I would prefer if we went about preventing the Agnus Principle a different way.
The problem at this point is: *what different way?* leaving aside the fact I'm not sure it's going to lead to the child in a combatant role, searching for the best way to validate Madoka is very prone to falling to *perfect is the enemy of done* behavior, Madoka already internalized that wishing is bad, but she also has talked to Homura quite a lot and doesn't know about EGO, meaning that she can see that being a distortion leaves her coherent, and may decide to listen to Carmen in order to help.
We tried giving her a managerial role, bit between our own knowledge, controlling tendencies and the fact the Adult is not in our book, it's not helping right now (it did at first, but we're not consulting her enough).
We also already take Madoka to fights, she goes to witch hunts with Homura, currently it probably reinforce her feelings of inadequacy since she cannot help, but with an EGO, she can and she's not going to be willing to stop without one, so may as well make her more protected, Homura wouldn't let anything happen to her, but more assurance is always good.
I am still thinking that it's not going to be a simple *give the girl EGO* anyway, Binah is not the best on that, definitely not going to do it in one night, and was answering a question about alternatives on how to manifest our own EGO.