There was violence, but it ultimately wasn't warfare that pushed the USSR to that point. Getting too far into this will get off topic fast, but I think it's fair to say that you don't need to go to maximum chaos mode to pursue a conflict.That's... a bold take right there. Collapse of the Soviet union involved a lot of fighting in a lot of places. Leaving aside everything else, there was an August Coup. And then you have Chechnya Wars. And arguably Aphgan war was a part of that. So, sorry, no, I don't agree.
It's transitional chaos that's going to happen one way or another as technology develops and the masquerade inevitably comes down.From my perspective this is a hopelessly naive perspective that is bound to leave the situation worse than it is right now, and waste precious time and resources. Point of order: I am not saying that humanity shouldn't be strengthened, I am saying that expecting this to minimize transitional chaos is unrealistic.
Working to prepare for that and setting up groups like the paranet to fight low grade conflicts to push predators out of human spaces is a lot more manageable, and we have a lot of other options to go with it.
It'd also have the effect of setting humans up with a seat at the table and not yet another faction of supernatural post-humans to rule over them.
There isn't an easy and clean route for something like this, but the amount of harm and quality of results vary.
So they aren't stupid, but they will let us roll up all the exalts? Right.Supernatural forces aren't stupid. Ravana has nukes, MIkaboshi controls Chinese stock exchange, Lara Raith can call in USA military forces.
They might not be stupid, but they aren't all knowing or particularly cooperative among themselves either. We can eat the proverbial whale one bite at a time with less difficulty and collateral than trying to swallow it while.
If exaltations were that easy to control on a regular basis then the people who made them wouldn't have had some many issues keeping them in line.Have I ever said that we should be opening Black Vault first? I didn't and I repeatedly mentioned that this would be a final step in a long line of preparation. Zeroth step is finding more about Dragonblooded and looking into their revival. First step would be finding another infernal exaltation shard, and releasing it. One shard. Then convincing the new infernal to our point of view. Rinse and repeat until you freed them all, and you have a society of ~50 E5 infernals. One that's stable and broadly acceptable. Then do the same with Abyssals. Then, and only then, think about Black Vault, unless you can make it so exaltations are released one by one.
I'm extremely doubtful of this plan to somehow keep the superpowered cats that are the other exalted in line, that we will actually succeed every time we pull an new one, and that it won't just kick of a race for exalted servants we don't have the legs to stay in.
Call a tech up and growing pro mortal supernatural groups optimistic while planning to try assemble what appears to be an army of arch demons while the supernatural world gormlessly watches is ridiculous.
No they aren't and no it doesn't because that just isn't true. DF wizards aren't really WoD mages, they aren't demiurges waiting to happen. They can be very dangerous, but they take a lot of work to get there and fundamentally don't have the same sort of capabilities.Yes, as it proves my point - wizards are as dangerous as exalts, if in a different way. So, you should be arguing first about those, and then applying similar solutions to exalts.
Their occurrence rate of all things is barely relevant. Both appearing out in the wild doesn't make them particularly similar in any other way.
No, decades to centuries. Molly got moderately useful in canon she was stupidly gifted and good at subtle stuff, but even she wasn't really ready to square up with most of the things she got dragged up to the point where she became the Winter lady. Look at the difference between her and Harry, Harry and Luccio, or Luccio and MCoy.Years, not decades, and they would be doing much more insidious and hard to detect damage in that time than a raging solar running into a White Court compound.
Subtly is certainly valuable, but it does make up for the gap. Especially since exalts aren't obligated to be stupid and can build to play that game better themselves.
If you honestly believe that wizards are just as good and plentifully available why do you want exalted instead of dedicating our time to a wizard army?
It's pretty clear the exalted bring a lot of unique capabilities to the table, which is what makes them valuable and this comparison too loose to really suggest anything.