Green Flame Rising (Exalted vs Dresden Files)

The delivery was caused by a instance of Free Will being invoked in a way that did not disqualify someone from holding the sword, but did mean he could not carry it around at the moment. Uriel may have taken advantage of that to have a conversation.
I wonder if it's the "Outside Fate" bit or the "Inside a soul with Free Will where every displacement of air is affecting that soul" bit that excluded the angel-in-a-sword from being allowed to enter

who also have souls, who also are their own beings, and there are millions of them, named the first circle demons,
I thought first circle demons were NOT part of the soul hierarchy but instead were crafted as living tools (and/or by accident in some cases)
False dichotomy!
There was always the option of doing something else, like the path of becoming Sorcerer Supreme, or expanding one's native Martial Arts tree indefinitely (Solar Hero Style showed the way and got seriously bloated), or taking deep-but-not-capstone charms from multiple Yozis and going on a cruise to shake down more Yozis to open their charmsets, etc.
I meant more 'Two options that bring the main character to something other then being an exalted'. There are plenty of paths to be godlike BS AS an exalted, but those are the two paths to becoming something different the 'just' a high level exalt with a ton of powerful skills and charms.


As for alternate places that fit vaguely with Molly's themes - Rooms with 5 walls, Underground Passageways, Underneath a color tinted artificial light, Places where Nature Meets Civilization, Crossroads with at least 4 directions (Center + 4 is 5)

Underground Passageways would include last station as, well, an underground transit station. Underneath Colored Lights would also keep a lot of clubs open, and a lot of stranger ones too. Nature Meets Civilization would include borders of city and forest, inner city parks, and any man man structure alone in nature. Crossroads works at literally any 4 way street intersection. 5 walled rooms was just thrown in for funnies, they aren't very common after all.
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Vote closed.
Adhoc vote count started by DragonParadox on Aug 24, 2023 at 2:21 PM, finished with 84 posts and 17 votes.
Vote closed.
Adhoc vote count started by DragonParadox on Aug 24, 2023 at 2:21 PM, finished with 84 posts and 17 votes.
Say, how much xp did we earn?

I am asking because I am going off line soon and want to propose my vote.
The examples given are being covered in blood or hearing the sound of screaming. But they don't say what type of blood or the kind of screaming really any music that Molly likes should be enough even if she hums it herself. Just like the examples work with cutting yourself or screaming.
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The examples given are being covered in blood or hearing the sound of screaming. But they don't say what type of blood or the kind of screaming really any music that Molly likes should be enough even if she hums it herself. Just like the examples work with cutting yourself or screaming.
I mean, favorite song is both kinda vague and something that will probably change a dozen times a year, maybe just 'any song Molly just jams out too' would really work, as long as it fits her style.
Winning Vote
Adhoc vote count started by DragonParadox on Aug 24, 2023 at 2:21 PM, finished with 84 posts and 17 votes.
Arc 8 Post 70: On Wings of Night
On Wings of Night

18th of November 2006 A.D.

Passing from the climate controlled corridors of the Palace of Sublime Majesty back Chicago Illinois is not like opening a door it's more like rising out of a warm comfortable bath, strange as you haven't been able to have a warm batch since that day in June and also you are not pushing up, but out in every direction, or maybe none of them, like a spiral reaching for the sun that's there and not, like a memory coming into focus.

It is memory becoming song, not old and deep, nor dark and cruel not high and soaring synth symphonies, familiar as evening shadows and light they lie upon your brow.

Trying to make things work
Trying to make things right
Trying to make things work

The verses catch imagination and they hold it, like fish baited on the line and as the swaying dancers move, some to show off, some to seduce, some to unwind and lay down life's burdens and inhibitions just for an evening you wonder if there is deeper meaning in the lyrics after all, then the music answers:

Without serendipity in my life

It's just a song you like, who knows maybe that makes it a fated thing all on its own, you had seen stranger things.

"Stay still," Harry whispers urgently "I'll try to raise a veil"

"No need," you heft Iris mainframe as though it were some hollow prop festooned with repurposed Christmas lights. "We can just bullshit our way out. This is the Skull and Crossbones. I know the owner and the bouncers too!"

"From all the times she tried to get in..." Izzy starts to tease you, realizes dad is here and mercifully shuts up.

Essence is swimming in your veins, essence is thrumming in your head. It's only now that you are back on earth where the air is so thin and poor with it that you realize running errands in the palace filled your reserves as fast as if you had been swimming in bleach.

Essence now at 15/15

It does not really make sense if the inside is your soul, all the Essence in there is yours already, but then Usum's voice, slotting at the back of your mind as though he had never left whispers: "While you were gone the flame of your soul did not have to manifest a presence, a body incarnate upon this mundane plane"

"Cool, cool, cool..." It's almost funny the kind of things one is able to take in stride after delivering a speech to several billion people as their long awaited ruler.

Lost 1 Essence -> Now at 14/15 (Excellency)

You lie like you breathe and you breathe like someone who has gotten a ten ton weight of her chest. Nothing unusual here, just five people you do not remember letting though the door, none of them dressed for clubbing. It's all for a challenge you see... yes the boss knows we are here. thanks for looking the other way when we came in very convincing.

By the end you actually have Jonah the bouncer half convinced that he had let all of you in. It only takes Black Rider fifteen minutes to make it to you and fifteen more to the tunnel entrance and he can of course fit Iris in the trunk. after all he has fit things bigger than a human. torso inside before. Alien mainframe safely stowed away if not yet connected to grid or network you deliver your friends back home and Harry to his apartment frowning at a bag of reagents and a blank tablet like they are some kind of weird sandwich he is about to take a bite out of.

"Don't try to eat that you hear, it's bad for you," you giggle.

There is still a monster who wants you to be his hunting buddy out there and you owe it a very bad time indeed, somewhere in the world is the vampire who put on the hit, but for right now you are feeling fine. In fact you are feeling a little...


Arc Eight Complete

  1. Making your own headphones because you were bored at school and dealing with Rosie's Parents 1 XP
  2. Saved Doctor Jackson and discovered White Court conspirators 3 XP
  3. Dealt with the aftermath of a body in your car and a SI lieutenant interested in the Order of the Cauldron 1 XP
  4. Captured 'Ants of the Lord' without victims 2 XP
  5. Reading Vito 1 XP
  6. Public Humiliation of Charles Barrowill 2 XP
  7. Bore witness to the truth of the White King 1 XP
  8. Slew Matrigal Raith 2 XP
  9. Slew a Walker 3 XP
  10. Guard knelt to you rather than fight 1 XP
  11. Learned a title of ancient import and something of its meaning 2 XP
  12. Beating Marzhan and Alina in a race by making friends with Rodolph 1 XP
  13. Lydia looks though rites written down half a millennia ago and first performed before men learned how to forge bronze 1 XP
  14. Monoc crafting (Only the mundane elements; arcane improvements lead to Constructive convergence of principles discount below) 2 XP
  15. Made a good impression on Odin 1 XP
  16. Defeating Hank (Would have been worth 2 if you figured out how to turn him or take him prisoner alive) 1 XP
  17. Made it back to Chicago in record time 1 XP
  18. Convinced a Naagloshii to surrender his prisoners unharmed, by his metric at least and got him to turn on Arianna Ortega 4 XP
  19. Navigated Ascending your throne with grace and skill 1 XP
  20. Kept Harry and Michael from freaking out 2 XP
  21. Safely woke up Izzy and Alec without any undue side effects and procedures 1 XP
  22. Conversed with the Exarchate and the public setting up a good foundation 1 XP
  23. Persuaded Harry to keep an open mind 1 XP
Total XP: 6 (Unspent) + 36 (Earned this Arc) -20 (The King and the Kingdom, the Thousand and First Hell) = 22

How do you spent your Experience?

[] Alchemy: The Art of transmutation, not merely of matter, but mind and spirit. To all you have learned from Bob, all you have read in Harry's books the insights of an elder age are added, as steel is alloyed from charcoal and iron (Cost 3XP/Dot)

[] The Sight, birthright and peril for all who are born with a wizard's depth of understanding (Cost 13 XP Discounted by 2)
Mus study with Harry before you can make use of it

Constructive Convergence of Principles costs -5XP due to god and weapon platform crafting

[] New Ability 3xp

[] Ancient sorcery spell 10xp

[] Attribute current rating *4xp

[] Ability current rating *2xp

[] Caste Ability current rating *1xp

[] Caste or Favored Charm Charm rating *3xp

[] Other Charm Charm rating *4xp

[] Willpower current rating

[] First dot of a Sorcerer Path 4xp

[] Follow-up dots in a Sorcerer Path current rating *3xp

[]Merit current rating *4xp

[] Buy down Touch of Frost
-[] 2 XP to remove

[] Buy down Nightmares (4 XP)

[] Write in

OOC: Third update of the day, don't think I will be able to keep up quite this rate every day, but you guys should have quite a bit to debate with this much XP even after the kingdom charm.
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I wonder if it's the "Outside Fate" bit or the "Inside a soul with Free Will where every displacement of air is affecting that soul" bit that excluded the angel-in-a-sword from being allowed to enter
I think it might be more fundamental than that based on this:
Hell is the absence of God, at least that is what I am going with here, hence technically the FfCoF are a kind of hell.

Not that it's likely they couldn't have come in if they really wanted to. This sounds like Molly's world is the equivalent of a child's pillow fort with a "no boys god allowed" sign out front.

Heaven just isn't looking to ruin our game right now.
Ok, so we are about to meet Uriel. My primary criteria for what to spend EXP on is what can we use to mess with his divine head the most effectively.
Offer to grant him a wish?

[X]Plan prayers and wishes
--[x]Verdant Emptiness Endowment (•••••) 20 XP
--[X]Prayer-eating (•) 2 xp
--[X]upgrade willpower to 6 (6 Xp)
--[X] Upgrade Mentor 1 (Arawn) to 2 (2 XP)

For both the power to hear and grant prayers at a distance.
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have a fetish in Usum
If we equate Kingdom with devil-tiger charm, then I must mention that devil-tigers don't have such things as fetish-souls. Infernals are without such weakness
once again around ten per third circles, the second circles
I am 70% sure that primodials could have arbitrary amount of third circle souls, as there's mention(i think even with statblock) of 17th or 15th soul of Oramus, I don't remember right now in what book it is, probably in Malfeas book or maybe in Broken-winged Crane.
And as aside Devil-Tigers cap out at Essence + Compassion total(15 maximum)
somewhere close to ten
IIRC third circle souls all have 7 subsouls each. They even have specific titles, such as indulgent soul of [Third circle soul, Ligier f.e.]
thought first circle demons were NOT part of the soul hierarchy but instead were crafted as living tools (and/or by accident in some cases
First circle demons are created mainly by second circle souls
Ego-Infused Pattern Primacy is my number one pick.

We were warned using a spirit killer would draw attention. Sapphire Ritual of Exorcism is a really big deal. And you better believe we will be getting a ton of attention from our kingdom.
So we need to be able to tank top tier curses like they are nothing. We can't just rely on brute force dispel otherwise we are going to eventually roll bad.

Well that or Counter-Conceptual Interposition. I think it was mentioned that we could use it in a similar way in some cases.
I mean there is a write in option, what did you have in mind?
I'll try and put my thoughts together after the XP vote.
Guys, we got theme music. This was a good choice.
Also this.
Appropriate music is appropriate music. One of these days the tune Molly will use will be the Imperial March from Star Wars.
Lotta XP here.
We have enough to either grab Exalted Crafting(15xp) or a Shaping Defense(20xp).
Im leaning towards Exalted Crafting atm, because it leaves us enough XP to buy Awareness 2 as well for 5xp.

How do you spent your Essence?
For Lydia specifically, how much is the first dot of a Merit? 3xp or 4xp?
Holy sh*t. 22 Xp left. That's a hell of a lot. Ok.

[] Plan Forge Empress
-[] Molly, 22 XP
--[] Constructive Convergence of Principles, 15 XP
--[] Craft 5 dots, 7 XP (3+4)
--[] Set The King and the Kingdom: The Thousand and First Hell as the signature charm
-[] Lydia, 9 XP

--[] Quarry Revelation Technique (•••) 9 xp

With acquisition of our kingdom, we can and should reforge our equipment for a strong boost. What we can do now is leaps and bounds above what we could. I don't want to do this multiple times, so buying Craft to 5 dots, and Constructive Convergence of Principles makes sense. With this we can:
1) Hopefully finish Last Station this turn (unlikely, but might happen, we are spending 2 AP on this), capping it off with CCoP application
2) Equip Daniel next turn (we need CCoP for all the ideas)
3) Remake our own equipment and that of our companions.
4) Help establish a breach hold in the material world for our subjects.
5) Re-ward Order of Cauldron for their protection to the fullest potential.

CCoP is 15 XP. This leaves us with 7 XP. I am open to suggestions on this. I think going all in and raising Craft to 5 to get it our of the way make sense. But there can be alternatives. Alchemy to 3 dots, to gain access to magical mateirals. Seeing is Blindness for combat boost (it's a very powerful combat charm). Many options. I just wanted to concentrate.

Lydia having QRT synergies stupidly well with the Crown and also serves as a backup for Daniel's quest for power, and enables her to act more on her own, doing her own quests. But I am open to suggestions.


Plan modified

[X] Plan Forge Empress
-[X] Molly, 22 XP
--[X] Constructive Convergence of Principles, 15 XP
--[X] Craft 5 dots, 7 XP (3+4)
--[X] Set The King and the Kingdom: The Thousand and First Hell as the signature charm
-[X] Lydia, 9 XP
--[X] Impervious Skin of Stone Meditation (••) 6 xp
--[X] Acute Senses 1 Merit: 3xp
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Molly has already had too close calls with shaping/esoteric attacks, a Shaping defence is critical I think given Molly is committed to hunting and killing an Ortega and after all deals are squared away to kill the Naagloshi.
I'll try and put my thoughts together after the XP vote.

Also this.
Appropriate music is appropriate music. One of these days the tune Molly will use will be the Imperial March from Star Wars.

Lotta XP here.
We have enough to either grab Exalted Crafting(15xp) or a Shaping Defense(20xp).
Im leaning towards Exalted Crafting atm, because it leaves us enough XP to buy Awareness 2 as well for 5xp.

For Lydia specifically, how much is the first dot of a Merit? 3xp or 4xp?

Depends on the merit,many of those cannot be bought past character generation, for for things that make sense and which she could gain given who she is and what she is doing 3.
Here's the text for EIPP for anyone who hasn't checked the book:

ego-inFused pattern primaCy (•••••) Whenever the universe dares to mar the Infernal's immaculate and ideal self, she may exert her will to
reset herself to her default state of perfection.
System: Whenever the character is the subject of any supernatural power that seeks to transform, infect, taint, transport, or control her body or spirit, she may reflexively spend 1 Essence or 1 Willpower and roll Willpower against difficulty 7. Success undoes the hos- tile magic before it can finish affecting the Infernal, protecting her completely, and immunizes her against repeated attempts to exert the same sort of influence
for the rest of the scene.
Alternately, the Infernal can spend 1 Essence to
radically accelerate her healing for 24 hours. So long as she takes no strenuous activity, the Infernal heals all bashing damage or one level of lethal damage per 15 minutes of rest. An hour of rest mends one level of aggravated damage

It's our only option for a shaping defense, and the closest we've come to game over was when that knight threw a shaping effect at us. Our three die counterspelling pool from essence level was the only thing between us and whatever his Hail Mary was.

It also has a neat healing effect we can use regularly outside of that.

The charm doesn't say anything about turning off for the rest of the duration if you do something strenuous, just that it only works while you aren't. The duration wouldn't make sense the other way anyway, because almost no one would have the health boxes to benefit from it in the first place.

We can fire it up in the mornings and recover the essence before leaving home, giving us very good regeneration between combat scenes without necessarily needing to be as cut off as CSR makes us. Since they work via different mechanisms it should arguably stack with CSR for health stuff too, making it even better when we really need to clear damage.
Lydia having QRT synergies stupidly well with the Crown and also serves as a backup for Daniel's quest for power, and enables her to act more on her own, doing her own quests. But I am open to suggestions.
I didn't realize she was getting that much XP. What Lydia desperately needs is more willpower.
Depends on the merit,many of those cannot be bought past character generation, for for things that make sense and which she could gain given who she is and what she is doing 3.
The two Merits I have in mind for her are
Acute Senses 1-3 dots: -2DC to Perception rolls. 1 dot is one sense, 3 dots is all her senses.
Expert Driver 1 dot: -2 DC to driving rolls.

Right now I want her to get Acute Senses 1, either sight or hearing.
Assuming its okay with you.