Loyalty is its own Reward (A Traitor Legion Chapter Master Quest)

This strikes me more as something Severus would say than Valzadai. Valzadai is more favorable of the "shoot him in the back and don't take risks" approach. Corpses don't make problems in his opinion.

In this, whatever you find more confortable, although in my opinion aftermath and flashback works great, especially since we know what Myrok plan is.

I'm liking it a lot as of now. Now for the rewards, would you prefer if I give you one reward now and the other with the second part, or both with the second part?
With all this in mind, I think the flashback idea works best.

Yeah, that does sound like him. "Remove source of problem and you no longer have problem."
I think this might be a case of my forgetting to include important details that justify the change (Or maybe I'm just not paranoid enough for Valzadai's tastes and missed the mark), but I boiled down his reaction to a particular question;

How does a murderous paranoiac ("Only a little bit, marm!") react to being explicitly ordered he can't kill a threat?
The answer I came up with was, he washes his hands of the whole affair and bunkers down waiting for shit to go wrong so he can kill it post haste.

So his interaction there was envisioned more as as a petulant "Why am I even here if I've given my council and you ignored it? Just do what you were already planning to do." Less charitably, "Daaaad, I wanna kill the traitooor".

In terms of rewards, save it till after the second. I think it's going to change the nature of the story enough that it will be relevant to deciding what is handed out.

Can we send our Dreadnought to Braciam? I´m sure the reactions would be priceless.
Hilarious, and so preposterously in violation of the spirit of the challenge that it would cause us political problems later. Assuming we don't get REALLY unlucky and the challenger is DRAMATIC PROTAGONIST ENERGY! enough to do to poor Sertorius what Spatha did to that Helbrute.
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[X] Plan Ever Vigilant
-[X] Lead Your Chapter
--[X] Meet up with a Local Faction Leader.
---[X] Lord General Adolphus Tavisolta (Imperial Guard).
---[X] Lord Admiral Hanno Adherbal (Imperial Navy)
--[X] Negotiate with a Planetary Governor
---[X] King Tristan III du Martel (Braicam)
----[X] Negotiate for the Chapter to be allowed to recruit some Aspirants from Braicam's population in exchange for Severus having one of his accompanying Space Marines act as Tristan's representative to a trial by combat
-[X] Know your Chapter (Choose 1).
--[X] Inquire about certain Faction situations.
---[X] Ecclesiarchy.
-[X] Master of the Keep
--[X] Train Chapter Serfs.
-[X] Master of the Forge
--[X] Assign Equipment
---[X] Crozius Arcanum to Chaplain Cicero
---[X] Power Sword to Spatha
--[X] Research Luctusian Refuges
--[X] Repair Vehicles
---[X] Fear of Judgement
---[X] Luctusian Dusk
-[X] Chief Apothecary
--[X] Continue on Spatha´s geneseed.
--[X] Investigate Mist counter-agents.
-[X] Master of Recruits

--[X] Train your Chapter
---[X] Willpower. x2
-[X] Deployments

--[X] Shadows in Brudenell: Harker demands your assistance once more. Having located a particularly dangerous chaos cult in the Hive World of Brudenell making preparations for an insurrection, the Inquisitor wants us to assist him in surgically disrupting the cults activities.
---[X] Severus, Honour Guard, Chapter Champion Spatha, 3rd Company, Captain Gallienus, Squads 10-1 through 10-4, Chaplain Cicero, Apothecary Soran, Techmarine Husnik, Techmarine Noricum, Strike Cruiser Luctusian Dusk, 3 Stormbirds, 2 Storm Ravens, 5 Power Swords, 2 Chainglaives, 10 Stalker Bolters, 40 Prototype Corvus Armor
--[X] Seibourc Onslaught: The Hive World of Seibourc is suffering under the assault of an Orkish Waagh from the Luxeran Sector. Despite all available regiments of Royals returning to defend their homeworld, they are finding themselves slowly pushed back by the surprising cunning of the Ork Warboss.
---[X] 7th Company, Captain Logos, Dreadnought Sertorius, Chief Apothecary Valzadai, Apothecary in Training Sarjanovic, Apothecary in Training Biernat, Techmarine Ostia, Techmarine Siracusa, Squads 10-5 through 10-8, Captain Secutor, Strike Cruiser Night Terror, 1 Stormbird, 6 Thunderhawks, 2 Predators, 2 Razorbacks, 4 Whirlwinds, 5 Land Speeders, 10 Stalker Bolters, 10 Plasma Guns, 10 Melta Guns, 10 Lascannons
--[X] Deserters Due: Admiral Himilco Sakarbaal of the Imperial Navy has broken his oaths to the Golden Throne and turned pirate alongside his flotilla. Battlefleet Aetelian is hunting him down, but fear that he might offer his loyalty to the Eyes of the Mutator has prompted them to call you for aid.
---[X] 2nd Company, Captain Pluvia, Master of the Fleet Hostilius, Master of Sanctity Falce, Chaplain in Training Osinki, Chaplain in Training Jaronski, Battle Barge Fear of Judgement, Strike Cruiser Unavoidable Sentence, 20 Melta Guns
--[X] Search and Destroy: There are cults of the Dark Gods in your homeworld, they are organizing themselves and they are hiding somewhere. Hunt them down and eradicate them. (This deployment ignores rule 4)
---[X] Apothecary Diocles, Techmarine Capua, Master of Recruits Myrok Kuthil, Master of the Arsenal Fretensis, Chief Victualler Utica, Master of the Marches Numerian, Master of the Watch Apollodorus, U-1, U-2, and U-3, 1 Stormbird, 1 Thunderhawk, 20 Attack Bikes, 10 Stalker Bolters
--[X] Radio Silence: An administratum outpost, Station 989, has stopped reporting. Adept Kalivnonva has sent requests to the Imperial Navy, but they can´t dispatch anyone to assist in the timeframe she wishes. As such, she´s asking you to investigate the situation and in case the station is dead, recover important documents from it´s archives.
---[X] 6th Company, Captain Catilina, Master of the Forge Karark Zel, Techmarine Shukov, Squads 10-9 and 10-10, Strike Cruisers Shrouded Blade and Bird of Prey, 1 Stormbird, 3 Thunderhawks, 10 Plasma Guns, 10 Missile Launchers, 10 Stalker Bolters, 10 Lascannons, 10 Heavy Bolters, 30 Prototype Corvus Armor

I am open to making edits... but I am also probably about to pass out. So please, let me know of any suggestions and I will respond once I wake up.

Also, QM is it alright to double up Valzadai on Spatha's Geneseed? And does an Apothecary on Search and Destroy count as an Apothecary in the Fortress-Monastery?
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[X] Plan Ever Vigilant
-[X] Lead Your Chapter
--[X] Meet up with a Local Faction Leader.
---[X] Lord General Adolphus Tavisolta (Imperial Guard).
---[X] Lord Admiral Hanno Adherbal (Imperial Navy)
--[X] Negotiate with a Planetary Governor
---[X] King Tristan III du Martel (Braicam)
----[X] Negotiate for the Chapter to be allowed to recruit some Aspirants from Braicam's population in exchange for Severus having one of his accompanying Space Marines act as Tristan's representative to a trial by combat
-[X] Know your Chapter (Choose 1).
--[X] Inquire about certain Faction situations.
---[X] Ecclesiarchy.
-[X] Master of the Keep
--[X] Train Chapter Serfs.
-[X] Master of the Forge
--[X] Research Luctusian Refuges
--[X] Repair Vehicles
---[X] Fear of Judgement
---[X] Luctusian Dusk
-[X] Chief Apothecary
--[X] Continue on Spatha´s geneseed. x2
-[X] Master of Recruits

--[X] Train your Chapter
---[X] Willpower. x2
-[X] Deployments

--[X] Shadows in Brudenell: Harker demands your assistance once more. Having located a particularly dangerous chaos cult in the Hive World of Brudenell making preparations for an insurrection, the Inquisitor wants us to assist him in surgically disrupting the cults activities.
---[X] Severus, Honour Guard, Chapter Champion Spatha, 3rd Company, Captain Gallienus, Squads 10-1 through 10-4, Chaplain Cicero, Apothecary Soran, Techmarine Husnik, Techmarine Noricum, Strike Cruiser Luctusian Dusk, 3 Stormbirds, 2 Storm Ravens, 5 Power Swords, 2 Chainglaives, 10 Stalker Bolters, 40 Prototype Corvus Armor
--[X] Seibourc Onslaught: The Hive World of Seibourc is suffering under the assault of an Orkish Waagh from the Luxeran Sector. Despite all available regiments of Royals returning to defend their homeworld, they are finding themselves slowly pushed back by the surprising cunning of the Ork Warboss.
---[X] 7th Company, Captain Logos, Dreadnought Sertorius, Chief Apothecary Valzadai, Apothecary in Training Sarjanovic, Apothecary in Training Biernat, Techmarine Ostia, Techmarine Siracusa, Squads 10-5 through 10-8, Captain Secutor, Strike Cruiser Night Terror, 1 Stormbird, 6 Thunderhawks, 2 Predators, 2 Razorbacks, 4 Whirlwinds, 5 Land Speeders, 10 Stalker Bolters, 10 Plasma Guns, 10 Melta Guns, 10 Lascannons
--[X] Deserters Due: Admiral Himilco Sakarbaal of the Imperial Navy has broken his oaths to the Golden Throne and turned pirate alongside his flotilla. Battlefleet Aetelian is hunting him down, but fear that he might offer his loyalty to the Eyes of the Mutator has prompted them to call you for aid.
---[X] 2nd Company, Captain Pluvia, Master of the Fleet Hostilius, Master of Sanctity Falce, Chaplain in Training Osinki, Chaplain in Training Jaronski, Battle Barge Fear of Judgement, Strike Cruiser Unavoidable Sentence, 20 Melta Guns
--[X] Search and Destroy: There are cults of the Dark Gods in your homeworld, they are organizing themselves and they are hiding somewhere. Hunt them down and eradicate them. (This deployment ignores rule 4)
---[X] Apothecary Diocles, Techmarine Capua, Master of Recruits Myrok Kuthil, Master of the Arsenal Fretensis, Chief Victualler Utica, Master of the Marches Numerian, Master of the Watch Apollodorus, U-1, U-2, and U-3, 1 Stormbird, 1 Thunderhawk, 20 Attack Bikes, 10 Stalker Bolters
--[X] Radio Silence: An administratum outpost, Station 989, has stopped reporting. Adept Kalivnonva has sent requests to the Imperial Navy, but they can´t dispatch anyone to assist in the timeframe she wishes. As such, she´s asking you to investigate the situation and in case the station is dead, recover important documents from it´s archives.
---[X] 6th Company, Captain Catilina, Master of the Forge Karark Zel, Techmarine Shukov, Squads 10-9 and 10-10, Strike Cruisers Shrouded Blade and Bird of Prey, 1 Stormbird, 3 Thunderhawks, 10 Plasma Guns, 10 Missile Launchers, 10 Stalker Bolters, 10 Lascannons, 30 Prototype Corvus Armor
Suggestions for Plan Ever Vigilant:
-[] Production
--[] 3x Chainglaive: 10BP/Glaive
--[] 1 Combat Shield 5BP/Shield
-[] Repair vehicles:
--[] Fear of Judgement: 96BP
--[] Luctusian Dusk: 143BP

--[] Assign equipment permanently to a company or character (Free action, can be taken multiple times):
-[] All Company Captains, Chapter Command officers, specialists and Honour Guard get equipped with Protopye Mark VI Power Armour
-[] 1 Crozius Arcanum to Chaplain in Training Osinki, 1 Crozius Arcanum to Chaplain in Training Jaronski, 1 Chainglaive to Champion Claudius Spatha, 1 Chainglaive to Master of the Fleet Marcius Hostilius, 1 Power Sword to each Company Captain, 1 Volkite Charger to Chief Apothecary Valzadai
[equip named characters with remaining stuff]
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Also, QM is it alright to double up Valzadai on Spatha's Geneseed? And does an Apothecary on Search and Destroy count as an Apothecary in the Fortress-Monastery?
You can double up on training, but not on apothecary actions. An Apothecary on Search and Destroy doesn´t count as inside the fortress-monastery
1 Crozius Arcanum to Chaplain Cicero
Cicero already has a Crozius, you gave it to him the previous turn.
[X] Plan Look At My Stick, My Stick Is Amazing
-[X] Lead your chapter (Choose 3):
--[X] Meet up with a Local Faction Leader.
---[X] Adept Katerina Kalivnova (Adeptus Administratum).
----[X] Ask for advice on what would be necessary to establish additional recruiting worlds, including what the general political consequences we can expect might be. Also, ask about any odd data points she might want our help investigating.
---[X] Fabricator-General of Smilnay Nikola Delta-Null 6 (Adeptus Mechanicus).
----[X] Confirm a desire for a closer working relationship, and begin negotiations about exactly what Smilnay wants and what we will get in return. Pick up an Eviscerator STC IF we don't already have one and IF they have one, and IF it doesn't cost us a favor.
--[X] Negotiate with a Planetary Governor (You have to add a write-in specifying what you want to negotiate with them.)
---[X] King Tristan III du Martel (Braicam) (Done after the meeting with Adept Katerina, if possible)
----[X] Kindly inform him that while we are not necessarily opposed to sending aid to maintaining the rule of friends, we are also EXTREMELY unimpressed with requests to serve as patsies and pawns. However, in the interests of maintaining good relationships, we shall accept; Chapter Master Severus shall serve as his champion, and the duel shall be conducted with diplomacy and negotiations if feasible. Special note - figure out who the challenger is and what they want, so that we can address their desires if they are acceptable and reduce general friction. If we can swing it, establish Braicam as a recruiting world in payment.
-[X] Know your Chapter (Choose 1).
--[X] Apply to extra Lead your chapter option
-[X] Master of the Keep (Choose 1 Action)
--[X] Train Chapter Serfs.
-[X] Master of the Forge Actions (Choose 2. Production counts towards 1 Action):
--[X] Find practical applications for the Mist-hardened skin of the Great Devourer
--[X] Assign Equipment Permanently to a company or character (Free action, can be taken multiple times):
---[X] Write- in what do you assign and to whom; Prototype Corvus Armor to our Company Captains and Specialists (Apothecaries, Techmarines, Chaplains, etc) who desire it, 3 Power Swords to our most skilled melee specialists who don't use other weapons.
--[X] Production ( Luctus manufacturiums grant you 75BP per turn, while the Forge aboard the
Fear of Judgement grants you another 100BP, Your Master of the Arsenal and Chief Victualler give you an additional 50 BP Each. Maintenance costs are negated by your Master of the Marches. To Produce you need to indicate which type of weaponry each Techmarine produces. Techmarines can produce one type of Item each time, Senior Techmarines two types and your Master of the Forge three):
---[X] Product Master-Crafted equipment (Can only be taken once, will use all the production slots of your Master of the Forge and the cost of the equipment is double the regular amount).
----[X] (20 BP) Experimental Chain Glaive, replacing the blade with a cut-down version of an Eviscerator STC. The attempt is to marry the improved destructive power of the Evi with the superior balance and reach of the Glaive without sacrificing either (and fix that Omnissiah-forsaken mockery of an STC, holy shit it has so much potential but it's so bad). (In QM terms, refer back
this post and N Brooks' follow up - the kitbash we're attempting this time is Balanced x2 and Incredibly Dense x1)
---[X] (15 BP) 1x Crozius Arcanum
---[X] Repair vehicles:
----[X] Fear of Judgement: 96BP
----[X] Luctusian Dusk: 143BP
-[X] Chief Apothecary (Choose 2 Actions)
--[X] Continue on Spatha´s geneseed x2
-[X] Master of Recruits (Choose 2 Actions)
--[X] Train your Chapter
---[X] Toughness.
---[X] Willpower.
-[X] Deployments

--[X] Shadows in Brudenell: Harker demands your assistance once more. Having located a particularly dangerous chaos cult in the Hive World of Brudenell making preparations for an insurrection, the Inquisitor wants us to assist him in surgically disrupting the cults activities.
---[X] Severus, Honour Guard, Chapter Champion Spatha, 3rd Company, Captain Gallienus, Squads 10-1 through 10-4, Chaplain Cicero, Apothecary Soran, Techmarine Husnik, Techmarine Noricum, Strike Cruiser Luctusian Dusk, 3 Stormbirds, 2 Storm Ravens, 5 Power Swords, 2 Chainglaives, 10 Stalker Bolters, 40 Prototype Corvus Armor
--[X] Seibourc Onslaught: The Hive World of Seibourc is suffering under the assault of an Orkish Waagh from the Luxeran Sector. Despite all available regiments of Royals returning to defend their homeworld, they are finding themselves slowly pushed back by the surprising cunning of the Ork Warboss.
---[X] 7th Company, Captain Logos, Dreadnought Sertorius, Chief Apothecary Valzadai, Apothecary in Training Sarjanovic, Apothecary in Training Biernat, Techmarine Ostia, Techmarine Siracusa, Squads 10-5 through 10-8, Captain Secutor, Strike Cruiser Night Terror, 1 Stormbird, 6 Thunderhawks, 2 Predators, 2 Razorbacks, 4 Whirlwinds, 5 Land Speeders, 10 Stalker Bolters, 10 Plasma Guns, 10 Melta Guns, 10 Lascannons
--[X] Deserters Due: Admiral Himilco Sakarbaal of the Imperial Navy has broken his oaths to the Golden Throne and turned pirate alongside his flotilla. Battlefleet Aetelian is hunting him down, but fear that he might offer his loyalty to the Eyes of the Mutator has prompted them to call you for aid.
---[X] 2nd Company, Captain Pluvia, Master of the Fleet Hostilius, Master of Sanctity Falce, Chaplain in Training Osinki, Chaplain in Training Jaronski, Battle Barge Fear of Judgement, Strike Cruiser Unavoidable Sentence, 20 Melta Guns
--[X] Search and Destroy: There are cults of the Dark Gods in your homeworld, they are organizing themselves and they are hiding somewhere. Hunt them down and eradicate them. (This deployment ignores rule 4)
---[X] Apothecary Diocles, Techmarine Capua, Master of Recruits Myrok Kuthil, Master of the Arsenal Fretensis, Chief Victualler Utica, Master of the Marches Numerian, Master of the Watch Apollodorus, U-1, U-2, and U-3, 1 Stormbird, 1 Thunderhawk, 20 Attack Bikes, 10 Stalker Bolters
--[X] Radio Silence: An administratum outpost, Station 989, has stopped reporting. Adept Kalivnonva has sent requests to the Imperial Navy, but they can´t dispatch anyone to assist in the timeframe she wishes. As such, she´s asking you to investigate the situation and in case the station is dead, recover important documents from it´s archives.
---[X] 6th Company, Captain Catilina, Master of the Forge Karark Zel, Techmarine Shukov, Squads 10-9 and 10-10, Strike Cruisers Shrouded Blade and Bird of Prey, 1 Stormbird, 3 Thunderhawks, 10 Plasma Guns, 10 Missile Launchers, 10 Stalker Bolters, 10 Lascannons, 30 Prototype Corvus Armor

@Nicholas Brooks There's a few options I'd like your feedback on (In particular check the Repair/Produce action because I'm fairly sure those count as only 1 so you can produce something), but in general;

Chapter Master Actions - Talk to Administratum contact and deal with the Braicam kerfluffle. Establish a working relationship with the less asshole-ish of the Forge Worlds. I don't think we've got a rundown on the Navy yet, and I can't remember if we've done Ecclesiarchy already.
Master of the Keep - train Serfs because we've put this off too long as it is and shit's ramping up on the homeworld.
Master of the Forge - Going all in on the repairs. Spending the remainder on that chain-glaive experiment we talked about, and building another Crozius
Apothecary - And going all in to try and save our magnificent Helbrute-dick-stabbing boi.

Also, slow down nick, I didn't even get halfway through my deployment plan before you walked in and murked it all.

EDIT: @ThunderOwl Where's the list of Techmarines? I might be blind but I didn't see it in either the update or the informational.
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Suggestions for Plan Ever Vigilant:
–[] Repair vehicles:
--[] Fear of Judgement: 82BP
--[] Luctusian Dusk: 143BP
[Luctusian Dusk completely repaired, 14 BP worth of dmg remaining on Fear of Judgement]

--[] Assign Equipment Permanently to a company or character (Free action, can be taken multiple times):
-[] All Company Captains, Chapter Command officers, specialists and Honour Guard get equipped with Protopye Mark VI Power Armour
-[]1 Crozius Arcanum to Chaplain Cicero, 1 Crozius Arcanum to Chaplain in Training Jaronski, 1 Chainglaive to Champion Claudius Spatha, 1 Chainglaive to Master of the Fleet Marcius Hostilius, 1 Power Sword to each Company Captain, 1 Volkite Charger to Chief Apothecary Valzadai
[equip named characters with remaining stuff]
I'm still awake for now so I'll just respond now. Why would I want to not fully repair our ships? And also, I was intending to have the Power Swords and Chainglaives be used by the Honour Guard, since there's a total of 7 members including Spatha, and there's 5 Power Swords plus 2 Chainglaives. So it fits. I'm fine with giving our notables and specialists Prototype armor, but Valzadai I believe already has his preferred gear like the rest of the Founders.
@Nicholas Brooks There's a few options I'd like your feedback on (In particular check the Repair/Produce action because I'm fairly sure those count as only 1 so you can produce something), but in general;

Chapter Master Actions - Talk to Administratum contact and deal with the Braicam kerfluffle. Establish a working relationship with the less asshole-ish of the Forge Worlds. I don't think we've got a rundown on the Navy yet, and I can't remember if we've done Ecclesiarchy already.
Master of the Keep - train Serfs because we've put this off too long as it is and shit's ramping up on the homeworld.
Master of the Forge - Going all in on the repairs. Spending the remainder on that chain-glaive experiment we talked about, and building another Crozius
Apothecary - And going all in to try and save our magnificent Helbrute-dick-stabbing boi.

Also, slow down nick, I didn't even get halfway through my deployment plan before you walked in and murked it all.

EDIT: @ThunderOwl Where's the list of Techmarines? I might be blind but I didn't see it in either the update or the informational.
Repair and produce are separate actions, sadly. And I don't think it'd be wise to not have Karark Zel investigate the Refuges after we found out about Chaos cults using the abandoned ones as bases.

As for Braicam, it's not going to become a recruiting world. It's just a one time influx of Aspirants. The QM already confirmed that this is one of the things we can negotiate with a Planetary Governor for.

We have not done Ecclesiarchy.

And... sorry? I didn't know you were making a plan, and I figured I might as well try to get a working one going, albeit open to some changes.
Repair and produce are separate actions, sadly. And I don't think it'd be wise to not have Karark Zel investigate the Refuges after we found out about Chaos cults using the abandoned ones as bases.

As for Braicam, it's not going to become a recruiting world. It's just a one time influx of Aspirants. The QM already confirmed that this is one of the things we can negotiate with a Planetary Governor for.

We have not done Ecclesiarchy.

And... sorry? I didn't know you were making a plan, and I figured I might as well try to get a working one going, albeit open to some changes.
Eh, not a big deal. I was mostly poking fun at you, but if you're actually that tired maybe I was closer to the mark than I thought.

When he said recruitment drives I thought he meant consistently-but-occasionally, not on a per-time basis.

As long as our super-special chain glaive experiment gets stuck in there next turn, I'm not terribly fussed.

Would appreciate an expansion on the Braicam action to investigate the challenger and the general state of things to see if we can get something more nuanced than the last few times one of these political disputes came up.
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[X] Plan Ever Vigilant
-[X] Lead Your Chapter
--[X] Meet up with a Local Faction Leader.
---[X] Lord General Adolphus Tavisolta (Imperial Guard).
---[X] Lord Admiral Hanno Adherbal (Imperial Navy)
--[X] Negotiate with a Planetary Governor
---[X] King Tristan III du Martel (Braicam)
----[X] Negotiate for the Chapter to be allowed to recruit some Aspirants from Braicam's population in exchange for Severus having one of his accompanying Space Marines act as Tristan's representative to a trial by combat
-[X] Know your Chapter (Choose 1).
--[X] Inquire about certain Faction situations.
---[X] Ecclesiarchy.
-[X] Master of the Keep
--[X] Train Chapter Serfs.
-[X] Master of the Forge
--[X] Research Luctusian Refuges
--[X] Repair Vehicles
---[X] Fear of Judgement
---[X] Luctusian Dusk
-[X] Chief Apothecary
--[X] Continue on Spatha´s geneseed.
--[X] Investigate Mist counter-agents.
-[X] Master of Recruits

--[X] Train your Chapter
---[X] Willpower. x2
-[X] Deployments

--[X] Shadows in Brudenell: Harker demands your assistance once more. Having located a particularly dangerous chaos cult in the Hive World of Brudenell making preparations for an insurrection, the Inquisitor wants us to assist him in surgically disrupting the cults activities.
---[X] Severus, Honour Guard, Chapter Champion Spatha, 3rd Company, Captain Gallienus, Squads 10-1 through 10-4, Chaplain Cicero, Apothecary Soran, Techmarine Husnik, Techmarine Noricum, Strike Cruiser Luctusian Dusk, 3 Stormbirds, 2 Storm Ravens, 5 Power Swords, 2 Chainglaives, 10 Stalker Bolters, 40 Prototype Corvus Armor
--[X] Seibourc Onslaught: The Hive World of Seibourc is suffering under the assault of an Orkish Waagh from the Luxeran Sector. Despite all available regiments of Royals returning to defend their homeworld, they are finding themselves slowly pushed back by the surprising cunning of the Ork Warboss.
---[X] 7th Company, Captain Logos, Dreadnought Sertorius, Chief Apothecary Valzadai, Apothecary in Training Sarjanovic, Apothecary in Training Biernat, Techmarine Ostia, Techmarine Siracusa, Squads 10-5 through 10-8, Captain Secutor, Strike Cruiser Night Terror, 1 Stormbird, 6 Thunderhawks, 2 Predators, 2 Razorbacks, 4 Whirlwinds, 5 Land Speeders, 10 Stalker Bolters, 10 Plasma Guns, 10 Melta Guns, 10 Lascannons
--[X] Deserters Due: Admiral Himilco Sakarbaal of the Imperial Navy has broken his oaths to the Golden Throne and turned pirate alongside his flotilla. Battlefleet Aetelian is hunting him down, but fear that he might offer his loyalty to the Eyes of the Mutator has prompted them to call you for aid.
---[X] 2nd Company, Captain Pluvia, Master of the Fleet Hostilius, Master of Sanctity Falce, Chaplain in Training Osinki, Chaplain in Training Jaronski, Battle Barge Fear of Judgement, Strike Cruiser Unavoidable Sentence, 20 Melta Guns
--[X] Search and Destroy: There are cults of the Dark Gods in your homeworld, they are organizing themselves and they are hiding somewhere. Hunt them down and eradicate them. (This deployment ignores rule 4)
---[X] Apothecary Diocles, Techmarine Capua, Master of Recruits Myrok Kuthil, Master of the Arsenal Fretensis, Chief Victualler Utica, Master of the Marches Numerian, Master of the Watch Apollodorus, U-1, U-2, and U-3, 1 Stormbird, 1 Thunderhawk, 20 Attack Bikes, 10 Stalker Bolters
--[X] Radio Silence: An administratum outpost, Station 989, has stopped reporting. Adept Kalivnonva has sent requests to the Imperial Navy, but they can´t dispatch anyone to assist in the timeframe she wishes. As such, she´s asking you to investigate the situation and in case the station is dead, recover important documents from it´s archives.
---[X] 6th Company, Captain Catilina, Master of the Forge Karark Zel, Techmarine Shukov, Squads 10-9 and 10-10, Strike Cruisers Shrouded Blade and Bird of Prey, 1 Stormbird, 3 Thunderhawks, 10 Plasma Guns, 10 Missile Launchers, 10 Stalker Bolters, 10 Lascannons, 30 Prototype Corvus Armor
[X] Plan Ever Vigilant

Ok so I probably asked this before but I'll ask it again and directly to the QM since I do t remember receiving an answer. But @ThunderOwl can we increase our BP by expanding our monastery forge? Like what's done in other Chapter Quests?
So what, are you going to have one genetically-augmented super soldier dual-wielding energy maces as he bellows litanies of hatred against aliens eldritch cultists and other daemonic super soldiers?

That sounds awesome. I´ll allow it.
Ok so I probably asked this before but I'll ask it again and directly to the QM since I do t remember receiving an answer. But @ThunderOwl can we increase our BP by expanding our monastery forge? Like what's done in other Chapter Quests?
Yes, but you need to increase reputation a bit with the mechanicus, and complete the Inspect the fortress monastery defenses action for the master of the keep.
@ThunderOwl so what can we demand from the king of Braicam for our services? Because if he believes he can get the angels of death to waste their time on something this minor for free then Braicam deserves a new king.
Step 1: Go with Smilnay for the void ship specialty (especially since they aren't the ones being raging assholes to us, IIRC), do enough favors and shit to get all our current ships repaired and 2 escorts for each of them. As part of this, get as far into a full 10 companies as we can.
Step 1a: As part of this process, regularly send Marines out to secure favors and whatever tech we can find. Blue Marines need leverage badly!
Step 2: Go hard into producing a full range of what Volkite weapons we have, enough for our elites and a squad or two of the heavy weapons varieties.
Step 3: When they come begging for the plans after word gets out, make it clear that getting the plans is contingent on them putting aside this feud and forgiving any grudges, since we respect the Omnissiah and wish to ensure all his loyal children benefit from his generosity. Specifically insert "loyal" into that hammy speech, this particular crop of Techies is denser than a block of adamantium it would seem.
Step 4: When they predictably balk at this, just shrug and say that we are far too familiar with the damages of infighting to trust such valuable tech with those who cannot work together for the Imperium and the Omnissiah. Obviously this will be done in diplomat-weasel-speak.
Step 4a: Bait them a little bit more by sharing Volkite weaponry with our friends if safe to do so. Inquisitor Harker, the Blazing Wardens, and maybe those Gaelic-themed Sisters come to mind. Maybe one for the sector governor if we're still on good terms with him then.
Step 5: When they start getting uppity at how everyone else is getting these cool toys, put in a call to the Ordo Juris to sit on them long enough for us to hash out a treaty even these twits will not easily sidestep.
Hate to be the bearer of bad news, but I'm pretty sure this plan won't work, for a variety of reasons.

Issue 1: Step 3 won't work. If we openly withhold Volkite technology from the Forge Worlds, they will lean on their allies in the Guard/Navy to force our hand. Seeing as we need the cooperation of those two branches of the Imperial military a whole hell of a lot more than we want the feud to end, we'd probably be forced to acquiesce.

Issue 2: Even if we can eliminate Issue 1, the only thing the AdMech loves more than new knowledge is tradition, the older the better. The Milan-Smilnay feud is a tradition that dates back to the Horus Heresy. As such, I think it's quite probable that both sides value their emnity more than they value Volkite technology.

Issue 2a: Trying to up the pressure by spreading the plans won't help us either. The more people who are in the know, the greater likelihood one decides, all too reasonably imo, that the rewards offered by Milan or Smilnay are worth our emnity. Can't say I'd blame them either.

Issue 3: Even if you ignore all the other issues, a treaty is only as good as its enforcement, which kills Step 5. The Mist Shrikes are far too busy to investigate every potential breach of the treaty, so they're out. The Magos Juris are somehow even less suitable for such a task. They're a relatively local organization mostly based out of the Calixis Sector, in an entirely different Segmentum. Local equivalents may exist, but I'll bet you dollars to donuts that they answer either to Milan or Smilnay. The Sector Governor has enough problems with worlds that are effectively under his authority, nevermind Forge Worlds. The Guard and Navy are biased, the Administratum incapable of doing anything in a remotely timely manner and this is outside their jurisdiction to boot, while the Ecclesiarchy would be unacceptable to both sides. That just leaves the Inquisition, and it'd be a rare Inquisitor who'd be willing to spend the obscene amounts of time, resources, and effort needed to keep this proposed treaty more than a mere piece of paper. The current system is obviously not ideal, but it more or less gets the job done and has for millennia.

Honestly, at this point I think our best bet is to use Smilnay to built up our native industry so we can be mostly independent from the two Forge Worlds. If we need to get anything from a Forge World proper, try ones outside the Sector first. Maybe strike some deals with Civilized/Industrial/Hive Worlds for additional production as well.
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Honestly if the forge worlds won't play bl we can just tell them to fuck off and look for a forge world outside the sector. It would take longer but we wouldn't have the problem of the two planets hating each others guts.