I'm concerned that deceptions like adding illusions to a book that others could've read or will read later may erode Sol's credibility, already a scarce and very valuable resource. Technical truths mitigate this, but people tend not to be amused by technical truths should they come to light. Who's to say Penelope doesn't have the rudiments of Justice already, similar to Solomon? What if others ask to borrow the book? Will the illusion persist outside of his presence? Obviously it's better than throwing up a neon sign saying 'please shoot me before I become invincible', but there are still pitfalls.
Well, Sol doesn't beilive people going to act on his predictions. And players are not sure, if weakness to Fate includes hard time breaking predictions he makes. Cassandra curse of sorts.
[X] Write In: Path of Least Resistance

This is fine, although I don't see a particular reason why we can't just tell them normally. With our blatant display of prediction mere hours ago it shouldn't be a stretch for them to just believe us.
What if others ask to borrow the book?
Solomon can just... refuse? It's his, and was brought as a bargaining chip in the first place. Unless they offer him something worth it, he wouldn't normally give it away; the same thing isn't less valid just because he's deceiving about its contents.
The possibility of other having already read it or reading it later Is a problem, though.
Who's to say Penelope doesn't have the rudiments of Justice already, similar to Solomon?
This in particular, though, seems pretty avoidable if Solomon is coming with them to give the warning when things come up rather than in advance. He just needs to order his statements correctly: start by describing the scam. If Penelope has lie-detection, she'll know he's telling the truth or at least believes it; if she doesn't, she'll probably ask for his source. Reply that he's just that smart(because she might ask for the source even with lie-detection); If she accepts that answer, no problem. If she doesn't, she doesn't have a lie-detector, because it's seriously the whole truth; it's also the kind of answer you can very easily walk back as humorous bravado and say 'no but actually it's in this book', now that she has revealed she does not have lie-detection.
(This specific plan runs into some trouble if Penelope has lie-detection and doesn't know it until it twinges from a lie and only gained it after the most-recent pre-this lie. If Solomon seriously doesn't know if Penelope has lie-detection, he can probe for that first by handling the explanation-for-predicting-the-Educator he promised earlier in a way that involves some lie without actually implying he's bad for the lie- perhaps by explaining 'nobody listens to my predictions' intentionally-omitting-the-one-person-who-does and then, if suitably pressed, clarifying '-except one person'.)
I'm concerned that deceptions like adding illusions to a book that others could've read or will read later may erode Sol's credibility, already a scarce and very valuable resource. Technical truths mitigate this, but people tend not to be amused by technical truths should they come to light. Who's to say Penelope doesn't have the rudiments of Justice already, similar to Solomon? What if others ask to borrow the book? Will the illusion persist outside of his presence? Obviously it's better than throwing up a neon sign saying 'please shoot me before I become invincible', but there are still pitfalls.

Just invest in making the illusion permanent. How much more difficult could that be? In the meantime if people ask for it just apply the illusion again. If someone already read it just say it's a new edition and change the date to be more recent. Regardless, as long as we get through this scenario with people believing us, we can handle the fallout after. Just say "you wouldn't have believed me otherwise" and shrug and do the vague seer bit.
This is fine, although I don't see a particular reason why we can't just tell them normally. With our blatant display of prediction mere hours ago it shouldn't be a stretch for them to just believe us.
Solomon is cursed so nobody believes him. It's blatantly supernatural, just like his Predictions are. That might be in remission; but if it is, we likely have the King Of Magi's weakness to Fate providing a similar restriction.
In this case he can tell them about this curse. If the prediction still going to be true, because they didn't listen anyway - they get proof of it still working and being true. Impossible to ignore such fact, I belive.
In this case he can tell them about this curse. If the prediction still going to be true, because they didn't listen anyway - they get proof of it still working and being true. Impossible to ignore such fact, I belive.
Ah, but you fail to consider that insofar as he is still cursed, they can just brush it off anyway. watch, it's very simple:
"I, solomon, predict you will get scammed into telling some upperclassman the whole class's roles, which they will sell to the highest bidder, but you won't believe me because I am cursed."
"haha funny joke I would never get scammed, bye."
"Well, at least don't mention me at all"
(in the distance) "sure whatever"
"hey new student, wassup I got Role Advice for you what's your role and also that of the entire class"
"okay, my role is chariot and I wanna (...) and that's penelope's deal, and lastly-"(wait sol had some hangup or whatever, well I have honor) "-there's our teacher who's the fortune teller."
"Okay, here is a bunch of totally legitimate role advice and I am definitely not not selling your information later."
"Cool beans"
"Hey remember when I predicted you would get scammed by an upperclassman and wouldn't believe me and then that happened? well, now I'm predicting that if you jump off that cliff you'll regret it cuz there are deadly snakes at the bottom."
"Psht. Just because you made a joke and turned out to be right one time doesn't mean there are deadly snakes at the bottom."
"welp. third try's the charm. remember the scam and the snakes incident-"
"We do not speak of the snakes incident."
"too bad. now I think that tomorrow, after the 999th lesson any member of our Class has recieved from the Educator counting role selection, the Metaphysicist is going to barge in as the 1000th Tarot Trump, using our Class as his way back to Earth, if we don't stop him."
"Jeez, where do you get these ideas? That's totally ridiculous, the Megaphysicist's been gone for over five years!"
"But I was right the last two times."
"Yeah sure whatever you got lucky about social psychology and some reptiles, but this is ridiculous! There's only 22 Trumps in Tarot in the first place."
"Do you not have basic pattern recognition?"
"Look, I get you're trying to convince me to believe you, but you need more believable claims in whatever scam you're running."
"I am the Metaphysicist, the most illustrious student of the Educator, summa cum laude. I've returned here to enroll for a brief course on Tarot as the 1000th Trump, as I graduated without completing my full tri-year allotment. If there are no objections?"
"I told you so."
"so you got lucky again, so what?"
"do I hear you correctly? One upon your number predicted my return?"
"Yeah, Solomon."
Solomon and the Metaphysicist stare at each other for ten seconds, realize their exact respective opinions on philosophy and the spaces where they agree and disagree, and then come to a simultaneous conclusion that they hate each other.
"Hn." (Both)
-Also that they won't actually see any evidence he was right. the scam is usually deduced at some point during a class's Second year; in the first year, they just get scammed.
We can always ask to promise something in case the prediction comes true. If that doesn't work, then the curse is affecting the ability to reason of those around us. This means that it can somehow be used to control others to achieve absolutely inevitable results. We just need to make a prediction and that's it - it will definitely happen, it will turn into an inevitability, but into an inevitability known to us. We cannot really manipulate the results, but would know the ending for sure. No more fear of unknown, we can just relax. Because people don't really have free will, ability to change or act by themself. This is all just an already written story.

I do not think, this is the case. However, the only way to know for sure - test it. See, if curse lifted or not. Or at least get the idea, if predictions are fickle, if wording matters... Experiment is the only way to know for sure.​

And if we caught on lie - tell them about curse and give examples, of how it can twist other people wills to achieve results of prediction and make them not take it seriously. If they are reasonable, they would see it. We also can tell, that the reason for our actions contains an infohazard, which would affect thier ability to reason, if we told them. And this would be true.​

Edit: Also, we can tell info without telling its a prediction. Just share a random thought that might be helpful. Say: "Do you think something like this possible?"
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The book is a sleight of hand trick. We are fully taking on the role of a trickster magician, knowing our words are cursed to never be taken seriously. Instead of warning them directly, we guide them by presenting knowledge in other forms. Whether or not they find out later is irrelevant, the trick is all about getting them to listen to you right now. It's Sol falling into his role to thwart his curse. Using his thematic tools to sail around fate.

Assuming we get past the confrontation, are people going to be mad we used the book, or grateful we guided them true? Who knows, but Sol will have once again gotten people to heed his words. Though maybe not perfectly, he managed to predict an outcome and circumvent it.
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Stay In Bed's moderately in the lead given both its argument and vote power for now! We'll lock the vote relatively soon, within a day or so.
[] Write In: Path of Least Resistance

I want Solomon to use some magic as a flex and stop the Scammers. If he does that directly he'll get a lot of heat on his back due to being able to use magic on literally the first day which will alert everyone to the fact that Solomon is bullshit which is a double edged sword. On one hand people will respect/fear him a lot more but it also paints a target on his back due to people being aware that he's currently the strongest Enrolled in Class and that he's bullshit.

This way Solomon establishes himself as someone valuable and his first major act as an Enrolled is showing that he's resourceful and skilled while using trickery, illusions and magic. This action is extremely synergistic with the Magician.

Edit: On Discord Birdsie talked about how Deception is anathema to Solomon because his main goal is to be heard out. So I'm changing my vote.

[X] Write in: Hail Mary
[x] Orm Embar

At least give it a try and then go for enhanced sleeping.
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I'm concerned that deceptions like adding illusions to a book that others could've read or will read later may erode Sol's credibility, already a scarce and very valuable resource. Technical truths mitigate this, but people tend not to be amused by technical truths should they come to light. Who's to say Penelope doesn't have the rudiments of Justice already, similar to Solomon? What if others ask to borrow the book? Will the illusion persist outside of his presence? Obviously it's better than throwing up a neon sign saying 'please shoot me before I become invincible', but there are still pitfalls.

Is it a true deception though? This is truth that Sol wants to convey. There is no True lies here, not in the big picture and of worldly scales. No falsehood that leaves gravitas. Misdirection, in service of unveiling truth - In classic Magician fashion. Were Penelope to find out, I suspect she should also discern the true reason he would do this. To protect them and their future. Her power works by weighing hearts. If she embodies balance and fairness she will not judge us. Rather we will have her be one of the rare people who actually see Sol for who is and understand him.
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Mmk updated word of god says that going through with that write in will deepen loafers depression, since the only way he could get people to listen would be through deceit. Gonna actually switch gears here and see if I can try this.

[X] Write in: Hail Mary
-Same as Go to Sleep, but leave Harrison with these parting words. Tell him to tell Penelope this: "Don't Trust Them". Tell him he'll know when the time is right. Lean into the vague seer bullshit, likely won't work, but you never know. Maybe the secret is not to be overt about it and just give hints. Very minimal effort, but if it doesn't work we aren't impacted much at all.
Going to sleep leaves us with 65 more will than punishing scamming. It leaves Sol protected while everyone else takes a small hit to their relative power on the world stage. By contrast, going out to punish exposes Sol as a potential threat.

I think that the benefit of 65 will and a relatively stronger international position is well worth the opportunity cost of missing out on one earlier scene with Penelope.
Going to sleep leaves us with 65 more will than punishing scamming. It leaves Sol protected while everyone else takes a small hit to their relative power on the world stage. By contrast, going out to punish exposes Sol as a potential threat.

I think that the benefit of 65 will and a relatively stronger international position is well worth the opportunity cost of missing out on one earlier scene with Penelope.
And that is why the Hail Mary is good, it is literally that one line and then Orb Embar plan. The Hail Mary is just that, see if we can share the prediction and also prevent Sol from sinking further into despair by not even trying. It is very low risk, but high reward if it works. As Generic said on Discord, if it fails expected however if it succeeds Sol is shocked which would go a long way in dealing with the despair.
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The word we're looking for isn't exactly a small hit. Rather, it's an insidious one. We will save the will cost, but witness the price of inaction. Justice and Chariot shaped in ways perhaps not ideal to their self - but to serve the purposes of others.

Time for Penelope to prove her mettle, I guess. If she is worthy enough to be a protagonist she will navigate, or fail.
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