a Cold and lonely World (••)
With but a touch and an injection of enervating
Essence, the Infernal severs an individual from her place in the world.
System: The Infernal touches her target, spends 2 Essence, and roll Manipulation + Subterfuge against a difficulty of the target's Willpower. Success curses them for one day per success. The target is are alienat- ed from his own identity, from his relationships, and from the shape of his life within the world. It's diffi- cult for him to gain the attention of strangers without doing something to anger them – and everyone is now a stranger. Friends, allies, and loved ones do not recog- nize him, and no mundane effort will convince them of his true identity; even if he displays a driver's license or other such identification, they are likely to think that this stranger somehow stole their friend's ID. He is not only nobody: he is an outsider to all and sundry. If he wishes to use any sort of supernatural power to impose his will on another (such as the vampire Disci- pline of Dominate), he must first spend a Willpower point to do so. He likely loses access to several Back- grounds while the curse persists.