Those guys don't have non-humans perfectly loyals infomorph minions. There's no technocracy or any similar faction in Dresden Files. That's an unoccupied "ecological niche".
1) Perfect loyalty =/= competence.
Do recall that our cyberdevils originally come from the Wicked City, and that summoning spirits to work did not strike Leinth as special. This is not a new capability in this setting.
2)Cyberdevils are cyberdevils. Not human wageslaves.
They dont appear on a company employee sheet. Their work is not credited.
You would have a hell of a time trying to account for their presence in any sort of tech company.
3) The Throne of Heaven is not empty in this setting.
Yama Kings dont act with impunity here.
Yet, that's still what it says in the book. "Yama Kings don't participate as active and big players in the real world" is just plain wrong.
This is ExWoD/Dresden Files, not KOTE.
Even in canon Kindred of the East, its not free real estate, and Yama Kings had to worry about not just their rival Kings, but pissing off the shen and kueijin. Yama Kings have died doing that, or lost all temporal power.
Here, they also have to consider not just the Fae, but the White God and his faction agents.
They both have a lot of power in Chinese economy and eastern political world is what I am saying, which is refuting your words.
Contested influence.
And given as this is ExWoD/Dresden Files, even the level of influence here is
There is not an empty seat in Heaven, Yama Kings cannot contest without restraint, and even in the supernatural Yama Kings are by no means the top of the food chain in these parts.
Run into Mab or one of the Dragons.
Molly's training charm allows for manipulation improvement, which is important in corporate world.
For climbing up the corporate ladder inside a company.
It does not actually make you, or the company, any better at innovating Technology. Or running the said company in a modern economic framework.
I repeat: Molly does not have charms for training her minions to be better at running or working for a tech company.
I expect us to outperform them by at least an order of magnitude, easily. With nothing else but our kingdom charm, which we'd be buying anyway.
I seriously doubt this.
I suspect there are likely to be major translation issues between an advanced society of technology and magic that uses manufacturing methods well in advance of real world techniques, and a real world economy.
Their is this new thing called AI capable of doing thing a human can do only it works without pay. Molly can skip about 2 decades ahead and start pumping out AI driven stuff now. We could replace all the worlds call centers for every company with cyberdemons since we don't have to pay them.
You're serious.
You're actually out here seriously saying that large language models like Chat-GPT are going to actually do original work, and that anyone who actually has a graduate education in computer science would believe you.
That 2006-era computer microarchitecture is going to support that sort of shit.
Or that cyberdevils, who for all their loyalty are still cyberdevils that do shit like spook jaywalkers for fun, are going to man human-facing sweatshops and literally no other supernatural faction will have issues with that.
Nevermind Molly actually finding it ethical to use them that way.
I dont think this is a productive discussion to continue.