You should have checked the mechanics before making this assertion, because your declaration is mistaken.Adhoc vote count started by Artemis1992 on Jul 13, 2023 at 2:34 AM, finished with 97 posts and 16 votes.
[X] Ignore the guards, kill that thing now
[X] Order the remaining Skavis vampires to stand down (Lets you handle the lord without distraction if it works)
-[X]Intimidation Excellency: 1m
-[X]STUNT: You are abruptly, incandescently furious. "Dont you dare put that evil on me, dead man." You snarl, addressing what tattered remnants there are of the Skavis patriarch. "This was all you." Your feet touch the ground and you begin to move towards the figure, crunching through fallen glass. "Was. Before you sacrificed your son and your soul to an Outsider." You pause midstep, and side eye the Skavis retainers, along with half the eyes in the corona of virescent fire around you. No words are spoken. None are needed.
-[x] [Stunt] Doing your best Obi-wan impression, you answer him with: "You did this to yourself." You then use one of the guards as a springboard to somersault right in the middle of them all, your aura promising death to all that approach, the eyes in it vigilant to any and all attacks they could try to send your way.
-[X] Stunt: You do not spare a word or a look at the guards while charging for the creature that their lord had become, had invited into this reality. But that does not mean they are not watched, a dozen eyes of green balefire behold each guard, driving fear into their minds and asuring you that no blade will find your back unnoticed.
-[X] Intimidation excellency
-[X] STUNT: From the confines of your soul you draw your sword, its weight adding to the dreadful beauty and majesty of your form, and with a motion fit for an empress proclaiming a stay of execution you indicate the guards to move aside. "Step aside" you whisper, and your voice carries, "Or be swept aside" you finish and start moving towards the enemy of Creation before you.
-[x] [Stunt] "You Cannot Hide. I SEE You. There Is Nothing For You Here. Only...Death." You then use one of the guards as a springboard to somersault right in the middle of them all, your aura promising death to all that approach, the eyes in it vigilant to any and all attacks they could try to send your way.
Tie between wasting an action on the guards or not.
Page 246, V20
Talking to the guards does not consume an action.V20 Chapter 5 Rules said:In most cases, speaking and conversations aren't considered actions. Although interesting developments may certainly arise from things the Kindred say to one another or to the other residents of the World of Darkness, talking is typically free in terms of game mechanics.
Furthermore, I went out of my way to avoid saying a word to the guards.
Just body language Intimidation.
1) Fair enough.I'll never do something for the reason of bonus-XP.
And every action from someone who can use 9th level disciplines is vastly more dangerous than that of 4 regular vamps.
Do note that I will remind you of this in the future

2) He has Celerity.
If he is rocking Rank 9 Disciplines in Chimestry under Outsider enhancement , he sure as hell has multiple tiers of Celerity, which translate to multiple actions each turn. Thats in addition to Potence and Fortitude.
If he has Rank 5 Celerity, he can put three of those into boosting his speed and still have 3 actions every combat turn.
My apologies for the ping, but please see my reply to Artemis above.
Because he made a material mistatement of fact about how the mechanics of the scene plays out, just before you voted.
Again, my apologies for the ping.