I know how the mechanics work. It's wasteful because we have other concerns at the moment. The cost is higher than the reward in the context of the many other things competing for the same resources in the immediate future.It isnt wasteful.
The Occult Excellency is for boosting our Hellscry Chakra. I quote:
And really, most of the time you're not allowed to just keep rerolling the same thing till you get the result you like anyway.
Supposing we can we would see more, but you haven't demonstrated that we need to know this information right now and that the specific benefit from getting the additional insight past the crown question is a critical aspect of it.
When we go inside and face Lara on her A-game with potentially dozens of interested elders of various tiers having one mote to spend before we have to trigger a flare will be a problem.
Is reading his aura a second time going to clue is in any further than a crown question would? I don't really think so. We know he's weird and potentially a problem. Either the crown tells us something specific we can work with in this context or it doesn't.
Additional insight into his mood and nature isn't without value, but the additional benefits don't outweigh the immediate issues that come from investing all but one of our concealable motes for a scene into one guy.
We have speculation that they all have because one was in the process of it, that's not the same. It's possible they were murdering random mortals they were tricked into thinking were talents for the same effect and more subtlety, committing other crimes, that the Ants were a resource stolen from another vamp recently and intended for some other purpose, or any of a dozen other options.We also have more recent text a couple updates ago that they have been using murder as an initiation rite.
So retcon.
Even if that's not the case the demonstrated uncertainty about the background means we can't just assume this AU is defaulting to canon details anywhere we can't prove a change.
Bull. The vamps themselves are here. I'd bet on each elder having a whole suite of interesting supernatural secrets on all sorts of topics. Everything from politics to deep supernatural lore to deals with various entities they've made over the centuries.Intrigue yes. Secrets less so, especially when pretty much every human minion
The white king's whole build up shouldn't be taken as a unique effort, he was just better at the same game every elder is trying to play to maximize their power.
She also knows the sight has consequences to use, so if Mab benchmarked Molly on what a mortal can do then she'd be expecting some wariness to just opening up with it.Most Dresdenverse spirits can read auras to greater or lesser extent.
Ulsharavas could read auras. Bob can read auras.
The Sight among other things, interprets auras, and Mab sure as hell knows that Molly was a wizard-tier before Exalting.
You are assuming a degree of incompetence on the part of Mab at a diplomatic meeting she called for that I find improbable.
With aura sight being common she might simply not consider it as anything particularly exposing. It's like being good at reading facial expressions, maybe she was even doing the same thing to us without our notice or ability to conceal things from her.
Mab's key issue with us has been her difficulty in placing what Molly can do since it keeps growing and changing. She had basically zero reason to believe that we could use aura sight, or more critically that Molly could do stuff like super boost it with her occult excellency and turn into the auric equivalent of a Sherlock Holmes style cold reader.
So she comes in max social but without spending the energy or focus necessary to fool a competency she wasn't aware of. Mab is good, one of the best even, but she isn't infallible.
This combination of unknowable information, competing demands for resources, and emotionally compromising flash points is the exact sort of thing that would make her slip up.
Which it's worth noting did exactly nothing to stop her from profiting handsomely from that exchange. Even with the favors she still got critical pieces back, to deal a small but lasting wound to Nemesis, a nominal reset on her relationship with Molly with the potential for future deals, and point blank observation of how Molly works.
That last bit is critical, because now that we're talking about it we actually have zero ability to defend against super senses and limited ability to detect their use. She probably was scanning at maximum sensitivity the entire time we were talking to her.
Pretty bold to call it incompetence when she succeeded beyond her likely baseline goals despite things she couldn't have been aware of flipping the table.
Edit: error
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