They would if you were attempting of fight your way out. For CCC to apply you do not just need someone who would technically in a room or other space, Molly needs to attempt to get out.
Okay. I'm a little fuzzy on the line here though.
Drawing a distinction between breaking a trap and escaping it makes sense. If Molly wanted to steal the keys to a prison cell she was locked in but had no intention of actually leaving she's clearly not escaping. How does this work with longer term stuff though?
If Molly was in a prison and wanted to stay to investigate an issue from the inside for example, could she use CCC to arrange for an escape attempt in the future or would it only apply to the part where she actually executes the plan?
I'm not trying to pin you to ruling on a hypothetical here, just want to understand how this might apply here if we want to engineer a CCC trigger.
Given what Molly's base speeds and mobility perks are, actually reaching her targets has never been a problem. Having the actions to touch multiple targets in the same combat turn, on the other hand? More of an issue.
And not something that extended reach would help with.
If this guy had multiple subordinates here, having increased reach wouldnt exactly help Molly either.
And its not like we dont already have Mind-Hand Manipulation for unlimited range bashing/grapple attacks.
Actions are an issue, but I'm thinking in terms of interrupts. As fast as we are we can't be physically blocking rpgs from hitting our squishies and cutting minions off at the knees at the same time for example. Another would be parrying stuff.
Extended range isn't exactly the equivalent of having a longer weapon, it lets you use the relevant skill out to that distance as if it was in reach. My read of the rules is that with such an item she could treat every bullet being shot into a 15 foot radius sphere around her like it was being fired directly into her arm's reach as long as she isn't completely impeded from reaching it.
So if we'd had the window open during that rpg strike Molly could have parried both 15 feet from the car without the party even needing to stop. There's also some fun synergy with Molly's speed, especially post RtF.
Consider the situation where you're slower than Molly but also a melee build, like that Outer Knight-whamp combo meal Molly had a while back. Right now she has to get close enough to take hits in order to deal them.
With RtF active running is reflexive and doesn't take an action, so there's no mechanical penalty for doing it under Holden's rules regardless of what else you're attempting.
Add the splendor and Molly can simply maintain a 15 foot gap and stab away while an opponent chases her. At which point if you can't run a 9.37 second kilometer** and fight at the same time you're going to die without getting close enough to even attempt an attack.
Even if someone meets that bar they're probably going to take multi action penalties doing it. Under the rules as applied so far the only real answers are to out range her, out pace her, or fight in an enclosed space where she physically cannot keep out of arms reach even by hovering backwards at max speed.
Incidentally, this is one of those places where we could feasibly take an equal exp melee focus Dawn caste. Their WBS equivalent is downright adorable, They could spend 1 mote a round boosting it and they'd still be ~37 m/s too slow to catch us, and solars have nothing to replicate RtF.
Either they have Sandstorm Wind Attack or we eat them alive in a straight sword fight. Which isn't bad for a 1 dot item.
* That is to say, we've paid for WBS that scene.
** And fly, since she no longer had to come down to kill people in this scenario.
BRR:TA activates automatically with anima.
We spend 1m on Melee Excellency and deliberately flare our anima banner, and all our demon Aspects are active.
Just murder him.
No need to get fancy; 20 dice at DC6 with a demonsword will kill or incapacitate him straight up.
Then just set to Usum to "blend".
We're in a glass pyramid, if something goes wrong and we end up outside the room with our anima up then things could get exciting on the aftermath.
Supposing Nathanial is crunchy and good with ketchup we should come out the other side even on essence.