Also to ease the transition for wild talents who just discover magic. If the shows are good enough, and popular enough and get key things right (like the Laws and why they are there), I could be tied into Paranet and general effort to rake over new generation of mortal and new mortal magic users.LOL, these things practically write themselves. Seriously, though, I would support doing something like this. Not only could it be fun, but it's also a way to influence pop culture and provide a bit of ablative shielding against masquerade breaches.
Speaking of Minor Talents, while a handful of paths would be mutually exclusive between FCoF and Earth do to denizens and environment, a lot of paths would be shared as well, and with how public magic is in the Fivefold Courts they would have a HUGE amount of publicly available resources for helping minor practitioners learn their arts. Books and Videos Galore for every path even if they developed a bit different due to culture.Also to ease the transition for wild talents who just discover magic. If the shows are good enough, and popular enough and get key things right (like the Laws and why they are there), I could be tied into Paranet and general effort to rake over new generation of mortal and new mortal magic users.
Speaking of Minor Talents, while a handful of paths would be mutually exclusive between FCoF and Earth do to denizens and environment, a lot of paths would be shared as well, and with how public magic is in the Fivefold Courts they would have a HUGE amount of publicly available resources for helping minor practitioners learn their arts. Books and Videos Galore for every path even if they developed a bit different due to culture.
Also, while necromancy doesn't exist in the courts, how does the First Law of magic hold up? Is it weaker or nonexistent with the different conditions? All the other laws seem like they would stay, but the first is a strange middle zone here.
I wasn't actually thinking about airing the roommate thing in both worlds, but that could be interesting.Yeah, that works. The kingdom gets introduction to Earth in mass-media - something that explorers would want (we should also look jjto hiring someone to do more professional Earth studies courses for those who actually plan to go out), and Earth-side we get some plausible deniability / acclimatization. And "alien/outisder trying to live a nomrla life on Earth" type of comedies have been known for a long time. We're just going to do this more realistically and crush everyone with production values.
Yeah, ok, I'm up for that.
Edit: also, think of all the conventions we and ours could visit.
The red court's weaknesses are already well known because they're the classics; sunlight, holy symbols*, and fire. The situation with the black court can't easily be replicated because the black court was uniquely vulnerable due to stupid levels of minmaxing.Get some writers together from the Hell, and give them lowdown on the Red Court. And do to the Red's what happened to the blacks, make a book that details their weakness and how to take them down.
Nuke dragon brandishes a photo of Molly: "The power of the Empress compels thee!"Which means if our guys hang out in reality long enough we may eventually get to see Molly witness one of them repel reds with a holy symbol dedicated to her.![]()
That would be beautiful...Nuke dragon brandishes a photo of Molly: "The power of the Empress compels thee!"
Now burning vampire: "WHAT THE FUCK! HOW?!? WHY?!?!?"
I actually also wasn't thinking about airing the same show in both realms, my idea being that we should also make some separate shows familiarizing Courts with Earth.I wasn't actually thinking about airing the roommate thing in both worlds, but that could be interesting.
Just to flesh the idea out some more:
We could do a back and forth thing where the main cast dip into the FCF and flip the script to make it work both ways.
Start out as 100% earth with a Gurvel explorer shapeshifted into a human being someone's roommate at a small college somewhere near but not on the coast. Give the show a name with a double meaning that doesn't immediately bring to mind aliens or magic.
The first few episodes are a basic sitcom with the primary punchline of the Gurvel being a weird roommate. Stuff like cooking strange food/not understanding common ones (hotdogs chopped up on a salad, spreading pudding on toast, ect.), freaking out the first time they see the ocean, a weird fixation with over bandaging minor injuries, and stuff like that.
Eventually there's an accident or something and our main character/characters, a triple would work well for this just to get the regular cast size up, see the Gurvel slip into their natural form.
The real trick would be arranging things so that all of the weird stuff plays well to both audiences. To earthlings it just needs to be funny and offbeat, but to the FCF it'd need a thread of the familiar to hold the explorer living in a strange land feel.
Stuff like making all the weird foods they cook obvious attempts to recreate common dishes from "home" out of things you'd find in an American grocery store. That way the joke plays both ways and explores the differences in food culture.
Make a number of the early jokes like that, then after the reveal touch on them as more explicit things now that the characters are trying to learn about each other.
From that point there are two broad routes to choose from.
First is to slip into a friends style sitcom and keep that beat, but with the flair of the alien. Eventually we do some special episode/arc where the gang goes to help handle a problem in the FCF and the story reverses for a while. At which point we gradually increase the amount of time spent on the other side as both parties get used to things.
Secondly, we go urban fantasy but with a twist. Follow the sitcom routine through the opening phases, up to the point where trouble starts coming from politics or something in the FCF. Maybe a shady past catching up with our Gurvel or something.
Add some violence and intrigue, but keep the courts as the principle supernatural anything and only slowly get into the actual magic as opposed to weird tech/biology. Keep up the getting to know you stuff and the increasing amount of time spent on the other side as we go.
Work out that plot, but start slipping in hints of spookiness on the earth side. Set it up so that the climax of that plot introduces the existence of native supernaturals, which for the purposes of plot our Gurvel didn't really know about.
Then our trio goes full Buffy as the muggles with demonically possessed railguns and an increasing number of cybernetic enhancements work with an extradimensional nuke-dragon poke the local powers.
Probably a little much, and could easily get very cheesy, but it'd also be very funny.
Not sure it's a good idea to broadcast information about our hell to anyone with a TV though.
Oh, that's an interesting idea. You could tell them not to do something for a year, like avoiding saying the word banana. That works as an escape.I mean technically you can grant the True Faith merit to anyone who sincerely believes in Molly's divinity with VEE, the punishment to which is you get sent to hell... the one in which all the people who think Molly is a god already live.
Incidentally on a more serious note if you want to get someone an emergency exit from reality there is a trick you can pull:
- Give them a wish though VEE
- As your price ask them for something that can be delayed the full year like 'write this symbol on a piece of paper'
- Then when the person is in trouble and about to be killed by Denarians or something they can resolve to not do the thing you asked them in the one year time period
- This instantly damns them to hell... which in this case means teleports them to safety
Their is a difference between knowing their weakness. And knowing their weakness!!!, an epic story of heroism, faith, and valor, will allow a lot of people to suddenly be able to hit them with the Holy symbols. Because the 5+ success book, world famous book, about fighting vampires, implants the idea that is will work into their head.The red court's weaknesses are already well known because they're the classics; sunlight, holy symbols*, and fire. The situation with the black court can't easily be replicated because the black court was uniquely vulnerable due to stupid levels of minmaxing.
* Incidentally this is entirely up to the wielder's belief. Any religion or ideology works, Harry does it with a pentagram and faith in magic.
Oh, that's an interesting idea. You could tell them not to do something for a year, like avoiding saying the word banana. That works as an escape.
Michael's blood pressure isn't our primary concern here though.[X] Leave aside garb of brass and basalt and from your head dismiss the crown, a less intimidating guise for what you hope will be a friendly talk
Being a bit contrarian, but it would probably help with Michael's blood pressure to do this as Molly Carpenter instead of Queen of Brass and Ice
I was thinking more like her version of a cross, probably her caste mark if the Covenant of the empress to come doesn't have an alternative mark.Nuke dragon brandishes a photo of Molly: "The power of the Empress compels thee!"
Now burning vampire: "WHAT THE FUCK! HOW?!? WHY?!?!?"
Reds don't require true faith in the sword of the cross sense in canon though; it's a weakness they bring with them like how fire makes some creatures frenzy.I mean technically you can grant the True Faith merit to anyone who sincerely believes in Molly's divinity with VEE, the punishment to which is you get sent to hell... the one in which all the people who think Molly is a god already live.![]()
The problem with this is something we've talked about before.Their is a difference between knowing their weakness. And knowing their weakness!!!, an epic story of heroism, faith, and valor, will allow a lot of people to suddenly be able to hit them with the Holy symbols. Because the 5+ success book, world famous book, about fighting vampires, implants the idea that is will work into their head.
I figure it's one of those things that ends up hinging entirely on execution. If exceedingly well done it becomes a mainstream classic, otherwise it's a campy cult classic at best.I actually also wasn't thinking about airing the same show in both realms, my idea being that we should also make some separate shows familiarizing Courts with Earth.
But I like your idea, and I like what you wrote. It has potential. We'll get lot "the show jumped the shark when they introduced X" complaints over the whole run, but if done right it would be show avoiding stagnation and developing. Yeah, let's do this. It sounds great. And a potential start of a media empire to add to our other empires.
Better - her facebook page.Nuke dragon brandishes a photo of Molly: "The power of the Empress compels thee!"
Now burning vampire: "WHAT THE FUCK! HOW?!? WHY?!?!?"
We definitely should delegate that. Court-side we can get access to the best of the best. Earth-side we probably can spend one AP finding some talented writers (use the crown to find the objectively most talented writer, use VEE or other means, such as youth restoration to buy their loyalty). Maybe do a collaboration. Find some old very experienced and accomplished screenwriter, offer them immortality via the courts, and get them to write the show in exchange.I figure it's one of those things that ends up hinging entirely on execution. If exceedingly well done it becomes a mainstream classic, otherwise it's a campy cult classic at best.
I don't know if we have the chops to write it though, and I wouldn't want to waste exp developing them.
Maybe we could try finding people who are excellent writers on both sides and dumping inspiring ideas on them?
5 success which our Hell writers could easily get with a few tries they are max stat people with magical and demonic boosts, or Molly herself with spending 9XP on Expression is legendary. Spread over the entire world read by hundreds off millions of people. 18% of the US has read the entire Harry Potter series. with 34% having read a least one book. And we could turn out books that do better then that, 1 out if 5 people in the world reading our books. Nobody supernatural would be able to stop this, their way to much money, in production and selling these books for them to be able to stop mortal greedThe people who are going to pick thoughtfully filter out the good from the bad in existing media already have most of this sort of information, those who are going to ignore it are going to ignore it, and the ones accepting anything have little reason to buy our information over any other source.
Believing it works because it worked in that epic book your read is still belief, if just in the book.Us telling people about this won't suddenly empower them to abuse it unless they were already capable of it, and the idea of using holy symbols like this is so ingrained anyone who can is liable to try it even on things that won't care.
Even if it did the red vamps aren't so crippled by their issues that you can one neat trick them out of existence with them. Unlike black vamps, which are basically minibosses with glowing critical hit spots.
While this seems an easy thing to do, is the any consequences for non CoD being reborn through the wheel? That seems like a possible way to become a CoD tbh, even if there are no other obvious side effects.Being them to the FCF and unplug their life support. The thing that kills them is that they're too brain dead to breathe, so they come back without that problem.
People from our Hell will be completly unsuited to produce media for the American audience.5 success which our Hell writers could easily get with a few tries they are max stat people with magical and demonic boosts, or Molly herself with spending 9XP on Expression is legendary. Spread over the entire world read by hundreds off millions of people. 18% of the US has read the entire Harry Potter series. with 34% having read a least one book. And we could turn out books that do better then that, 1 out if 5 people in the world reading our books. Nobody supernatural would be able to stop this, their way to much money, in production and selling these books for them to be able to stop mortal greed
I see us masterminding an entire book series on a lot of different creatures on the night, probably based on the Knights, and their adventures over the ages, a rich wellspring heroism to draw upon.
That would make me feel more comfortable bringing people out of our hell. Should also make them more comfortable. By their standards earth is the most dangerous place that they have ever been no second chances.I mean technically you can grant the True Faith merit to anyone who sincerely believes in Molly's divinity with VEE, the punishment to which is you get sent to hell... the one in which all the people who think Molly is a god already live.
Incidentally on a more serious note if you want to get someone an emergency exit from reality there is a trick you can pull:
- Give them a wish though VEE
- As your price ask them for something that can be delayed the full year like 'write this symbol on a piece of paper'
- Then when the person is in trouble and about to be killed by Denarians or something they can resolve to not do the thing you asked them in the one year time period
- This instantly damns them to hell... which in this case means teleports them to safety
This would have been the time to say "If you ever feel like selling your soul for power I promise to give you a better deal than your other offers"Relaxing a little, even leaning back in his chair Harry: "Anyone ever tell you that you're a little too good at that? Making people see things your way?"
"Nope, they are all too busy agreeing with me," you say airily in parting. "Bye." With that and a longer, more formal farewell to the grandmaster you your father and Usum depart, leaving Clippy behind to translate.