Green Flame Rising (Exalted vs Dresden Files)

You're underselling the problem because you're impatient and want to start the cool crafting stuff as soon as possible.

8 dice using ancient artifact by a head of a white court house who sold their soul to Outsiders. Rolled against difficulty 7, and normally people count 1s as negating successes.

I couldn't easily find other roll records. What kind of dice pools are you expecting our enemies to have for the opposing rolls? Let's try and math this out. Because yes, I want crafting a lot, not just because we have several things to use it for, but because I personally like it. But I can be wrong. So let's try to calculate risks.
On short notice and for a 1 dot splendor? Iron. Or Uranium. Possibly our blood. It's the basest of the simplest of splendors. Maybe the remains of coffee/tea drank by archangel Uriel
Even a one dot splendor needs a sacrifice to make, it can just be a powerful monster instead of something like a Naagoloshi or elder vamp:

• A formidable monster: The Exalt may capture the departing supernatural essence, and possibly even the soul, of a monster in the moment of its death. In order to do so, the monster must be truly destroyed (as with Ghost-Eating Technique in the case of spirits that can later reform themselves, and the like), not just temporarily defeated or dispersed. Only powerful monsters are suitable for this purpose, such as elder vampires, veteran werewolves, master magicians, and the like. This can produce a Splendor rated one or two dots, depending on the Storyteller's evaluation of how powerful the monster was. In the case of legendarily formidable foes, such as a Methuselah vampire or godlike spirit, a three-dot Splendor can be forged.
This is the only means by which Lunars can create new Splendors.
How often are we seeing shaping attacks that we barely scrape by? Honest question, because I don't remember them being as frequent as you seem to recall.

And, again, non-perfect defenses are a thing.
We have a single defense option other than this one, which is a counterspelling pool of 8 dice against a variable DC that we need to roll better than our opponent on to succeed.

I listed them out early up thread, but we've seen them around once per notable event, getting stronger with each encounter. We only needed to tank two of them so far, but that isn't something to bet on.

We don't have the rolls for it, but our whole fight with the walker came down to if we could roll better than it using a 9 dice pool against whatever it could bring with it.

The odds of always winning that gamble aren't very good.
We are always relying on dice, that's how the game mechanics work. And 7 counter dice with dc adjusters is not "hoping the enemy is not very good at shaping". Shaping effects seem to be rare, and large numbers of dice are also rare.
The problem is that without a charm it will be opposed roll, with it – it will need only one success, so it's autowin for Molly.

Are you planning to fight a 3rd circle equivalent next morning?
Yes, the presence of the Lord of Outer Night isn't unreasonable, when a new Yama King with a naagloshii are trying to kill the daughter of the Red King on their territory.

am not. Kingdom gives us resources, specialists, help. But we are an Exalt, and mortals can only dream of matching our excellence. The argument is not that we can't give Daniel magical pistols and power armor. It's that he is I portent enough to us that giving him more is valuable, especially if he wants to fight alongside us.
And Daniel is not the only reason for CXoP, even if the most significant one.
Yes, and the "mundane" magical pistol and armour can stop Daniel from rushed decisions, before we will be able acquire CCoP. I'm not trying to destroy your fun, I am just questioning your priorities.
Opportunity cost.

We dont need Craft 5 right now; we're not yet trying to build greater Wonders and the like, if for no other reason than the fact that we probably dont have the raw materials to do so. For lesser artifacts, Craft 3 works just fine; Molly already rolls a 18 dice Craft pool given Without Honor and a 2-dice stunt; add any assistants and it balloons further.

The 7XP required to max out Craft is better employed filling in our other vulnerabilities, of which there are multiple.
Dont over-commit.

Hmmm, point.
I am now ok with either plan.

[X] Plan Vulcan
[X] Plan Forge Empress
8 dice using ancient artifact by a head of a white court house who sold their soul to Outsiders. Rolled against difficulty 7, and normally people count 1s as negating successes.

I couldn't easily find other roll records. What kind of dice pools are you expecting our enemies to have for the opposing rolls? Let's try and math this out. Because yes, I want crafting a lot, not just because we have several things to use it for, but because I personally like it. But I can be wrong. So let's try to calculate risks.
Look at those dice pools; he runs in with whatever he has on hand and puts us in a situation where we both roll 8 dice - if he wins we die and if we win we get to keep fighting him. He did that while we were actively stabbing him in the face.

That should say everything that needs to be said about the risks here, that was entirely down to random chance.

Bringing in a splendor does tilt things our way, but I see no reason why a better prepared enemy can't do better on their casting rolls. A proper specialist playing ritual games should really be throwing around a lot more dice than that.
Lots of paranoia over nothing we have a world of advanced magictech. We can pick up a dozen anti curse talismans off a store self.
I doubt that we're going to find off the shelf items that stand up to the rigors of high level combat.

If anti magic items were that effective magic wouldn't be as big a problem as it is. Being able to bounce this sort of thing off their chins is one of those things exalts are good at that everyone else has to make an outsized effort to match.

Seriously, do you ever want to be rolling equal or near equal dice pools when gambling on game over? All it'd take is a little bad luck to turn a fight we should by all rights win into one where we get the Theion special and are stuffed up our own ass.

Even if we had twice the dice pool, which is implausible, we'd still be at risk. The odds we don't get at least one success on the EIPP are dramatically lower.

It doesn't matter if we can mostly cope with the little league stuff, though again right now a moderately bad success gradient could let them hit us, the guys coming after us going forward are going to be bringing the big guns.
Where are you all getting the rules for Exalted crafting anyways? I have the Revised ExWOD and I can't find any of the rules for making Splendours anywhere.
Can someone of the other antishaping charms votes come to add his own to the one Who is winning pls?? We are loosing by one vote
Adhoc vote count started by Yzarc on Aug 25, 2023 at 9:25 AM, finished with 202 posts and 33 votes.
Adhoc vote count started by Yzarc on Aug 25, 2023 at 9:25 AM, finished with 202 posts and 33 votes.
Something isn't right, Strayed voted for Plan Justified Paranoia. Probably tally hasn't counted the vote yet.
Edit: He is there, my mistake, sorry.
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Votes tied.

If you are voting only for Vulcan and Shaping Defense, you may want to approval vote as both Vulcan and the other option are not winning.

The tie is between Forge Empress and Paranoya.
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[X] Plan Justified Paranoia
-[X] Molly, 22 XP
--[X] Ego-Infused Pattern Primacy: 20 XP
--[X] Banked XP: 2xp

-[X] Lydia, 9 XP
--[X] Impervious Skin of Stone Meditation (••) 6 xp
--[X] Acute Senses 1 Merit: 3xp
-[X] Set The King and the Kingdom: The Thousand and First Hell as the signature charm

Changing my vote, then.
I am 70% sure that primodials could have arbitrary amount of third circle souls

Around ten plus or minus 3 (so 7 to 13) is what I saw for the immense majority of number of third circles.

Also, giving an example of 17th soul of Oramus seems like it isn't a very good indication of the norm, what with him being entirely based around *what are those rules you speak of? I don't follow no rules!*.

SGI right now does have the issue that you would be introducing Michael and Charity to the concept that they might have more daughters-who-are-Molly after the notion that she is the head of a theocracy 5 billion strong that lives in her soul. Not saying you have to make decisions based on that, but it is something to consider at least.

Sorry, all I am hearing is *buy that charm, you'll see, it'll be hilarious, with the bonus that you will introduce it right in front of Uriel!*

Is that what you said? Y/N


Let me help then:

[x] Yog

Broken seeker told us he would contact us tomorrow, and he spent quite a long time preparing for us, we are not fighting tomorrow, so the shaping defenses can wait.
A situation where your sibling must obey you or be cast into Hell is absolutely toxic for sibling relations.
I mean, c'mon.
Is that a thing? Because that changes things.
Grant a wish then then tell them "Don't say the word grabblefraster for a year and a day if you do you will instantly be sent to a hospital in my kingdom"

We we talking about it not long ago QM brought it up.
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