Green Flame Rising (Exalted vs Dresden Files)

[x] Training Clones
-[x] Splintered Gale Incarnation -20xp
-[x] Buy down Touch of Frost
--[x] 2 XP to remove

Reminder Molly clones have a separate xp track for learning things the mortal way. And the charm gives us AP to spend on things. Bring our MA trainer into the FCFF, and have a Molly clone train under him with her full 8 AP, and in a singe turn the clone can master a MA charm just because they have more time then Molly does to spend on learning. While the other 2 clones train Path magic, and knowledge skills as well as socialize with the Hells people.

Training knowlege skill is super important as the Clones knowledge can be trasfered to Exalted Molly as discounts on dots.
[x] Training Clones
-[x] Splintered Gale Incarnation -20xp
-[x] Buy down Touch of Frost
--[x] 2 XP to remove

Reminder Molly clones have a separate xp track for learning things the mortal way. And the charm gives us AP to spend on things. Bring our MA trainer into the FCFF, and have a Molly clone train under him with her full 8 AP, and in a singe turn the clone can master a MA charm just because they have more time then Molly does to spend on learning. While the other 2 clones train Path magic, and knowledge skills as well as socialize with the Hells people.

Training knowlege skill is super important as the Clones knowledge can be trasfered to Exalted Molly as discounts on dots.
Additional AP is tempting, but the clones are a very unfortunate weak point and aren't necessarily the greatest benefit we can get right now.

Crafting presents a lot more value in terms of our ability to equip ourselves and our allies with bullshit exalted magic, while EIPP covers a critical weakness and makes us much harder to wear down as a bonus.
Ok, I'll leave my plan up for now, and go to sleep. I am open to changes in Lydia (like swapping QRT for WP 6 and Oxen Body).
Additional AP is tempting, but the clones are a very unfortunate weak point and aren't necessarily the greatest benefit we can get right now.
Thing is clones are perfectly safe in the FCFF, where they can dump their full 34 AP on training.

Exalted Molly can only spare 1 AP to learn things a turn. While the clones can dump their whole AP into learning. Even account for each AP of Exalted Molly being worth 2, the clones still learn 4 times faster then her just from having more time to train.

MA, Path magic, and Knowledge skills. They can power thou Fortune path 1 dot, and get the ablity to death curse if being captured is a concerned in a single turn. Pick up the MA strength and Dex booster in 2 turns. And what each clone learns they all learn, so really the clone charm winds up being both AP, and XP positive investment.
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Shaping Defense is a must, IMO. We've scraped by a couple of encounters where we would have been screwed without good rolls, and I don't want to keep relying on luck, not after the shit we've pulled and the attention we've garnered.
[X] Plan Vulcan
-[X] Molly: 22 XP
--[X] Constructive Convergence of Principles: 15 XP
--[X] Awareness 2: 5 XP (3+2)
--[X] Banked XP: 2xp
-[X] Lydia: 9 XP
--[X] Impervious Skin of Stone Meditation (••) 6 xp
--[X] Acute Senses 1 Merit: 3xp
-[X] Set The King and the Kingdom: The Thousand and First Hell as the signature charm

Its a choice of
  • Constructive Convergence of Principles: 15xp. Exalted Crafting charm
  • Ego-Infused Pattern Primacy: 20xp. Shaping defense

Im going with CCP because
1) It has broader applications, in everything from making armor to house gods for buildings where we want to put people
2)Its the cheaper option, which allows us to use the saved XP to buy dots of Awareness, which improves her ability to notice supernatural threats.

Also, CCP allows us to do something about Lydia's armor situation; she is worryingly fragile for being in the general area of the sort of threat Molly attracts, and has no lowprofile armor or magic amulet thing that she can take everywhere.
We can buy EIPP next turn.

Awareness is the notice supernatural shit passive ability. We currently have Awareness 0.
We didnt notice Hank the shapeshifter because we had no Awareness.
The naagloshii has taken an interest in us, and it and its minions use a lot of concealment magic.

Thats a hole that needs addressing fast.

Lydia is still fragile, so my primary goal is to improve her ability to survive in a fight without help.
With a naagloshii in the area and our profile rising, she needs to improve her survivability in order to remain an asset in a fight.

Impervious Skin of Stone allows her to double her Stamina for the scene, increasing her soak from 2 to 4.

Acute Senses 1 reduces the DC to Lydia's Perception rolls by -2DC for one sense, improving her ability to notice threats and avoid ambushes. We need to buy the full 3 dots eventually, but 3XP/1 dot for either sight or hearing is a good start.
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Thing is clones are perfectly safe in the FCFF, where they can dump their full 34 AP on training.

Exalted Molly can only spare 1 AP to learn things a turn. While the clones can dump their whole AP into learning. Even account for each AP of Exalted Molly being worth 2, the clones still learn 4 times faster then her just from having more time to train.

MA, Path magic, and Knowledge skills. They can power thou Fortune path 1 dot, and get the ablity to death curse if being captured is a concerned in a single turn. Pick up the MA strength and Dex booster in 2 turns. And what each clone learns they all learn, so really the clone charm winds up being both AP, and XP positive investment.

SGI right now does have the issue that you would be introducing Michael and Charity to the concept that they might have more daughters-who-are-Molly after the notion that she is the head of a theocracy 5 billion strong that lives in her soul. Not saying you have to make decisions based on that, but it is something to consider at least.
uju32's plan, but with EIPP instead of CCoP and boosted Awareness.

[X] Plan Justified Paranoia
-[X] Molly: 22 XP
--[X] Ego-Infused Pattern Primacy: 20 XP
--[X] Banked XP: 2xp
-[X] Lydia: 9 XP
--[X] Impervious Skin of Stone Meditation (••) 6 xp
--[X] Acute Senses 1 Merit: 3xp
-[X] Set The King and the Kingdom: The Thousand and First Hell as the signature charm
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That must be a Dresden Files only thing because iirc Archangels are not at the top of the totempole in Bible lore.
Im pretty sure they are?
The cherubim and seraphim have their own delineated roles, but for command of heaven's host, you're looking at the archangels.
Michael et al.

SGI right now does have the issue that you would be introducing Michael and Charity to the concept that they might have more daughters-who-are-Molly after the notion that she is the head of a theocracy 5 billion strong that lives in her soul. Not saying you have to make decisions based on that, but it is something to consider at least.
Fair point.
Also, Christmas is barely a month away.
Exalted Crafting might be appropriate to acquire in advance as a narrative choice.
[X] Plan Staying In Shape
-[X] Molly 22 exp
—[X] Ego-Infused Pattern Primacy 20 is exp
—[X] Set The King and the Kingdom: The Thousand and First Hell as the signature charm
—[X] Buy down touch of frost 2 exp
-[X] Lydia 9 exp
—[X] Unimpeded Assault of the Deathless 9 exp

UAotD for Lydia because it makes her very hard to kill unless you're using magic or enchanted weapons and red vampires tend towards clawing at you over anything more esoteric.

I'm tempted by ghost warding glyph though, it'd make it harder and more expensive to do anything directly to us for them. It's just that they don't really rely on that sort of thing very much.
Shaping defenses are important, but CCoP gives much more for its buck.
The problem is that shaping defenses give us something very important that we can't get anywhere else and have limited means to deal with otherwise.

We'd have an easier time resisting mind magic without IPM than we currently can against shaping, but I think most of us agree that walking around without maximum immunity to mental fuckery is a bad plan even if the exp could get us a more flexible active ability.

Technically Holt's direct time stuff was the first time we were threatened by this, but at the time it was manageable. In our most recent boss fight we went into the make or break it exchange for the whole thing with a three die pool.

That was before we turned into a living planet which all sorts of people will want to poke at. Magic is highly likely to be the cheat they use for this, since Molly has amply demonstrated her ability as a murder blender by this point.

I really want exalted crafting, but at this juncture it makes us more valuable and interesting without giving a good option for dealing with one of our remaining major weak points.

Thing is clones are perfectly safe in the FCFF, where they can dump their full 34 AP on training.

Exalted Molly can only spare 1 AP to learn things a turn. While the clones can dump their whole AP into learning. Even account for each AP of Exalted Molly being worth 2, the clones still learn 4 times faster then her just from having more time to train.

MA, Path magic, and Knowledge skills. They can power thou Fortune path 1 dot, and get the ablity to death curse if being captured is a concerned in a single turn. Pick up the MA strength and Dex booster in 2 turns. And what each clone learns they all learn, so really the clone charm winds up being both AP, and XP positive investment.
Do you have cites on how that will work? Cause getting that much AP to use at exalted training rates would be a problem for power bloat.

Even if it does work that way the power it could give us isn't the sort to help with a major vulnerability that is already relevant and likely to become more so as time goes on.

Approval vote

[X] Goldfish
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SGI right now does have the issue that you would be introducing Michael and Charity to the concept that they might have more daughters-who-are-Molly after the notion that she is the head of a theocracy 5 billion strong that lives in her soul. Not saying you have to make decisions based on that, but it is something to consider at least.
Best to hit them with all the surprises at once.
uju32's plan, but with EIPP instead of CCoP and boosted Awareness.

[X] Plan Justified Paranoia
-[X] Molly: 22 XP
--[X] Ego-Infused Pattern Primacy: 20 XP
--[X] Banked XP: 2xp
-[X] Lydia: 9 XP
--[X] Impervious Skin of Stone Meditation (••) 6 xp
--[X] Acute Senses 1 Merit: 3xp
-[X] Set The King and the Kingdom: The Thousand and First Hell as the signature charm
*points at Hank following us*
We have Awareness 0. That kinda thing has already bitten us once, and with the naagloshii taking an interest in us, and its known use of veils and concealment magic, we need to up our passive game.

People have been complaining about this during the last XP vote; I recall @Yzarc making a point of it IIRC.

UAotD for Lydia because it makes her very hard to kill unless you're using magic or enchanted weapons and red vampires tend towards clawing at you over anything more esoteric.
Given as magic and enchanted shit is very much in play, I dont really think its an immediate priority for her.
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[X] Plan Vulcan

a lack of awareness kept biting us several times already.
Fix it.

[X] Plan Forge Empress
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*points at Hank following us*
We have Awareness 0. That kinda thing has already bitten us once.
People have been complaining about this during the last XP vote; I recall @Yzarc making a point of it IIRC.

Given as magic and enchanted shit is very much in play, I dont really think its an immediate priority for her.
I think I argued for increased Awareness and Perception more than anyone on our last XP buy. I would like more of both, but we've done too much shit to draw the attention of heavy hitters with all kinds of esoteric powers. Shaping Defense just doesn't seem optional at this point.
Given as magic and enchanted shit is very much in play, I dont really think its an immediate priority for her.
Properly enchanted stuff is rare in the DF. I doubt vampire claws count either, when they're not spending blood points for damage enhancement anyway. Not many of them can actually do that, which makes she dramatically more survivable against mook spam. The red court loves mook spam, so it's relevant.
Also we can just make some anti magical defences with the crafting charms surely.
It's unlikely to be as good as the charm, because replacing 20 exp of exalted bullshit with something better we just made would end ridiculous, and this stuff takes resources to make that we can't exactly order from our hell.

The sort of stuff Molly needs to worry about is pretty high tier; outer knights gambling their souls on a magic trick, the best curse of a demigod of torture, ritual magic from the red court meant to kill senior council members. Stuff that's strong enough that trusting a lesser defense is still very risky.
It's unlikely to be as good as the charm, because replacing 20 exp of exalted bullshit with something better we just made would end ridiculous, and this stuff takes resources to make that we can't exactly order from our hell.

The sort of stuff Molly needs to worry about is pretty high tier; outer knights gambling their souls on a magic trick, the best curse of a demigod of torture, ritual magic from the red court meant to kill senior council members. Stuff that's strong enough that trusting a lesser defense is still very risky.
Sure but it should be able to stop them or at least blunt the damage.
If the current trend holds that we need to spend AP to craft how many items do you expect us to make?
As many as needed.