Green Flame Rising (Exalted vs Dresden Files)

Not really.
See Arctis Tor, where something similar was tried around seven months ago; the bodies of the attacking and defending armies carpeted the approaches to Mab's citadel. The perpetrators got away clean

If MAB couldnt hold them, I doubt her opposite number can manage that in a similar situation.
I assume everyone who actually entered Arctis Tor died.

Or maybe they managed to put a lot of footsoldiers between themselves and Mab so they could physically run away before gating out.

Or a mix of those, throwing foes at Mab so she had to spend her rounds fighting rather than counterspelling or forbidding Ways from being opened.

We don't know what exactly happened, but to assume that someone entered the Heart of Winter and could just teleport out is reaching pretty far.
2)Your stunt isnt really applicable; dude might be working for Nemesis, or could be a dupe. We dont know yet
Whatever else it is, it is a true raksha and an enemy of Creation.

3)And I think I for sure oppose risking revealing the Crown under these circumstances.
You're risking a major strategic advantage for not all that much payoff.
And you're doing so right after the Archive warned us about the importance of keeping secrets in this war. Even from allies.
That's true, but we need to know the enemy's plan.
I think you should modify the plan a bit though, cause it sounds like we're going to waste time on our excellency by having it up before the first turn of combat
Did a minor edit to make it better.
I assume everyone who actually entered Arctis Tor died.

Or maybe they managed to put a lot of footsoldiers between themselves and Mab so they could physically run away before gating out.Or a mix of those, throwing foes at Mab so she had to spend her rounds fighting rather than counterspelling or forbidding Ways from being opened.

We don't know what exactly happened, but to assume that someone entered the Heart of Winter and could just teleport out is reaching pretty far.
Mab made it clear that they didnt die at the end of Small Favor, saying that there were a lot of people who she was going to settle accounts with.
Remember, Dresden smelled Hellfire there, but there were no Denarians or Coins lying around.
Whatever else it is, it is a true raksha and an enemy of Creation.
It WAS a Raksha.
It is currently an imprisoned member of the Finnish pantheon.
Enemy of Creation, no idea; like I said, could be a dupe, or could be a willing collaborator.

That's true, but we need to know the enemy's plan.
I dont really think we need to know it at the risk of giving up a strategic advantage to a significant chunk of the setting.
Unless something can write it what is essentially a version of the embassy charms that convert rakasha and demons into Gods. It was pretending to be a God In The Finnish Pantheon it's metaphysical nature remains unchanged all Spiritual Beings benefit from being worshiped.

It WAS a Raksha.
It is currently an imprisoned member of the Finnish pantheon.
Enemy of Creation, no idea; like I said, could be a dupe, or could be a willing collaborator.

I dont really think we need to know it at the risk of giving up a strategic advantage to a significant chunk of the setting.
I assume everyone who actually entered Arctis Tor died.

Or maybe they managed to put a lot of footsoldiers between themselves and Mab so they could physically run away before gating out.

Or a mix of those, throwing foes at Mab so she had to spend her rounds fighting rather than counterspelling or forbidding Ways from being opened.

We don't know what exactly happened, but to assume that someone entered the Heart of Winter and could just teleport out is reaching pretty far.
Also worth noting that Harry beat the shit out of the primary trigger man on that multiple times, leaving him broken and powerless before killing him later.

Maybe it was a coincidence, it certainly wouldn't be unusual for things to play out that way, but most of the jobs where he did that kind of thing came from Mab if I recall correctly.

Mab made it clear that they didnt die at the end of Small Favor, saying that there were a lot of people who she was going to settle accounts with.
Remember, Dresden smelled Hellfire there, but there were no Denarians or Coins lying around.
Spiny boy was the guy who did that, and coincidentally Mab's trial offer on Dresden's soul ended up involving ruining his life before killing him.

Maybe it's nothing, but the fact that we didn't see any indication that she was otherwise screwing with him implies to me that she might have considered setting up encounters with Harry her revenge.
Did a minor edit to make it better.
That works.

Do you think we'll want MHM too? If we're going to activate it then timing it to immediately follow the crown question would be most efficient because if we need occult excellency to parse outsider bullshit can use the same instance to handle both rolls.

Bashing isn't exactly going to impress this guy though.
Unless something can write it what is essentially a version of the embassy charms that convert rakasha and demons into Gods. It was pretending to be a God In The Finnish Pantheon it's metaphysical nature remains unchanged all Spiritual Beings benefit from being worshiped.
The Fae Courts used to be raksha as well. Nemesis used to be part of a raksha.
There's a bunch of stuff in this setting that shares similar ancestry.

All we are sure of is that Iku-Turso used to be Raksha, was a god-monster associated with the Finnish Pantheon and is variously considered as a god of war, and the father of a demigod, the same one that imprisoned him.
Whether it still is one is unclear, even though it retains a bunch of similar capabilities.
Spiny boy was the guy who did that, and coincidentally Mab's trial offer on Dresden's soul ended up involving ruining his life before killing him.

Maybe it's nothing, but the fact that we didn't see any indication that she was otherwise screwing with him implies to me that she might have considered setting up encounters with Harry her revenge.
Not sure, actually.
Spiny Boy/Thorned Namshiel is the fan consensus for the source of the Hellfire in Proven Guilty, but as far as I know, its never been confirmed in-story or out of it. Its not like there arent like twenty other Fallen running around.

As for Dresden, no idea. She may simply not have considered his coming to Arctis Tor to be an attack, given that he was fighting Eldest Fetch, who in this AU was a Nemesis pawn. She certainly hasnt been going after Thomas, or Charity, or Murphy, all of whom were involved, or Lily and Fix, who played logistical support.
All signs point to it still being a raksha note the fae courts were essentially converted by Mages which literally are capable of bending reality with the help of gods. That acts as their Embassy charm.
The fake finnish God still possesses the ability to process gossamer from Mortals, shows no signs of the mortality that the modern fae courts possess the fact that it was capable of making an old style demigod is unimportant because old style demigods were noted for their enhanced physical and mystical abilities which Fey blooded are fully capable of.

The Fae Courts used to be raksha as well. Nemesis used to be part of a raksha.
There's a bunch of stuff in this setting that shares similar ancestry.

All we are sure of is that Iku-Turso used to be Raksha, was a god-monster associated with the Finnish Pantheon and is variously considered as a god of war, and the father of a demigod, the same one that imprisoned him.
Whether it still is one is unclear, even though it retains a bunch of similar capabilities.
@Yog @Artemis1992

More relevant than if Titania can hold Iku is if she can hold us.

If she's bound to enforce terms of the duel and would punish us in any way for leaving then that's very nearly a free and undetectable CCC activation.

Not exactly something we can get in combat that often, but this might be an exception.
The Fae Courts used to be raksha as well. Nemesis used to be part of a raksha.
There's a bunch of stuff in this setting that shares similar ancestry.

All we are sure of is that Iku-Turso used to be Raksha, was a god-monster associated with the Finnish Pantheon and is variously considered as a god of war, and the father of a demigod, the same one that imprisoned him.
Whether it still is one is unclear, even though it retains a bunch of similar capabilities.
It's also an asshole. Personally I want it to die regardless of whether it's a dupe or not. He's working for the outside so he's an enemy of creation in effect even if he's theoretically more salvageable in some cases than others.

My bet is that the only reason he's alive is that killing him was too much trouble, considering that his box wouldn't have let him do much of use.

Not sure, actually.
Spiny Boy/Thorned Namshiel is the fan consensus for the source of the Hellfire in Proven Guilty, but as far as I know, its never been confirmed in-story or out of it. Its not like there arent like twenty other Fallen running around.

As for Dresden, no idea. She may simply not have considered his coming to Arctis Tor to be an attack, given that he was fighting Eldest Fetch, who in this AU was a Nemesis pawn. She certainly hasnt been going after Thomas, or Charity, or Murphy, all of whom were involved, or Lily and Fix, who played logistical support.
No, what I meant was that Dresden was her revenge. She knew how they'd get along and sent him to settle all accounts with Denarians, resulting in TN's humiliation and death. I'm pretty sure there's a WoJ saying TN was the guy, but I'd need to look it back up.

Dresden showing up was some kind of plot she was running. The appearance of that army demonstrated resources were free and waiting nearby. That place could have had Sidhe assassins at every door if she'd wanted them there.
All signs point to it still being a raksha note the fae courts were essentially converted by Mages which literally are capable of bending reality with the help of gods. That acts as their Embassy charm.
The fake finnish God still possesses the ability to process gossamer from Mortals, shows no signs of the mortality that the modern fae courts possess the fact that it was capable of making an old style demigod is unimportant because old style demigods were noted for their enhanced physical and mystical abilities which Fey blooded are fully capable of.
None of these claims are supported by the evidence.
Nothing we have seen in this AU suggests that mortals had anything to do with the Fae Courts becoming the Fae.

Maintaining raksha-like abilities =/= Raksha.
Iku-Turso shares none of the classic vulnerabilities of the raksha.
We dont know what it is. Making assumptions is how you fuck yourself over.
No, what I meant was that Dresden was her revenge. She knew how they'd get along and sent him to settle all accounts with Denarians, resulting in TN's humiliation and death. I'm pretty sure there's a WoJ saying TN was the guy, but I'd need to look it back up.
Could be.
I dont think Ive ever seen anything that says that it was conclusive, or even that TN was the only Denarian there.

I know she mentioned TN as one of the ppl she wanted to settle accounts with.
Or at least, Dresden assumed she was talking about TN, which is not quite the same thing.
Sidhe get tricky like that.
Dresden showing up was some kind of plot she was running. The appearance of that army demonstrated resources were free and waiting nearby. That place could have had Sidhe assassins at every door if she'd wanted them there.
The armies were on the borders with Summer.
Pulling them back to Arctis Tor was at least in part a Maeve plot, both in buying credibility with Lily, and in tying up Winter's free forces from the Outer Gates for a limited amount of time.
None of these claims are supported by the evidence.
Nothing we have seen in this AU suggests that mortals had anything to do with the Fae Courts becoming the Fae.

Maintaining raksha-like abilities =/= Raksha.
Iku-Turso shares none of the classic vulnerabilities of the raksha.
We dont know what it is. Making assumptions is how you fuck yourself over.
I know the human origins things of canon probably aren't exactly canon but aren't many fae originally humans?
None of these claims are supported by the evidence.
Nothing we have seen in this AU suggests that mortals had anything to do with the Fae Courts becoming the Fae.

Maintaining raksha-like abilities =/= Raksha.
Iku-Turso shares none of the classic vulnerabilities of the raksha.
We dont know what it is. Making assumptions is how you fuck yourself over.

It's not just maintaining it's completely being able to use them when the nearest beings that were converted are incapable. Also are you sure that he doesn't share any of the weaknesses of raksha nothing about what I can remember of our fight or about his seals seems to suggest that he's immune to iron or anything else he was just sealed away and then we cut up the little bit that got out with our fire sword.
I know the human origins things of canon probably aren't exactly canon but aren't many fae originally humans?
Butcher said, WoJ, that there's a bit of mortality in every Fae. Thats canon.
Some Fae used to be humans; changelings who Chose to become Fae. Thats also canon.
We dont know how large a percentage of their population that represents
Butcher said, WoJ, that there's a bit of mortality in every Fae. Thats canon.
Some Fae used to be humans; changelings who Chose to become Fae. Thats also canon.
We dont know how large a percentage of their population that represents
Oh okay but I know here the mortality thing isn't strictly canon for this au as far as I know. Oh should also mention some fae I can't remember if its ogres or trolls or something are formerly human children oh also I believe rape babies. Well I presume rape babies there's probably at least one woman in history whose bargained to carry a child of an ugly fae or something.
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It's not just maintaining it's completely being able to use them when the nearest beings that were converted are incapable. Also are you sure that he doesn't share any of the weaknesses of raksha nothing about what I can remember of our fight or about his seals seems to suggest that he's immune to iron or anything else he was just sealed away and then we cut up the little bit that got out with our fire sword.

He was described, variously, a godmonster of the sea, Loviatar's opposite number as the co-parent of disease, the father of Vainamoinen, and a god of war.
None of his legends say anything about iron being an issue for him, or about any other raksha vulnerability.

He WAS Raksha. We dont know if he is still Raksha after ages in Creation.
Just like Nemesis was once part of a Raksha, but is not Raksha any longer after it fell into service of the Old Ones.
Dont make assumptions based on a creature's origins.
It's also an asshole. Personally I want it to die regardless of whether it's a dupe or not. He's working for the outside so he's an enemy of creation in effect even if he's theoretically more salvageable in some cases than others.

My bet is that the only reason he's alive is that killing him was too much trouble, considering that his box wouldn't have let him do much of use.
There's a lot of assholes around.
Im averse to doing irreversible things without doublechecking about breaking stuff that it will be a pain to fix, if we can fix it at all.
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He was described, variously, a godmonster of the sea, Loviatar's opposite number as the co-parent of disease, the father of Vainamoinen, and a god of war.
None of his legends say anything about iron being an issue for him, or about any other raksha vulnerability.

He WAS Raksha. We dont know if he is still Raksha after ages in Creation.
Just like Nemesis was once part of a Raksha, but is not Raksha any longer after it fell into service of the Old Ones.
Dont make assumptions based on a creature's origins.

There's a lot of assholes around.
Im averse to doing irreversible things without doublechecking about breaking stuff that it will be a pain to fix, if we can fix it at all.
Like killing all the Dragons that'd probably have really bad consequences. As fun as it'd be to kill a Dragon presumably murdering any of them will be bad and it'd probably be better to trap if we ever had to.
He was described, variously, a godmonster of the sea, Loviatar's opposite number as the co-parent of disease, the father of Vainamoinen, and a god of war.
None of his legends say anything about iron being an issue for him, or about any other raksha vulnerability.

He WAS Raksha. We dont know if he is still Raksha after ages in Creation.
Just like Nemesis was once part of a Raksha, but is not Raksha any longer after it fell into service of the Old Ones.
Dont make assumptions based on a creature's origins.
Nothing in anything in that Wikipedia actually makes me think he was a god rather than a raksha. A powerful Raksha, No Doubt one with a strong identity and a powerful story behind it the father of disease the son of a sky God, great beast of the Seas and god of War bearing arrows of pestilence. but there's no fighting or mention of prowess in there.

it's really easy to declare yourself a God of War when when you are possessed of greater than human physique and you can kill thousands of people with arrows of disease without them being able to do anything about it no mention of iron weapons nor anything that seems to suggest that it's immune to harm either it just seems like a powerful raksha that's playing the part of a god.
The armies were on the borders with Summer.
Pulling them back to Arctis Tor was at least in part a Maeve plot, both in buying credibility with Lily, and in tying up Winter's free forces from the Outer Gates for a limited amount of time
Point remains that she had them and moving small groups is easier than moving an army.

Maeve made her play, but if Mab had wanted to stop Harry and the gang there was nothing stopping her from sending a cadre of Sidhe lords to do it. Hell, she can warp time to an extent in there. We don't see it in canon but it's remarked that it's the reason for certain sorts of faerie tales.

The Denarians managing to stave that off is one thing, but I don't buy that Harry would even notice.
Butcher said, WoJ, that there's a bit of mortality in every Fae. Thats canon.
Some Fae used to be humans; changelings who Chose to become Fae. Thats also canon.
We dont know how large a percentage of their population that represents
My theory is that it's a necessary part of maintaining their half step state between mortal and spirit. If they stopped periodically adding new mortal blood they'd eventually go full nevernever as a species, like a large scale version of what happens to mortals who live too long on faerie food.

Not a lot of evidence for it, but it explains why they spend so much effort being active in the mortal world beyond entertainment.
There's a lot of assholes around.
Im averse to doing irreversible things without doublechecking
Usually I agree with you on stuff like this. In this case though gods of Iku's generation have mostly been retired for hundreds of years, he specifically has been in a supermax prison for a significant amount of time, and he's currently colluding with people like the Fomor and Outsiders.

I doubt he's that important, and if he is there is no shortage of people who'd love a promotion like that. If need be we can make one and use nuclear hatefire to refine his power into demon steroids to give them as a signing bonus.

The only thing that'd change my mind at this point is news that we'd be playing into their hands with this.
Nothing in anything in that Wikipedia actually makes me think he was a god rather than a raksha. A powerful Raksha, No Doubt one with a strong identity and a powerful story behind it the father of disease the son of a sky God, great beast of the Seas and god of War bearing arrows of pestilence. but there's no fighting or mention of prowess in there.

it's really easy to declare yourself a God of War when when you are possessed of greater than human physique and you can kill thousands of people with arrows of disease without them being able to do anything about it no mention of iron weapons nor anything that seems to suggest that it's immune to harm either it just seems like a powerful raksha that's playing the part of a god.
They literally called him a god in the folklore.
Wikipedia said:
In the list of Tavastian gods by Mikael Agricola, he is mentioned as the god of war: Turisas voiton antoi sodast (Turisas brought victory in war).
Conmen dont get to work unimpeded when encroaching on a god's turf.
I assume the other gods can actually tell the difference between a random raksha and a god or a god monster, and will actually be able to take action against interlopers on their turf.

You are allowed your opinion of course.
But as far as I can tell, the balance of the evidence suggests that whatever the fuck it was originally, its not just a raksha.
Not anymore at least.

I am not sure enough to make declarations about what it is in this setting.
@Yog how would you feel about some trash talk? He did call us a coward after all.

-[][Stunt]: "Thief and craven are bold claims for a broken parasite." Molly says in a bemused tone, "You glutted yourself on stolen dreams, then your keepers milked you for what little it was worth and let you think yourself king in the pasture"
—[] Raising an eyebrow and panning her gaze across the crowd before returning to her target, her voice took on an edge "I won my spoils fairly, defending innocents and facing you directly while my father worked with a boon companion to deal with your handlers. No thief am I, but if I were it would be the business of the ranch and not the cattle"
—[] "Now speak truthfully of your purpose here, or go back to your pen"

Because screw this guy, and maybe if we really piss him off he'll let something slip.
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@BronzeTongue @Yog Are you not concerned with the risk of showing off the Crown in front of literally everyone? Titania, Iku, Nemesis infected, the Archive..

Lily just gave us a warning about keeping things hidden if the Archive learns of the Crown her paranoia(which the author confirmed) might make her waste time taking precautions against it or act a certain way after learning that Molly personally has a huge info gathering ability that she can use on the fly.

And once again incase anyone read it wrong- the Crown didn't fire off before when we used Lily as a focus so they didn't see anything.
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@BronzeTongue @Yog Are you not concerned with the risk of showing off the Crown in front of literally everyone? Titania, Iku, Nemesis infected, the Archive..

Lily just gave us a warning about keeping things hidden if the Archive learns of the Crown her paranoia(which the author confirmed) might make her waste time taking precautions against it or act a certain way after learning that Molly personally has a huge info gathering ability that she can use on the fly.
To an extent?

We're not sitting in a closed calm room where they can focus on us against a clean background. We're also not currently asking a question we necessarily need to share the answer to.

It's not clear how detectable the crown is, but being out here with all this activity gives us more to hide amongst. Even detecting something doesn't necessarily mean they'll get a lot of useful information out of it.

I'm still very concerned about this, but it needs to be weighed against the obvious trap here. Nemesis is definitely going to try something, and inadvertently helping out of ignorance could be catastrophic.