Green Flame Rising (Exalted vs Dresden Files)

Well, radar and weather satellites should be able to detect a mile-sized spherical storm moving at hundreds of miles an hour from pretty far away :D
I thought we would be using speed, then deploying shintai while onboard the plane. So, it would be "clear" that someone used some sort of large scale magical weapon on the plane.
The thing about being able to identify something is that you need a term of comparison, if someone with wizard level mage senses had met Molly than they would be able to tell that she is coming 10 miles away or so if they are paying attention, otherwise 'something powerful and very dark is coming'. That said Molly does not have anything that can beat dedicated post-cognition. Does the Red Court have that? Will they use it rather than trust whatever evidence you left? Molly does not know IC since she does not know the resources and the decision makers involved.
I want to roll those dice. It would probably depend on how good our evidence is, and we do have a Subterfuge excellency.
You are underestimating Dresden. He knows himself. If he thinks he will give the secret out, he will not get into the same room as Peabody. And note the second part of my plan - use the crown to learn what evidence of treachery exists. We give that information to Dresden. It allows him to answer why he torched Peabody.
Dresden accused Peabody of being a murderer and of using mind magic on the entire council to his face while surrounded by his victims, who he was relying on to contain him. Which ended in the guy dropping a mistfiend on the council and nearly killing Dresden on the council's front porch.

Not exactly filled with confidence about his planning abilities in this particular area.

He doesn't just need evidence, he needs a narrative that explains how he got it and why he was looking.

You can apparently find evidence of the ink Peabody was using in his trick with a quick search of his room. Sharing that wouldn't help Harry convince the council to actually make the search, or stop them from asking what the hell he was doing that uncovered the situation.
Well, radar and weather satellites should be able to detect a mile-sized spherical storm moving at hundreds of miles an hour from pretty far away :D
They probably wouldn't link it to us though. It would be the first time we've used that ability and plenty of people can mess with the weather.

If we had more time it'd be worth considering sending a real storm after her to confuse the issue with ours.

[X]Plan make your decisions accordingly V2
-[X] Make some Speed so you can actually catch up with the plane
-[X] Try to get some of your demons into Mexico City's Air Traffic Control Network so you can keep track of the plane and wipe out any records that reveal too much
-[X] Call on Mab not as a favor more of a heads up that a High Noble of the Red Court might soon attempt to flee though Winter's domain
-[x] Remember Red Court Antivenom at Dresden's Apartment
[X]Plan make your decisions accordingly V2
-[X] Make some Speed so you can actually catch up with the plane
-[X] Try to get some of your demons into Mexico City's Air Traffic Control Network so you can keep track of the plane and wipe out any records that reveal too much
-[X] Call on Mab not as a favor more of a heads up that a High Noble of the Red Court might soon attempt to flee though Winter's domain
-[x] Remember Red Court Antivenom at Dresden's Apartment
[X]Plan make your decisions accordingly V2
-[X] Make some Speed so you can actually catch up with the plane
-[X] Try to get some of your demons into Mexico City's Air Traffic Control Network so you can keep track of the plane and wipe out any records that reveal too much
-[X] Call on Mab not as a favor more of a heads up that a High Noble of the Red Court might soon attempt to flee though Winter's domain
-[x] Remember Red Court Antivenom at Dresden's Apart
Another random thought unrelated to the current concern. The main thing to drive the Neverborn to omnicidal pursuits is the sheer torment inherent to their form of existence, and the desire to free themselves from it. Freeing someone from the sheer torment inherent to their form of existence is the sort of thing that Mercy in Servitude is meant for. Surrender Oaths show that the primordial titans of creation can be bound by the exalted if they can be made to swear themselves. Infernal powers offering your greatest desire can tempt people to do a lot of things.

A chain of thought that is unlikely to be relevant anytime soon, but something to consider. Especially if the Black Court make themselves an active concern for us.
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Another random thought unrelated to the current concern. The main thing to drive the Neverborn to omnicidal pursuits is the sheer torment inherent to their form of existence, and the desire to free themselves from it. Freeing someone from the sheer torment inherent to their form of existence is the sort of thing that Mercy in Servitude is meant for. Surrender Oaths show that the primordial titans of creation can be bound by the exalted if they can be made to swear themselves. Infernal powers offering your greatest desire can tempt people to do a lot of things.

A chain of thought that is unlikely to be relevant anytime soon, but something to consider. Especially if the Black Court make themselves an active concern for us.
I am shocked by how feasible this sounds. Also feeling really dumb for not thinking of it first. But how would a neverborn even go about serving us? Also I can see them being incredibly Yandere killing anything that looks like it might possibly kill us in the future.

Also if Mercy in Servitude doesn't work the false hope springs should be able to do it.
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Another random thought unrelated to the current concern. The main thing to drive the Neverborn to omnicidal pursuits is the sheer torment inherent to their form of existence, and the desire to free themselves from it. Freeing someone from the sheer torment inherent to their form of existence is the sort of thing that Mercy in Servitude is meant for. Surrender Oaths show that the primordial titans of creation can be bound by the exalted if they can be made to swear themselves. Infernal powers offering your greatest desire can tempt people to do a lot of things.

A chain of thought that is unlikely to be relevant anytime soon, but something to consider. Especially if the Black Court make themselves an active concern for us.
I am fairly sure they woukd suffer rather than bend. They are Primordials, their pride is like one of their worst things. I am pretty sure they would rather kill creation.
I am fairly sure they woukd suffer rather than bend. They are Primordials, their pride is like one of their worst things. I am pretty sure they would rather kill creation.
If we're going full infernal about it we could just kill their fetitch over and over until their personalities collapse into something that'd accept MiS and be happy with it.

Pretty sure that spiritually lobotomizing eldritch titans until they're happy little servants generates some Greek Tragedy level narrative debt though. :V
I am fairly sure they woukd suffer rather than bend. They are Primordials, their pride is like one of their worst things. I am pretty sure they would rather kill creation.
Perhaps. The Primordials surrendered, and that's how they became the Yozi. The Neverborn are broken, they are desperate, and we would be a social exalt offering exactly what they want. We're also something that has started down the path of growing to our own version of primordialhood.
Honestly I can buy it I'm not sure any amount of pride matters for said neverborn anymore. Well at least for some of them. Their prides likely been grinded away by the untold eons since their deaths and failing to destroy creation.
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Adhoc vote count started by Goldfish on Sep 7, 2023 at 10:29 PM, finished with 93 posts and 10 votes.

  • [X]Plan make your decisions accordingly V2
    -[X] Make some Speed so you can actually catch up with the plane
    -[X] Try to get some of your demons into Mexico City's Air Traffic Control Network so you can keep track of the plane and wipe out any records that reveal too much
    -[X] Call on Mab not as a favor more of a heads up that a High Noble of the Red Court might soon attempt to flee though Winter's domain
    -[x] Remember Red Court Antivenom at Dresden's Apartment
    [X] Plan Sky False Flag
    -[X] Make some Speed so you can actually catch up with the plane
    -[X] Try to get some of your demons into Mexico City's Air Traffic Control Network so you can keep track of the plane and wipe out any records that reveal too much
    -[X] Prepare false trails to indicate that the attack was conducted by Pathfinders (or, perhaps, their Fomor masters), as a retaliation against Red Court attack on their operation in Cleveland
    [X] Plan Basic
    -[X] Try to get some of your demons into Mexico City's Air Traffic Control Network so you can keep track of the plane and wipe out any records that reveal too much
    -[X] According to your father the organization that is most likely to strike at the Red Court in the heart of their power is the Fellowship of Saint Giles, a gathering of those infected but not turned by the Red Court. He has some contact info for them and he should be able to smooth over a meeting. This is a chance to make allies and learn more about the enemy than corporate records show
    -[X] Get on the phone with Lara, you are sure she would like to pay the Red Court back for their meddling in the affairs of her court especially if it is just in resources and not a risk of valuable agents, but those resources could be very valuable: local contacts information about the city... someone who speaks Spanish and isn't Broken Seeker
    [X]Plan make your decisions accordingly
    -[X] Make some Speed so you can actually catch up with the plane
    -[X] Try to get some of your demons into Mexico City's Air Traffic Control Network so you can keep track of the plane and wipe out any records that reveal too much
    -[X] Call on Mab not as a favor more of a heads up that a High Noble of the Red Court might soon attempt to flee though Winter's domain
    [X] Plan: Read the dossier
    -[X] Make some Speed so you can actually catch up with the plane
    -[X] Try to get some of your demons into Mexico City's Air Traffic Control Network so you can keep track of the plane and wipe out any records that reveal too much
    -[X] Use the Dossier Broken Seeker provided for you to look into A.L.R. and discover who else is going to be on that plane
    [X]Plan holy deathtrap
    -[X] Make some Speed so you can actually catch up with the plane
    -[X] Try to get some of your demons into Mexico City's Air Traffic Control Network so you can keep track of the plane and wipe out any records that reveal too much
    -[x]Craft holy water mist to fill the air plane with.
    [X]Plan make your decisions accordingly V2
    -[X] Make some Speed so you can actually catch up with the plane
    -[X] Try to get some of your demons into Mexico City's Air Traffic Control Network so you can keep track of the plane and wipe out any records that reveal too much
    -[X] Call on Mab not as a favor more of a heads up that a High Noble of the Red Court might soon attempt to flee though Winter's domain
    -[x] Remember Red Court Antivenom at Dresden's Apart

[X]Plan make your decisions accordingly V2
-[X] Make some Speed so you can actually catch up with the plane
-[X] Try to get some of your demons into Mexico City's Air Traffic Control Network so you can keep track of the plane and wipe out any records that reveal too much
-[X] Call on Mab not as a favor more of a heads up that a High Noble of the Red Court might soon attempt to flee though Winter's domain
-[x] Remember Red Court Antivenom at Dresden's Apartment
Yeah, that works for me.


Replies in a bit
[X] Plan: Read the dossier
-[X] Make some Speed so you can actually catch up with the plane
-[X] Try to get some of your demons into Mexico City's Air Traffic Control Network so you can keep track of the plane and wipe out any records that reveal too much
-[X] Use the Dossier Broken Seeker provided for you to look into A.L.R. and discover who else is going to be on that plane
The Outsider angle could be our in to exposing Peabody though. We killed an outsider and encountered another agent of this specific entity that same night.

All we need to do is reverse engineer a plausible way to have theoretically made that connection while running down outsider bullshit to make it look legitimate enough that they'll be inclined to check the guy out. It's not all the traitors, but it's the most dangerous one active right now.
About the angle, we have not killed Vito Malvora yet, the other servant of Ashraaaf.

We did tell Lara about him being a puppet, but we don't know if and how she has acted on that.

We could use the angle of "interrogated and investigated another servant of the enemy and found connections" to start pointing at Peabody.
We would have to work further with Lara, but it should be possible.
I feel surprised that no one is feeling ambitious in trying to pit our enemies against each other.

The Outsider angle could be our in to exposing Peabody though. We killed an outsider and encountered another agent of this specific entity that same night.
We could use the angle of "interrogated and investigated another servant of the enemy and found connections" to start pointing at Peabody.
We would have to work further with Lara, but it should be possible.
Once we kill and MiM Ortega, "I killed the daughter of Red King, and then tortured some of her secrets out of her spirit before consuming it entirely" is a valid explanation.
I feel surprised that no one is feeling ambitious in trying to pit our enemies against each other.

Once we kill and MiM Ortega, "I killed the daughter of Red King, and then tortured some of her secrets out of her spirit before consuming it entirely" is a valid explanation.
Direct lies are probably a bad idea indirect ones are probably fine. Like using her corpse for a question and saying we got the info from Malvora with magic.
I feel surprised that no one is feeling ambitious in trying to pit our enemies against each other.

Once we kill and MiM Ortega, "I killed the daughter of Red King, and then tortured some of her secrets out of her spirit before consuming it entirely" is a valid explanation.
I guess?

THe problem is that Peabody is presumably not working for or with the Red Court, so any follow-up might show that lie.
Meanwhile Vito really does serve the same master and we can truthfully say that we only found out what Peabody is up to by making that connection.
I mean, the moment we are actually in Peabody's presence we can just claim to be able to perceive corruption of an Outsider in him, and that would be true, because Hellscry Chakra.