What should your focus for the rest of the Quest be?

  • Total voters
Next turn IDEALLY I'd like to start preaching the starchild to the Kil'drabi and either finish up t1 indrusty with civlian/medical services or do one of those and have the other action be exploring one of the planets.

edit: so something like this
[] Plan: things
-[] [General] Instruct SM-001-A To Investigate The High-Energy Desert
-[] [General] Construct Something
--[] Medical Services
-[] [Faith] Preach To We Who Yet Wander

[] Plan: THINGS
-[] [General] Construct Something
--[] Civilian Infrastructure
--[] Medical Services

-[] [Faith] Preach To We Who Yet Wander
One thing I will note, we know from the Inquistor's perspective that a couple systems over Orkz are poised to invade our system, and the Civil War that happened is gonna make it so he can't really get the troops he wanted to tithe.

I think we need to get ready for that. Void Industry might need to be a priority so we can get proper warships, definitely gonna want to help the Lamenters, Fire is always great for dealing with Ork spores and a melody should do just as good, and a unit of Ogryns so we can have people who can actually go toe-to-toe with them in melee.
One thing I will note, we know from the Inquistor's perspective that a couple systems over Orkz are poised to invade our system, and the Civil War that happened is gonna make it so he can't really get the troops he wanted to tithe.

I think we need to get ready for that. Void Industry might need to be a priority so we can get proper warships, definitely gonna want to help the Lamenters, Fire is always great for dealing with Ork spores and a melody should do just as good, and a unit of Ogryns so we can have people who can actually go toe-to-toe with them in melee.
we should still have a 3-4 turns of time until they arrive and there alwasy gonna be some reason to delay x action or x action in favor of other stuff. Might as well get these impormant QoL stuff done when we don't have any immediate fires to put out espically since medical services would help with war anyway and we curretnly have no sources of cooper atm so we need to explore the desert world anyway. Can't build a navy much advacned indrusty without coppper
[X] Plan: Bomb Our Slate

[X] Plan: The Unknown

[X] Plan: stabilization
-[X] [Psykana] Hunt down the remaining Psykana Experiments
--[X] Use Excessive Caution
-[X] [General] Construct Something
--[X] Civilian Infrastructure
--[X] Medical Services
You think it would be totally fine for us to just let the fucking Chaos Mad-Science Warp experiments just solve itself?

What are you smoking and where can I get it?
I think there's a slim chance it's going to be fine, also there's a good chance it's going to be bad but not a disaster + we're well prepared to fight off what ever comes oout of there. So overall we can afford to ignore it, I said as much in the post you're replying to. You don't have to be rude to disagree with that.
Vote closed
Scheduled vote count started by HeroCooky on Feb 9, 2024 at 1:37 PM, finished with 55 posts and 31 votes.

  • [X] Plan: Clear Our Slate
    -[X] [Psykana] Hunt down the remaining Psykana Experiments
    --[X] Use Excessive Caution
    -[X] [Faith] Motive Force And Cradle Slumbers
    -[X] [Faith] Preach to Droma III
    [X] Plan: Bring Them The Stars
    -[X] [Psykana] Hunt down the remaining Psykana Experiments
    --[X] Use Excessive Caution
    -[X] [Faith] Preach To We Who Yet Wander
    -[X] [Faith] Preach to Droma III
    [X] Plan: Fuck Chaos
    -[X] [Psykana] Hunt down the remaining Psykana Experiments
    --[X] Use Excessive Caution
    -[X] [Faith] Preach To We Who Yet Wander
    -[X] [Faith] Preach to Droma III
    [X] Plan: The Unknown
    -[X] [General] Instruct SM-001-A To Investigate The High-Energy Desert
    -[X] [Psykana] Hunt down the remaining Psykana Experiments
    --[X] Use Excessive Caution
    -[X] [Faith] Preach to Droma III
    [X] Plan: Bomb Our Slate
    -[X] [Psykana] Hunt down the remaining Psykana Experiments
    --[X] Use Excessive Caution
    -[X] [Faith] Motive Force And Cradle Slumbers
    -[X] [Military] Raise A Specialised [Light/Medium] Infantry Unit - [Choose: Demolition]
    [X] Plan: You must gather your party before you venture forth
    -[X] [Psykana] Conduct a Melody (Perception)
    -[X] [Psykana] Hunt down the remaining Psykana Experiments
    --[X] Use Excessive Caution
    -[X] [Faith] Preach To We Who Yet Wander
    [X] Plan Maybe If I Close My Eyes It Will Go Away
    -[X] [Faith] Preach To We Who Yet Wander
    -[X] [Faith] Preach to Droma III
    -[X] [Faith] Motive Force And Cradle Slumbers
    [X] Plan Advanced Faith and Purging.
    -[X] [Psykana] Hunt down the remaining Psykana Experiments
    --[X] Use Excessive Caution
    -[X] [Faith] Motive Force And Cradle Slumbers
    -[X] [Faith] Preach to We Who Yet Wonder
    [X] Plan: Purify Our Slate
    -[X] [Psykana] Hunt down the remaining Psykana Experiments
    --[X] Use Excessive Caution
    -[X] [Faith] Motive Force And Cradle Slumbers
    -[X] [Psykana] Conduct a Melody (Choose one below.)
    --[X] Fire
    [X] Plan: stabilization
    -[X] [Psykana] Hunt down the remaining Psykana Experiments
    --[X] Use Excessive Caution
    -[X] [General] Construct Something
    --[X] Civilian Infrastructure
    --[X] Medical Services
HeroCooky threw 1 100-faced dice. Reason: Psykana Total: 6
6 6
075.M42 - The Divine Trinity
Motive Force. Omnissiah. Machine-God.

The Divine Trinity of the Cult Mechanicus is the center of belief and spirit that united every sect and creed within its eternal clockwork tent across all sacred technologies.

The web of connections that stretched between them was as ripe for conflict as it was for synergies and great miracles.

The Machine-God is the omnipotent, immanent, and omnipotent Divinity that governs all technology, machinery, and knowledge in Creation, one benevolent toward Humanity and whose blessings have given rise to every technology humanity ever created.

The Omnissiah is their physical Avatar within the material world, one once dedicated to ensuring its Divine Decrees and Commandments were heard and obeyed by all of mankind across the galaxy so that they, too, may be elevated and united under the perfection of the machine.

The Motive Force is the current of all things, the very literal force by which everything is moved, from machines to brains, and without which no life could exist within either.

And for the Synergistic worshippers of the Star Child, who know the very real powers of both the God-Emperor of Man and the Omnissia, Machine-God, and Motive Force, the details in which the four will be united or work together once the God-Emperor is dead and the Star Child awoken has been a great deal of controversy, debate, and fight.

Some say that once awoken, the Star Child will have united the Machine-God and the God-Emperor, and therefore also the Omnissiah, within itself, while letting the Motive Force stay apart as an extension of the Universe without trying to make it a part of itself.

Others declare that the Star Child shall bring forth a new Omnissiah as they are birthed by an entity merely acting as the Machine-God and God-Emperor as two instead of one and that the Motive Force is nothing more than an extension of its Divine Will.

And there are those who claim that the Star Child is the utter fusion of all four, the Machine-God, God-Emperor, Motive Force, and Omnissiah, into one perfect Divine whole to elevate Humanity from the state it now found itself within.

The debate to declare one true canon for the heralds of the Star Child within the Candle Keepers was as fierce as it was long, years spent in furious arguments before the truth was made evident by the unified communion of all priests with Teel, Prophet of the Star Child, where a revelation of the same was given from the future through its vessel.

The revelation was thus:
[] I am the One who was Three, and my Force will be Unchained.

[] I am the One who portrayed as Two, my Avatar shall be as Great and Terrible as the Age it is meant to slay, and my Force is mine to command.

[] I am the One who was Four, and my reach shall be Eternal.

[] (Write-In)

Subject to QM veto.
[X] I am the One who was Four, and my reach shall be Eternal.

I like this one the most, since it avoids fights over what is and isn't a part of the Star child, which is always going to be ripe for use in religious wars, just look at the schism over what Jesus was and was not after all.
Omnissiah, Star Child, Emperor, Motive Force, and the Material Body of the Faith (IE all of its worshipers together.)

Would be Five. And there have been faiths that believe that all humanity, made in divinity's image, has a spark of the Godhead in them or etc, etc. Or something?
Omnissiah, Star Child, Emperor, Motive Force, and the Material Body of the Faith (IE all of its worshipers together.)

Would be Five. And there have been faiths that believe that all humanity, made in divinity's image, has a spark of the Godhead in them or etc, etc. Or something?
How about
2: Star Child + Motive Force (the intangible)
1: Candle Keepers (the tangible)
2: Helping + Spreading Hope (the order of the intangible to the tangible)
My problem with four is that its four, our holy number is five.

Any way we can fit one more aspect?
Theologically speaking, the Star Child would then be the Fifth Divine Being/Entity/Force of Humanity (Omnissiah/Avatar of Machine God, Machine God proper, Emperor, Motive Force) so that would fit in with its holy number of five if you wished so.
Maybe the Aspect of the Living, infused with the aspects of the other four? The Living Body of Christ the Faith.
Already covered by the Motive Force, unless you are going for something along the lines of connection/unity instead of life/movement.
I still like the five I outlined, especially if you connect the Material Body of the Faith with the Motive Force, thus creating a sort of box?

Omnissiah and Emperor in the top left and right, that join to make the Star Child, and also in the left and right bottom corners the material body of the faithful and their spirit and the Motive Force (machine spirits, etc, etc).
Okay, one way to make a Two Omnissiah approach work is maybe they represent different things.

Current Omnissiah represents the traditional AdMech (or the parts we deem acceptable) such as preserving archeotech and what not

Then the New Omnissiah represents the other side of the coin in a sense, the "sins" of the AdMech like Innovation and Invention but viewed as positives instead of sins, maybe have them be like different paths you can take in the Machine Cult, where one side is about preserving what works and stuff while the other side improves upon what is known.

Only problem I could see with that is Vashtorr, but maybe if we try hard enough we can separate his influence from it.

Hell, maybe try to write up some prophecy BS with New Omnissiah usurping Vashtorr's domains like how the Eldar are hyping up Ynnead as Slannesh's doom.
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