"And what would those traits and talents be, if you'll forgive me for being so forward?" Isabeau asks, beginning to lean forward in her bed.
If Kyubey was there and could have PTSD flashbacks, he would be having one right now.
It's funny how what was originally a statement made just to commit to the act melds into something more honest. People are better off when they have somebody to speak to, to feel like they're heard by. Humans are social animals; they function best when close with one another. Even someone like Binah can find a better place in life with just a little bit of assistance and some healthy relationships.
Finally, X sees it! That her nature is not the horrible tyranny she fears and that she can live as an Abno...
Of course, that only applies to humans and beings that think like humans. Abnormalities like yourself or the Adult are another story.
*Scream in frustration*
"my children are all precious to me. All things I posses are treasured, and a mother's children are her greatest treasures of all."
Isabeau hardly reacts to her daughter's entrance, not so much as looking at her.
Something tells me X would have caught how untrue that first one is even without the emotion sense.
When Isabeau opens her hand, something sits in her palm. Butterfly wings the color of the sunset blossom out like the petals of a flower from a single glassy pink eye that looks exactly like Kyubey's. Isabeau tossed the Familiar to the ground, letting it land at the side of the bed. Spidery skeletal limbs sprout at random from between the nameless thing's petals, and it rises to its full height around your waist. The Familiar reaches out to grasp a cup of tea before making its way over to you, presenting the cup as one would a treasured gift.
In another thread, a certain *definitely not a witch* is seeing this and telling: "Wait, she gets to make Familiars willy nilly but everytime part of me tries to think on ho to do it there is another big one that begin rambling about how *they could destroy the universe* or *We can't be sure they won't make us despair*? Not fair!"
You wonder what exactly she means by maid staff, given Kyubey apparently actually did something that prevented her from making more.
Don't ask, you won't like the answer...
You ask, drawing a genuine laugh from Isabeau.
Annnnnddddd she just did, well, mention of brainwashing are just what X needed to go through the day....
Especially since any one of the four seem the type willing to die to make a point in the right circumstances. This is going to blow up in the Adult's face, and if you play your cards right you can decide when.
I think that is an accurate statement of what The Adult is, she makes plans, these plans can be very successful until she gets over her head one way or another and suddenly, she's a pumpkin.
"They said that too." Minou admits with a sigh. Lapin, maybe?
Ayin in the background: "Yeah, Lapin, totally Lapin."
[] Training/Experimentation
-[] With what?
Can we use the birds we have to trace the Long bird? That's actually something I am wondering if we should try, having the mere possibility of the Apocalypse Bird coming to her door would make interesting things to the Adult's tension, I think.
- There's an inconsistency between Argalia and the other people the Adult has brought back to life. A little study should be enough to reveal what it is, and maybe even trace the source.
I'll be working on the tracks.
*Make choo-choo noises*.
I think we should ask Kyubey about Isabeau before we do anything. As things stand I don't see why X should help her kids 'help' her.
I can already tell you Kyubey's answer: "Lies, lies, and even more lies"
Why would he help us on this one? He consider Isabeau a liability, every single one of his answers will work on making sure we won't ally with her, and nothing he will say will be possible to trust any farther than it can be thrown... by an ant.