total as all unite in its sacred purpose regardless of species, appearance, or prior faith and creed--such that all the voices of the galaxy might one day be lifted in Song.
I believe in the Motive Force, the energy itself that drives all change, that turns the gears of the Body of Faith and enacts the Will of the Omnissiah-and-Emperor, whose Machine-Spirits and whose Great Machine of Community-and-Motive-Force shall help produce a Great Light, the Light of Hope.
I believe that this light is produced by knowledge and understanding, by the combination of the Community and the Life, spread across the whole of the great machine, so that each may be a coequal Gear in the great design.
I believe that this Light of Hope is the only begotten child of the Omnissiah and Emperor, forged and formed of the Great Machine created by the Motive Force and Body of Faith, and yet coequal in all ways with the other four.
I believe that these Five, Omnissiah, Emperor, Motive Force, Body of the Faith, and Star Child, are Indivisible and One, and Two, And Three, Four, and Five.
I believe in the galaxy's song, in the grinding of these holy, sacred, and merciful gears, and that the Star Child is the culmination and reflection of this Light, and that they shall Save the Galaxy and usher in an age of Hope, Compassion, Knowledge, Creativity and Justice, forever and ever, Amen!"