As far as I remember the books, this is wrong. Dresden Files magic is manipulating natural forces, like gravity or heat, or entropy, but very rarely a conceptual "this is now a solid" effect.Dresdenverse magic only appears to engage with physics when it suits it.
As far as we have seen additional successes start adding qualitative changes. So a 30+ successes knife will probably utilize kazimir effect to create space warping effect along its edge to maintain monoatomic sharpness or something along those lines.Of course, agreed. But even mundane Crafting will run up against limits eventually.
A 30-successes kitchen knife is likely going to have limits about how much better it is than a 20-successes knife.
Possibly, that's a question of balance, yes. We already had one ruling where parts of the craft system were disallowed (where I made a device to mass transform people into supersoldiers 15+ shintai aspects)The fact that we are here, talking about how a 1 dot splendor is supposed to be better at protecting against possession than a 5 dot Terrestrial-class charm, and matching a 5-dot Celestial charm?
Something wrong with that.
No, that's not how it works. Dresden made a conscious choice to come in contact with the coin - that was free will, and very much in tune with how Dresden Files loosely interprets "free choice". You can't, for example, shoot a coin into someone's back at supersonic speeds to implant a shadow of a fallen into them, or place it onto someone's body when they are in a coma.2) Accepting a Coin and the offers of its Fallen is a free will choice.
Getting the Shadow of a Fallen in your head, however, is as simple as making skin contact with a Coin. The Fallen are specifically allowed to tempt you; its in the rules. Thats why Dresden went to such pains to avoid his brother even touching one by accident.
We interpret this differently. Dresden "picking up" the coin when trying to protect Michael's son is essentially the same "choice under duress" as Ivy picking up a coin to avoid further torture.Ivy spent one to three days in the custody of the Denarians, and instead of simply dropping a Coin on her, they stuck her in a Circle and tortured her to try and make her pick a Coin of her own will.
That points at protection. Heavy duty shaping protection.
Yes. It all points at them not caring about long term, if they succeed in short and middle one. Taking into account outsider involvement, I think the end game can be guessed - apocalypse and collapse of the Outer Gates.2) Note that Mab is a millenia old. And Mab's reputation is infamous for her ability to keep and repay a grudge.
Their calculus had to keep in mind that there would be a reckoning.
And yet they went for it anyway. There's factors we arent seeing.
3)They aggro'd Summer the minute they started bringing Outsiders through the NeverNever.
They knew this was going to happen and did it anyway. This was at the same time as the chemical weapon WMD, and barely a couple months later they try to get their hands on an occult WMD(the shoggoth in War Cry).
They have kept escalating at every opportunity.
I would maintain that overall it's still a net benefit. Assuming we spend three months training them (let's say AP per charm use, 6 AP total including malcoffee) - that's 190 XP. The charm allows to raise Physical Attributes, Manipulation, and Alertness, Brawl, Intimidation, Larceny, Melee, or Occult Abilities. No Ability can be raised higher than that of their Infernal instructor.Opening them up to DPoE-equivalents in a world with Fallen and Walkers is in and of itself a signficant downside.
Our ability to lolnope that sort of thing isnt common. In my opinion.
Keep in mind that being able to perceive a Fallen is allegedly terrifying if you believe Dresden.
We can discard Larceny, Alertness and Brawl since we are sh*t at those. Assuming average of 2 for every attribute, that's 8+12+16=36 XP to raise an attribute to 5, so 144 XP to get Strength, Dexterity, Stamina, Manipulation 5. This leaves us with 46 XP. Assuming 0 points in an ability, that's 3+2+4+6+8=23 XP. So we can raise Melee and Occult, or Intimidation and Occult to 5. So, at most 4 months to max out every available stat for this charm. After even one month you can have 70 XP, which is probably 2 attributes maxed out, or Occult + 1 attribute (dexterity or stamina for survival).
I think that's well worth it.