Given our experience in car making this is a bit arguable.1) Molly isn't a tech exalt. Outside of mechanics she personally can lacks the skill to matter here and we'd have to spend a lot to get up there.
Transition to / conflict between medieval magical guilds / master-apprentice systems of Earth and modern-like magitechnical industrial complex of our realm seems to be one of the coming conflicts.2) Magic currently requires empowered specialists. The setting isn't overflowing with magic items for a reason, and it's because people who can make them at all are rare for reasons other than lack of knowledge.
Ok, here I disagree. This is the lore text of the charm we bought:3) This charm is about drawing on ancient knowledge, power, and authority. That's what differentiates it from regular crafting which can be bought through other means.
There's actually nothing here about past glories. It's all about "making impossible real" and "inspiration to create horrors with which to shake the pillars of Heaven".The Infernal visits a deep place between nightmare
and inspiration, and there she glimpses the dim shape
of a horror with which to shake the pillars of Heaven.
She casts her vision into the teeth of impossibility and
shatters them with her Essence, laying bare a path to
make the impossible real. Everything past that is just
putting in the work.
Then there's an example of what can be designed:
There were no orbital stations in Creation, because there was no orbit. Not unless we are talking Spiral, I guess.Once she designs the Wonder, the Exalt must
then create it herself – likely an extended Craft or
Technology roll. Some projects, it should be noted,
while technically within the scope of the Exalt's imagination,
may be extremely difficult or even impossible
to actually create. Are orbital space bases that double
as giant city-killing lasers awesome? Yes. Can the Exalt
dream up the design for such a thing? Possibly. Can she
actually build all of the parts? It would take billions of
dollars, decades of solo labor, and then the Infernal
would have to solve the problem of actually getting all
those parts into space and assembled in zero gravity. It
might be better to stick to something like a gun that
shoots tiny, carnivorous demon worms that eat their
targets from the inside out.
So, my point is that this is actually one charm about bringing something new into the world, not dredging up degraded copies of past glories.