If forced to choose, forcing Red Court into a war with Fomor is a far greater strategic win than getting some (very arguably) good PR with White Council. It brings less heat to us, it damages more of our enemies, and stronger still, and it uses a unique situation in a more productive and efficient way.
We'll get good PR from our constructive contributions, i.e. weapon and equipment sales from the courts, and perhaps custom orders. We can forego a little bit of addition goodwill if we can pit two of our great enemies against each other.
We lack the ability to do any of that.
We dont know what Fomor magic typically looks like.
Rhys the Ragged looked physically nothing like a Fomor cantrev-lord from canon, and he barely used magic.
A sample size of one is insufficient to generalize to an entire society.
And even if we hid our personal involvement? We would still lack the ability to force the Red Court to go to war with the Fomor.
If by some miracle they thought the assassination was the fault of the Fomor, the ball would be in their court to choose to take military action. If they declined to act, it ends there. If they put off acting for ten or fifty years, it does us no good.
And frankly, our ability to keep information leaking out of the White Council is nonexistent.
Remember that we havent seen a Fomor yet.
We've seen human Pathfinder minions, and whatever the fuck the fomorach Rhys the Ragged was supposed to be. Fomor cantrev lords are very tall humanoids, and have features resembling frog men. We havent even seen any of their trusted human servitors.
You are overestimating from how away far Molly is detectable and identifiable, even in Shintai. Again. Hundreds of miles is overestimating by orders of magnitude. If it was so, Dresden would have felt our shintai activation when we were in Cleveland. Frankly, I am tired of this. @DragonParadox could you please clarify - what is the distance (in general terms) from which Molly's power is identifiable.
At most, local spirits will feel that a foul and great power attacked the plane amidst a conjured storm.
1) We only activated shintai in Cleveland in the shielded basement of the nursing home.
You know, the place that was supposed to have enough warding to hide them fiddling with the prison of a not!Ishvara god-monster.
Turns out that acting outside the magical equivalent of a shielded bunker is obvious to magical senses.
2)The White Council detected Molly opening a gate in Chicago from Edinburgh, and diviners in North America dreamed dreams of the Brass Courts the same night. The Merlin could tell from Edinburgh when Mab raised a local storm in Chicago during Halloween as a distraction.
Lydia could hear Molly from across the city when she was exorcising Maeve, and Lydia does not have great magic senses.
3)Not to mention that the Fomor, who you are proposing to frame for this, have no known capability for mid-air intercepts on this scale. OR weather manipulation. They are an amphibious/aquatic nation that lives in aquatic portions of the NeverNever. Weather has never been a concern of theirs.
You're essentially trying to do the magic version of framing a Chinese warship for the destruction of a convoy in the middle of the Sahara.
4)And because they have a longtime presence in the setting and dealings with each other, the Red Court will actually know what Fomor magic looks like.
Much better than we do.
5) The Red Court know what our magic looks like.
De Leon and his Blood Packs were there in Cleveland when we dealt with Rhys the Ragged, and they had at least one sorcerer with them. The Reds will recognize our shit.
Respectfully, you are getting carried away by wishful thinking
And expecting everything else to cooperate with your wishes.
I believe that you are overestimating divination in this case. Postcognition (viewing the past) was never shown as something easily done or commonly available. Way too many plots would have been resolved if it was, even for movers and shakers of the world.
Let me count just the different forms of divination and remote surveillance we've seen in canon:
- Ulsharavas the atemporal oracular spirit in Death Masks, who is one of many, and who was able to deliver the full script of a prophecy after agents of Hell had fucked with the original message.
- Chaunzaggoroth the demon information broker from Hell in Grave Peril.
- "Lydia" the female practitioner with a gift for prophecy(Cassandra's Tears) in Grave Peril.
- Odin and his...everything in Changes.
- Rashid and his ability to view potential futures in Turn Coat.
- The Mothers and their ability to view futures in Cold Days.
- Mab's scrying in Small Favor.
- Dresden's scrying in White Night.
- Cowl's ability to scry and astral project in White Night
- Victor Sells' scrying+astral projection in Storm Front.
- Molly's psychometry/postcognition of Jessica Blanche's murder in White Night.
- Anduriel and his ability to hear shit going on in the shadows of others in Skin Game.
- All the people in Changes who suddenly started having prophetic dreams when Dresden genocided the Red Court in Changes.
Thats just the ones we see mentioned onscreen. I daresay there's stuff I dont recall, or which hasnt been mentioned in the setting yet.
This is a land that has had a major Red Court presence, if not rule, since before Cortez came to the New World.
They have had more or less a free hand to harvest choice human practitioners with useful talents from the local population for decades, if not centuries. They could even have a knockoff Little Mexico, the way Dresden has Little Chicago.
We arent pulling off an assassination of the Red King's daughter and hiding our involvement in their own backyard.
If nothing else, Seeker will troll us by making it known that he helped.
HIS reputation certainly benefits from being known as nothing to fuck with, even if your daddy is the high muckey muck of a significant supernatural state.